You’re so wonderful — so often I feel that, reading what you write as both articles & comments or replies. I enjoy your simple honesty, not trying to make yourself more in anyone’s eyes, just loyal to what is as you perceive that. Can’t ask for more, really. It’s the greatest gift we have for others, appreciated most by those in Heart.
YES, to the outdoor urination. Did you know, btw, that there’s also a custom of holding the seeds you’re about to plant in your mouth, bathing it in your saliva for a few minutes before planting? Similar to how the urine functions, what happens is that the plants grown from those seeds bring specific blessings & benefits for you, for your form.
Any number of organic gardeners generously share their urine & poo with their garden. Our hesitancy to do this or our shock at the idea arise largely due to our disrespect for the self, for the body & its intelligent processes. We’re the ignorant ones, lol, not our bodies! What a hoot!
You’ll enjoy the work of Andrew Norton Webber, on urine therapy, which he combines with his teaching on distilled water, which comes in a close second for beneficial uses. Some are so shocked on learning how those elsewhere in the world actually take their urine internally that they’re just not willing to go there, so distilled water is at least something they’re willing to consider.
Finally, to top the discussion off, urine is used in quite a number of pharmaceuticals. You’ll see it called urea, uric acid, urokinase... There was a great little video called Radiation-proofing Your Body — Your Urine Used in Pharmaceuticals, but it’s been taken down. Figures.
“ Pergonal, a fertility drug made from human urine, earned a reported $855 million in sales in 1992, and sales ($1400 a month per patient) have increased yearly. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a “miracle blood clot dissolver” for unblocking coronary arteries.”
As we educate ourselves to things our ancestors long knew, we’ll be that much harder to fool, to manipulate. Truth is a wonderful friend to humanity, to all life. Such a joy to be exiting The Matrix. 😆