You’re deep — I like that — & you’ve clearly done serious contemplation of this issue. At the heart of suffering we find our various Belief Systems, aka BS. The suffering is internally generated — if caused by outer circumstances, than everyone in the same circumstances would have the same response.
What’s most to the point here is that 3D is not the realm of causation, but rather the realm of effects. Consciousness is the sole creator of it all, & we, as Source-in-form, are HUGELY more powerful than we’ve been made to believe. As we take back our native power, we take responsibility for our life — all of it. We’re all joint creators, here, & consciousness is the vehicle.
I respect your “I’m sure of nothing,” sentiment in your name tag. When awakening, we go from believing we’ve got things figured out, that we know a lot of useful stuff — to realizing that we know little or nothing; from arrogance into humility. It’s wiser by far to realize we know nothing — nothing of real Truth. Only then are we open to learn, to receive what Source brings.
Just looking at Scott Santens’ profile, I see that he’s working to allieviate suffering by working in the realm of effects — of doing things in 3D to bring relief. Causation is in the realm of consciousness — we, in effect, create our pain & difficulties, usually via our beliefs that we take to be “right.”
Beliefs fall away as we awaken, so pain lessens — but never goes away completely. It’s useful to us as expanding souls, providing the needed contrast to help clarify what we want & what we don’t want. Once we know those things, our creative energies can flow through.
Like any sinewave, joy & pain, up & down, are part & parcel of 3D incarnation. Our core belief is about who we are. When we take ourselves to be the 3D form, the body-mind, we take on its limitations. When we know the self as Source-in-form, we’re unlimited.
Many get confused, here, conflating being Source-in-form with the body. As the yin/yang displays, we’re a combo of both, form & Spirit or soul. Our wisest desire is for Balance. Who would want the sun to never set — or never rise? It’s the combo in balance that is ideal, yet most don’t realize this. Many think they’re supposed to become only Light — not. We must own our dark side, too, our ability to create pain for self & others.
Our suffering is ruled strictly by our beliefs. The pain that’s a part of life here doesn’t have to power to make us suffer. Only we have that power. We’ve turned away from our Source, thinking we knew best, that we could go it alone. Ha! 😆
Not until we’ve risen above the level of any problem can we see its solution with any clarity, as Einstein said. I liken this to the move out of head & into Heart, our internal portal into the All That Is, into Source where clarity abides.
Will share a journal with you that may be helpful — What is Truth?
The truth we can know in 3D is relative truth. Everything shifts & changes with time. From Heart, however, real Truth can be known via direct experience. Humanity is at the pivotal point of awakening as we come to terms with Who we really are, Source-in-form, wearing the various costumes of our 3D incarnations.
NOTHING is what we take it to be, so as we rest in our realization that the body-mind doesn’t — & cannot — know real Truth, we’re on a good course. We gain most by what we release, the beliefs clouding our consciousness. We enable Source to be the Divine Dancer, becoming the Dance, ourselves.
Mind is not the right tool for the awakening job, so not knowing stuff is no problem, but rather an opening thru which Source can flow.
Hope this is helpful. I know it wandered from your original question, but once we find our way into Heart, then just let Heart speak, it usually works out best.
PS As the Dance of Source, right action flows through us, so we’ll find ourselves doing what is helpful along the way. It’s all about getting out of our own way to enable the Divine Dance. ;)