You’re a vet! How cool is that? Me, too, lol — & both parents & my daughter. A red, white, & blue family, I guess. Thank you for your service.
The deeper we go within the self — to the Self — the stranger we seem to others. We learn fairly quickly when to keep our mouth shut, as no one can force understanding on anyone else. They get us or they don’t, & we’re not in charge of that.
It’s so awesome to find & connect with others also awakening, loosening their ties to The Matrix, going free, not feeling bound. I live with 3 other ppl — 2 of them vets — & we’re feeling an overall rise in frequency intensifying. Once we learn to let go & just go with Heart flow, OMG — 😶
When we read or watch vids while centered in Heart, we’re much better at reading the energy — which may or may not align with the words being spoken. Folks still in The Matrix don’t often say what they truly mean — too many hang-ups & insecurities. So great, then, to encounter others like us just letting it all be whatever it will.