Your New Domain = Now

8 min readDec 14, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Do you feel the waves of Cosmic energy buffeting the earth? They’re most noticeable when we’re at ease in Heart, easier to ride into the ethers. Otherwise, they likely throw us off-balance for a bit, unsure of why. It’s amazing, how many Nows there are in a day, each one a unique opportunity to choose to feel good.

Now-Age Clock —

We have that power, that freedom to choose.

I now live a life of such freedom, one I couldn’t even imagine, earlier on. The whole Matrix thing used to get me down — well, I let it do that, granting it far more power than it has, too often focused on externals. The Matrix is anchored in us, friends, as the net woven by our beliefs. It loses all power over us when we reject it, belief by belief.

Without our beliefs, the Matrix couldn’t touch us. We’d be free, no longer oppressed, anxious, & scared. We’re recognizing that we’re the ones in charge of our lives, regaining our sovereignty as we shift our perspective on practically everything. Nothing is untouched by this, nothing remains the same, all eventually bowing to our new choices.

Humanity is awesome, is deeply beautiful, & it’s time we all recognized that. I know of nothing more awesome than a human soul. We’re weathering a serious storm, these days, but doing a better job of it than we know. You can read the energy from Heart, can sense & feel the earth & her people, the shift.

We’re lifting one another up while we’re at it.

Our stubborn determination to cut to the chase, to carve away the BS, is having powerful effects, hints of which appear every day. We have so much internal clean-up to do, each one. As we shovel out our own Aegean Stable, we’re progressively lighter, better able to ride the divine winds, if you will.

The chaos is bringing out the best in so many of us, perhaps within you — have you noticed? With the cabal in panic mode, showing their nasty cards, enabling more of us finally see through their games & refuse to play.

We get to choose.

Have you been monitoring your thoughts, noting the general direction of your particular stream? It’s on us to uplift ourselves, friends — & we CAN do it. No one forces your thoughts on you — you get to choose. No, we can’t change our direction overnight, but we don’t have to — just one Now at a time.


Life is hard, & then you die.

I just can’t get ahead.

There’s too much corruption for the good guys to win.

The entire government is corrupt.

Russia is a monster, out to get us.

I’m not worthy of success, of love, of whatever — I don’t deserve it.

Challenges are beneficial, presented for our growth.

My life is what I choose to make it.

What goes around comes around — the corrupt ones will get their due.

There are wonderful, honorable people everywhere, even in government.

Russia is a wondrous country with a real statesman as their leader.

Source-in-form is worthy.

You can practice while watching a movie, seeing your responses to it. Try choosing to really enjoy even the awkward parts. Replace any negative thoughts with another perspective. Try looking for the good stuff rather than focusing on the negative. We can stop reacting, stop judging. It’s an every-Now opportunity.

What we think, we become — Buddha —

Our attitudes shift as we adopt an uplifting approach to life. Once you can make it through a whole day being stubbornly positive, you’ll feel the effects. Make it through 3 days & you’ll know you’ve changed. You’re reversing the course of your stream, & you feel it, as life faithfully delivers the results.

As we build this uplifting momentum, we find ourselves more often carried along, often happy “for no good reason.” 😆 It gets easier as we go, which is what momentum is about.

To deliberately choose happiness & ease at every opportunity charts a new course.


Soul Family —

The Universe has many loving, helpful hands extended from other places, other dimensions, focused on us, here. We are not alone. It all relies on our choices, our intentions. When those align with Light, we have the benefit of Light Beings’ active support. Negativity pushes them away.

Free will isn’t something humanity has well understood, or we wouldn’t be looking for saviors to come do the work for us. The beings that would offer such aid could well have their own agenda. Even here on earth, we’ve fallen for pretty promises not later fulfilled. This comes from looking outside ourselves, from taking very little responsibility for anything —

from not owning our power.

When the kingdom we seek is within us & we know it, we take another approach. You might not think that just cleaning-up your own act would amount to much, overall, but that’s a nasty belief — one that overlooks your power as Source-in-form.


That power is but a potential until we clean house. Too many of our beliefs leave us vulnerable to externals, to circumstances, & to other folks. As we ditch unhelpful beliefs, those vulnerabilities vanish. It is as we align with Light, with higher frequencies, that we come to access our divine power.

There is a divine energy stream we can ride, hitching a vibrational lift into the skies. Consciousness creates, & we are that! We’ve just muddied our stream with conflicting & generally negative beliefs. What are yours? Though most beliefs are subconscious, we have our hands full just working through the conscious ones.

As we clear those we’re aware of, we make way for the others to rise & be seen. We’re riddled with so much crap when we start this cleaning-up trek that it’s daunting, yes. But oh, the lift we get upon ditching negative beliefs! It’s palpable, delivering steady expansion of awareness.

You can’t fight a hidden enemy, & you don’t know what you don’t know. This trek is how we shine a light on all of that, right where we are. What we don’t know yet is that we can’t lose. If we’re stubborn enough to persist in following our Heart, it’s only possible to gain. It’s built in, just how it works.


Claim your birthright, friends. Get stubborn about it, refusing to be held down for long. Sure, we get challenged, sometimes we let it get to us, but there’s a fresh new Now around every corner. It’s when ditching our reliance on the mind we quit referring to “how things have always been,” or to how we’ve always been. That’s mental garbage.

Look neither to the past nor to other people for your answers. Trust your own Heart to always be there, to guide you aright. As we begin to look up to ourself, we make an important shift that carries us far. We’ve been down on ourselves because we were programmed that way, not because we’re worthless, helpless, or weak.

Self-Love blossoms into Love for all.

The beliefs are at fault, again & again. Taking the upward path is challenging, but also supportive. We feel better about ourselves. We quit berating & beating ourselves up with every other thought. Now, it’s just one in 10, soon it will be one in 100. It’s all about choice, wise use of free will.

Love yourself first & always. Don’t let yourself down by setting low standards, or by performing to please others. The world around us won’t come to rights until we do the inner clean-up. Consciousness is primary, effects are secondary. We’re really in charge, here, we just didn’t understand how it works.

Even when you must part ways with those not headed in your new direction, even when people disappoint you, be sure to love & revere Source in them, if not their outer persona. We are awesomely wonderful, beautiful creators, friends — we just went off course for a few thousand years, lol. We’re righting that, now, one soul, one Now at a time.

Feel our growing momentum by spending ever more Now time in Heart. It will lift you, guaranteed. We’re reclaiming the ancient knowledge, the truth so long hidden away. We had it all wrong about almost everything, due to the lies we were fed under the guise of truth. We didn’t read the fine print. 😉

What we discover is often shocking, disconcerting, & uncomfortable. It throws us off balance for a time, but we get to choose how long. We’re much quicker on the rebound once we know certain truths. They steady us, as Heart focus does.


What truths? Primarily, that we’re Source-in-form. That’s flippin’ huge! Everything springs from that, the power, the joy, the wisdom, too. We weren’t taught true self-respect — Self-respect — but we’re fixing that. Remember, the body doesn’t contain you — you contain it. You contain the universe, all of Cosmos, as do we all. It’s funny, but you deserve your respect. 😆

Leave mind aside for this trek, as it can’t understand any of this — not a bit. Let’s Love ourselves free of this whole Matrix thing. It’s do-able by Source, Source-in-form. Nothing is impossible friends, but we’ve got to let go of our mind-addicted ways.

Remember, the one frightened by any of this is the personality, NOT you.

Actually, the persona is also the one who gets depressed, angry, anxious, upset in any way. As you persist in living from Heart, you’ll see this for yourself. You’ll watch in delight as that all fades away into the mist. When we give Source the reins in our life, we’re totally transformed, one Now at a time.

Don’t forget to enjoy!! Heart’s joy is the wind under your wings, the ever-present uplift no matter what you’re facing. Test this! Discover your power to choose being at ease in Heart a thousand times a day.

PS Remember, this isn’t about changing the externals of your life, it’s about changing YOU. Trust the externals to Source, who has other plans than any you could envision. Let the future go, along with the past, for these are the mind’s territory.

Now is your new domain.



8:40 pm, Wednesday 2017/12/13, 2nd, Mayan day 2 Flint / Etznab




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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