3 min readOct 4, 2021


You, sir, are delightfully deep. Yes, I love that you put in what I neglected to mention, that each “cell” also contains/is the Whole. The yin/yang seems to be the pattern of the Whole, at least those aspects of it in these lower dimensions.

When we’re out of/away from the 3D form — be it OBE, NDE, or whatever, we connect ever so much easier with both the Whole & its components, the seeming bits & pieces. It turns out that trees & water & plants — & even crystal & stones — are also aware, interactive, & conscious in their own way. Nothing is what we take it to be, actually. While, at first, that may be shocking or even frightening to some, it’s actually beyond awesome.

We don’t see what we don’t see; what we’re not open to. I love the way Lao Tsu puts it concerning what we think we know:

“To know that you do not know is the best.

To think you know when you do not is a disease.

Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.

The “do not know” part is the black, the void, the dark aspect of the yin/yang — the emptiness. It’s such a gift to realize that we don’t really know. It’s also a real gift to realize the Knowing is possible, is available, generally as we’re accepting the cell-ness of our outer form, not identifying with it so thoroughly.

I like your take on Christianity. Regarding ancient times, however, it’s part of the programming of evolution to believe that we started as more primitive lifeforms. Not necessarily. We came from elsewhere, many of us from Lyra while escaping the takeover of the dark beings, there. We were quite advanced & came from different areas of the star system.

As for ETs, they’re not so very strange. The Native Americans speak warmly of their Star Families. It’s our history that’s been altered & erased. Also, the overall/underall Reality is the NowHere — the eternal Present Moment. From a higher perspective, we see that we’re living all of our lifetimes just Now, just Here.

It makes not a lick of sense to the mind, but we’ve been as livestock, shepherded into living in/from the brain. That is not the route to awakening into the All In All. As we recognize ourselves as Source-in-form, we center more in the central chest, connecting with the All, with soul/spirit/Inner Being. I like to call that Heart.

All of the endless, infinite dimensions are also present NowHere. When we view the tiny Visible Spectrum next to the largness of the full spectrum we can measure, we see the limitations of the form, the body. And what we can currently measure is, of course, but a drop in the ocean of What Is — so ETs are everywhere. It just means not from this planet.

As we identify more with Who we really are, things open up. We’re both more in charge & less in charge than we realize. I’ll quit now, with apologies from going on & on. It’s fun to encounter another explorer of awareness. I see us, as humanity, as busting out of the old Matrix of beliefs & the arrogance of the mind thinking it knows so much. It’s so much fun & so relaxing to just explore.





Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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