Your Daily Mind-Fu¢k

10 min readSep 23, 2017


12:34 pm, Saturday 2017/09/23, 1st, Mayan day 12 Earth / Caban

“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Though most of us spend our entire lives in mind — at least the bulk of them — many others are discovering that’s not who we are. There’s nothing wrong with mind, nor would we volunteer to enter a life without one — so mind is not the “problem” some make it out to be. Rather, it’s our persistent identification with mind that’s at work, creating whatever issues appear in our lives.

The awakening trek is truly akin to a roller-coaster ride, with huge ups & downs, yes — but it’s ever so much more, as well. On first undertaking the journey it’s a bit frightening. Mind is faced with being pushed to the side, eventually into the back seat, & it just doesn’t want to go — to relinquish its death-grip on the steering wheel of our life.

Oh well — poor mind

It doesn’t take long at all on this journey to get some space, some breathing room, between us & the mind. Early on, we begin to spot how we’ve actually identified with it, trusting it completely — yet, not so much, anymore. That precious distance, the simple stepping back, enables us to observe the Thinker at work.

We enter Observer mode

Only then do we begin to see what’s actually been going on. Mind cannot fix itself, no more than the surgeon can operate on herself, no more than the eye can see itself. It takes stepping away, just stepping back — simplicity, itself — nothing complex going on, here, so accessible to one & all. Nice to know — a comforting realization.

The awakening walk is one of ultimate simplicity

This is by no means easy on mind, which is ever called upon to release its hold on this or that, on whatever we’re being shown is in the way on our awakening trek. To whatever extent we’ve identified with mind, to that very extent will mind object to what’s now going on.


Where are you on this journey? Early on, mind is at its most active, blatantly trying to retain its control, its dominance over our life direction. At a certain point, however, it begins to realize that it’s been spotted — that it’s being observed.

At this point, it begins to get tricky, to sneak around that observing eye

This actually works in our favor, friends. How? It forces us to keep stepping back further, widening the gap between us & mind — which means we’re disidentifying, ever more — granting us an ever clearer view. As we retain our Heart focus, the wily mind gets foiled in its efforts, endlessly. This even becomes enjoyable.

When you enter that enjoyment, recognize it as serious progress along this trek

What happens, then? Slowly, but surely, mind begins to back off. During this phase we begin to experience something completely new, now & again — a silent mind. By this time, mind has discovered that it’s transparent to Heart. Having been thwarted in so many of its efforts, we see the energy of mind begin to wane. Mind begins to release its hold on us — begins to simply give-up.

Ah, how very refreshing is this stage. It’s a wonder — a silent mind. An empty head, so to speak, with nothing to say. We sense mind now watching us. It’s clear, now, how this was not possible during the earlier phases, where some level of mind-identification was still in place. This is where you may notice how clarity begins to arise at odd times — out of nowhere, it seems.

This clarity, over time, morphs into a Clarity that is clearly of the divine. It’s too pure, too perfect — too fricking simple to be other than divine. Yummy, to say the least. Now, that doesn’t mean others will understand what you share from this Clarity — yet you no longer feel the need for any sort of external understanding or validation. You realize that, what you’re sharing from here, is a mind-fuck for them 😆

Elements of the divine are Self-contained, complete, needing no external validation at all — quite unlike elements of mind

When walking about wrapped-up within mind, we’re largely unaware, oblivious to so much. Do you want to discover how much tension your body is currently carrying? Give your cat a belly-rub. Though I’m serious, here, it’s fine to laugh, too. 😺

It used to be that, when writing a journal, I would brook no interruptions — not the phone, the cat, the Internet — nothing. Recognizing the depth of the flow, I respected that.

Things have shifted. Now, when a cat jumps up on my lap, I stop whatever I’m doing, choosing to simply focus on the NowHere of the cat. This includes clearing (or ignoring) the mind, for a half-hearted cat-focus is still mind at work.

How many times have we heard that all things are just One — that there is no real two, anywhere? It’s one thing to hear, quite another in the direct experience. This comes on the flow of NowHere, present-moment focus. As we’re truly Present with the pet, empty of thought, we begin rubbing its belly, gently, slowly. 😸

As we stick with this, gaining comfort with our (seemingly) narrow focus, without fail we witness the body begin to release, to relax. It comes in waves. As & if we continue the massage, we begin to sense pleasure. I kid you not, there’s no way to distinguish whether the pleasure is arising from the cat or from us! There is no two, here — only One. The waves of relaxation continue to deepen the experience.

So, what is cat? What is self? Better yet, what is Self, the Oneness of That? When we remain mind-focused, identified there, we don’t have this experience. When mind-focused on something we’re writing, something we’re watching or listening to, we’re largely unaware of this underlying tension the body carries, most of the time.

This experience quite fucks* with the mind

Check it out for yourself — so very simple. Nor is this something we set out to do, to accomplish. It’s not like that at all — though we can begin to enter through that door, of course. The secret, the trick, is to let everything go. Have no expectations at all — just rub the cat. Nothing more. Simplicity, itself.

Let the experience come to you

Therein lies the beauty & the simplicity of being in Now, only Now. Nothing else. Not a thought, not a care in the world. Life does itself, as we learn to get the heck out of the way. We need not go out, seeking anything — it’s all brought to us. Strange thought — another mind-fuck.

4-dimensional graphic — Mathematica.stackexchange

We can find ourselves in deep states of relaxation, this way. Oh, how a cat knows how to just Be! Have you ever noticed that about them? If you have a stressed pet, it’s likely been asking for your attention, its requests largely going unnoticed — that’s all. Giving of yourself, of yourSelf like this, will go a long way to helping it settle down.

Stepping from Thinker into Observer mode is another mind-fuck, as detailed, above. It makes mind feel awkward as heck, eventually leading it to step back, to also relax. Once you reach the point on your journey where your mind just knows that it’s no longer in control — ah, bliss.🎶 More relaxation appears, as if out of the blue.


Don’t get stuck in Observer mode, though — that’s not an end in itself. Nothing is, on this infinite, eternal journey called Life. In or out of the body, it’s Life. When both in the body & the mind, it’s call life, sans the initial capital, & worlds apart. It’s the in-your-face difference between the map & the territory, yet again.

We each find our own unique ways into This. The daisy & the rose have little in common, yet who would be willing to sacrifice one for the other — or try to change either one? They’re both fine, as they are — & so are we, friends. It’s very much a matter of just letting go — releasing self to find & enter Self. There’s no Now in which this isn’t available. Actually, it’s available in no other way, but through the NowHere.

Thus, I highly recommend a daily mind-fuck,

however that comes to you, for remember, this is nothing we have to chase. Chasing, as well as tension, is ever the activity of mind. The real Self has nothing to chase, knowing it contains it all.


One of the best mentors for this that I’ve found is the work of Esther Hicks, bringing us Abraham-Hicks, who teaches this quite beautifully, with great simplicity.

I remember back, years ago, to my time of discovering this body of work. After following it eagerly, for a time, I began to wonder — how was it that Source would give a flip about the little things of our lives? For a while I actually backed away from it, thinking that this just couldn’t be right.

LOL. That was mind at work, but of course, yet I hadn’t yet allowed sufficient distance between mind & Self to identify it, there. Over time, as we make friends on a deeper level with just being Present, being NowHere, that distance slowly arises. My trek is clear, via the videos I used to upload, which were the journals, just in another format. They continue, here.

We eventually recognize that we’re teaching ourself, as we go — Self mentoring self, into eventual union with That. As Source-in-a-body, It comes on its own, once we set our firm intent to take this trek. All of the searching, the seeking, somehow vanish in the mist, just falling away.

Nor do we understand, at each step along the way, where we are, how we’re doing — how this all works. That all comes as we make friends with Now, enabling That to reveal ItSelf, over (seeming) time, via the Now.


Eventually, the Observer mode also fades into that mist — gone where, we don’t know. Nor do we care; at this point, the calm peace of being Present having quite taken over our journey. As long as we were in the phase that held both a Thinker & an Observer, that was two. The deeper we go into Heart, the more any sort of two just disappears. ✨

Being against anything, anyone, also goes away — again, we know not where. It just goes. In its place it leaves the Oneness of which so many speak. Heart is for everything, never against. Depending on where you are along the way, you’ll be able to see with some clarity where the Oneness speakers are, too. This is when the spiritual egos begin to stand-out like sore thumbs.

Nor is there any need to correct them — or anyone. As we merely allow, just letting go, whatever comes up through us has the feel, the thumbprint of Source — we trust That, letting it speak what & when it will. Otherwise, we maintain a serene silence, again, never being against anything we are shown.

By this point, the underlying movement of being against anything is pretty well gone, being recognized for the movements of mind that yet remain, unreleased. Not only that, we now enjoy being shown such things in the self, eager to uncover them. Only when seen can they be released.

Just like the progressive waves of relaxation referred to, above, this seeing comes in waves, too. Some things go deeper than others, so with some issues, it comes as a progressive releasing, one layer after another.

Action Art Europe —

All feeling of haste, of rushing, also falls away on our trek. We now recognize any sort of hurry as mind activity, reminding us to settle down deeper, within — back into NowHere.

This journal amounts to one big recommendation that we all get our daily mind-fuck. Where will we find it, & how? That’s not your concern, for as you sink deeply into oneness in your NowHere, your present moment, it will simply arise — it’s delivered-up, as on a silver platter, by Source. 😂

There’s no more beautiful journey than this awakening trek, friends. Its fruits are beyond magnificent — beyond any adjective in existence. Yet, of course, they must be personally experienced. These words won’t take you there. They may shine a light on the path, but that’s all. The rest is, ever & always, up to you — the next step. No one can tell you what that is — it’s your trek.



✳️ If this language bothers you, I get that. I used to be as goody-two-shoes as they come. Yet, please look to what’s being bothered, there. May I suggest that it’s mind, with its movements against?


12:34 pm, Saturday 2017/09/23, 1st, Mayan day 12 Earth / Caban

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 9/19/2017

“Every moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is. This is where the desire is radiating from you and is being allowed by you.”

Excerpted from Houston, TX on 1/5/02

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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