You Can’t Give what You Don’t Have

8 min readSep 10, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

We’re all searching for something — reaching out to others for some sort of fulfillment — not yet realizing that we must contain that which we seek before it will manifest in/as our external reality. Not being taught the supreme value of self — nor of Self — inside is the last place we look. Yet another backwards & upside-down thing on 3D earth.

We want love most of all, don’t we — don’t you? We’re alert as we go through our day, hoping to feel that spark, to meet or speak with someone who might fulfill our needs, our desire to simply be valued — truly loved (whether romantically or otherwise). Once we note our own external focus, we’re on the right track. What we’re not yet seeing, at that point, is that we must first be love to find it “out there.”

Then, when we take that chance, entering a new relationship — how does it fare? How much fulfillment do we find of our deepest desires? Right, not so much. Yet we’ve no idea that the “fault” — & the answer — lies within us. We blame the other guy/gal, don’t we — saying, “Well, we’re just not compatible,” or some other such BS.

The one we’re currently not compatible with is the self/Self { :-D)


Soaring Eagle —

With so many on the awakening trek these days, things are definitely lightening-up, energetically. Those in Heart become clairsentient (for lack of a better word) — able to feel energies, be they heavy or light, uplifting, burdening, or just neutral. Having been under a heavy energetic burden for so very long, earth is finally ascending in frequency — right along with the awakening ones.


Let’s not concern ourselves with how the others are faring — those not yet sufficiently self-aware to join us on this trek. Just let them be — they can’t hear you, anyway. Heck, most of us are still in the stage/phase of simply learning to hear the self/Self. Until we go there, we don’t have the capacity to truly hear anyone else. We don’t have it to give — do you see? Not until we’re hearing the self/Self.

When we keep our focus too other-centered — watching the media, listening to whatever news (or gossip) is floating around — we’re not doing the self any favors. Why not? When we interact with someone, it’s natural for our frequencies to meet in the middle. Unless we’re self-aware, we find ourselves dropping in vibration to meet the story — the energy it conveys — the “others” not yet being available to the higher frequencies.

Said another way, we come down from our cloud/mountaintop to join the masses in their lower vibrational energy. The result is a net loss to us — we’re feeding the beast, so to speak. Many social things are designed to vampirize our sacred energy — which doesn’t happen in the presence of self-awareness. Only then can we consciously maintain our vibration — once sufficient mastery is attained.


When we begin from a solid base of self/Self Love things are different. In this state we’re at least acquainted with MOM — Mind-Observer Mode. Our suffering is finally seen for what it is — the suffering of mind, based on the chains it wears.

Mind has expectations, needs, wants galore, along with a whole realm of opinions & beliefs around how to attain it all. Our minds are quite clearly programmed — & not with an eye to our benefit. Perhaps you’ve noticed?

Many say, “Then what do we do? Given this messy situation, is not all hope lost?” Here’s the bad news, folks — yes, for mind, all hope is indeed lost. It will never be able to fulfill its dreams (from its current state). Will you just sit with that, & accept it? That helps. Allow mind to lose its dreams — they are unfulfillable, anyway.

What mind must learn is to look within. It’s a good start. Eventually we move even beyond that, as mind is never the route into Heart, into awakening — yet mind must wake-up, too, in its own way. It must be introduced to a greater Reality — one beyond its reach to attain.

This is not an easy journey for anyone’s mind, especially the so-called positive thinkers out there. Far more is misunderstood than is understood by our mind — largely due to its programming. Yet that also means it’s within our power to change/shift.


Are you with me? Are you entering Heart, yet — perhaps on a regular basis? Even 5 minutes a day can be powerful stuff. Just don’t let it get to be rote, becoming a process, a list of things that you “do.” That’s mind’s way. You’re not the do-er, here, anyway — or rather, mind is not. This is when we spot our programming — to identify with mind.

It’s shocking — but only to mind

Only now is it clear that we have something much deeper on-board — more central to our core. Once we spot this, That is the one we want to put in charge, ousting mind from its powerful position.

We now begin to withdraw all identification with & as mind, reaching much deeper into the realm of soul — or Higher Self — or Inner Being. The words don’t matter, folks — use the ones that resonate. Invent new ones that work for you, if you like.

When we allow someone’s word usage to put us off, make us turn away from their message — whatever it is — we do ourselves no favor. We’re letting mind rule us, there. Remember, it’s mind that holds all of our opinions, our prejudices, our nonsense — not the true Being we are — as Source-in-form.

We all have something vital to share — let’s no longer allow mere, linear words to come between us

We’re hot on the trail of discovering — of entering into — the self/Self merge in Heart. For this to happen, we’ve got to let mind go, on the one hand — & on the other hand, it must release us — remove its tentacles from every aspect of our lives. We didn’t notice it grasping, taking control this way, yet the results are clear — offering ample impetus to free ourselves from mind’s domination of our thoughts, our actions — our life.


Where are you on this particular trek? What stage of awareness of this situation, this process, are you experiencing? Whatever it is, celebrate that! Joy is the Motor of Life — it will take you farther than any mind could imagine. As long as we’re at least partially in 3D, this realm of duality, we can recognize that every coin has two sides.

Because we’re in mind perhaps most of the time,we’re used to seeing the negative side. Okay — can we just accept that as our current reality & make peace with it? Just allow it to be what it is? We truly laugh as we see our perspectives shift — recognizing what arrogance we had, to fight against what simply IS.

You’re not likely to move/shift things you haven’t yet accepted

Not that I suggest suddenly looking to every negative thing just to seek out the flip-side of the coin. While that’s fun for a while, we’re better off when we shift out of mind enough to see how everything is beneficial — for it is — regardless of mind’s beliefs to the contrary.

You can see, here, how mind must truly be released — there’s no molding it into a nice, new, positive creature. Just let it be what it is — we can work with that. Until we’re willing to step back out of mind & take a new look — at simply everything — we won’t have the necessary clarity to see things as they are — nor the acceptance to allow them to just be.

“It’s just what it is,” I so love to say, yet it takes some honest work to reach this point of detached observation. Just know that the inner clarity will arise, the more we release our (mind’s) strangle-hold on our life. ;-)


If you’re walking the earth today, chances are quite good that you haven’t got much of a clue about your true Nature — your inner Being as Source-in-form. We were not taught anything about this, so if it upsets you — recognize that as mind at work. YOU are not upset by anything, dear one — the real You, the Being of pure Love. You love everything — everyone — all of it — even the nasty bits manifesting to show us where we’ve lost our way.

This Inner You sees all of that — owns all of that — as aspects of It reaching out to the lost ones — guiding them Home/within, where our Inner voice is finally heard. Eventually, we see/hear/perceive this Source voice speaking to us everywhere — in everything — no exceptions. Just not at first — the concept being too new to programmed mind, whose tendency is often to reject the odd, the strange, the unknown.

It’s clear, then, that the “awakening journey” is to awaken to oneself — as Self

It’s not just oneness with Source we are after, but oneness with & AS who we are. This is frankly shocking to mind, who has all sorts of reservations around it. Accept that, too — let there be nothing you encounter that you don’t just allow to be what it is. You now begin to come from a space of no fear, whatsoever. After all, what has Source to fear — right?


Along with this acceptance comes a very deep Peace, giving us “space” to merge into MOM— entering a new “level” of objectivity, this one arising from Heart. You become, in effect, the seer — the see-er of it all. You fight & resist simply nothing — merely allowing the flow, the Is-ness of it all. It’s lotsa fun, too :D

Shall I end, here? Were I sensitive to today’s greatly shortened attention spans, I would — but I don’t care. LOL. Perhaps just one more bit to watch/see — your feelings.

Until we’re a good deal further along the road, our feelings & emotions are largely mind-generated — whether we realize that or not. What comes later is quite different — more a sensing, & from a “space” of union. “Clairsentience,” again, being the closest word that arises.

So during your MOM phase, also be aware of the mental foundations of emotions/feelings. Offer them the same acceptance — which is a bit trickier. We (our minds) don’t want to accept that we have anything dark inside. If we notice it, what’s our first move? Right, to get rid of it — perhaps to ignore it — to slap that smiley-face sticker over whatever it is — to “think positive.” Blah blah blah.

We know we’re going deeper when we see this simple acceptance arising naturally

All resistance (to anything & everything) starts to slip away — who knows where, but more importantly, who cares? That would only be mind, dear ones. Just watch. It’s enough ;-)


10:53 am, Sunday 2017/09/10, 1st, Mayan day 12 Seed / Kan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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