You may have to access your “future self” for this one. One way or another, at the point we can come to accept that life does truly happen FOR us — that it’s not mindless, disconnected happenstance — a shift begins to take place.
This is where the ppl who want proof for this or that defeat themselves. Not saying you’re doing that, just an illustration. By their resistance to the topic, whatever it is, they’re blocking themselves, preventing themselves from seeing whatever it is.
Have you noticed that, even when the proof is supplied, ppl will often still refuse to accept it? Our work is internal, all of it. The external stuff is what follows from that.
That’s interesting with the penicillin thing — Self setting self up to go through it multiple times. Perhaps some deep depression entered in, the possibility of crossing over & just being done with it, here… Glad you’re still with us.
Wish I could lend more of a hand, but it likely wouldn’t help. No one can take our steps for us. The beauty is that we’ve got both internal & Soul Family guidance at hand. Learning to access them, to get out of our own way, is the trick for us all, it seems.
It’s good to know we’ll all laugh over this one day, Chris. We’re with you! I like the way Qanon says, WWG1WGA, Where We Go 1, We Go All. It’s truer than we know.