2 min readMar 30, 2018


Yup, you’re awesome — IMO, of course.

Though I’m not at all religious, like you, I accept that Source/God is. Like you, I don’t live “for salvation” (or even buy into it). Love this line: “ I will do what is right not for Salvation but because it is right.” Right on.

That doesn’t mean those who follow a religion can’t find awakening via that route. I love it that we each get to choose for ourselves, with no one legislating such things. To me, Source is more of a principle — the underlying essence of all that is — than any sort of being, sitting on a cloud or otherwise. If it’s a being, it was created — end of story.

My joy arises as I realize that Source acts/thinks/works/lives/loves through us — to the extent we allow it, align with it. We thus become, in effect, the Divine Dance of Source, the ultimate dancer & the only one present, from that perspective.

We get what we believe, as consciousness creates. We get what we allow — which is precisely how we created the current mess. Asleep at the wheel, we gave too much trust where none was deserved. It’s all good, though, as the mess is just what it takes to awaken the sleeple, the sheeple.

What I’d dearly love to see is more of humanity opening up, honestly sharing with one another just as we are — regardless of our differences — with respect & integrity. It may not change minds, but that’s not the point. The point is, as you said, that it’s right, it’s caring being expressed, fulfilling in itself.

More is accomplished by us just Being, in Heart, than all the best laid plans of mice & minds. :D





Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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