YOU Are the Ultimate Power

How to Access That

4 min readJul 18, 2020
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

Perhaps few will be able to hear this, but I no longer care. The point of the article is that what others think, say, & believe cannot affect me unless I open the door to let it in. I am the one in charge of my life, just as you’re the only one in charge of your life.

We’re FAR more powerful than we’ve been led to believe.

Believing, itself, is powerful stuff. If you believe something is true for you, then it is. If you believe it’s false, then for you, it is false. What Sophocles said is so very deep:

”What people believe prevails over the truth.”

― SOPHOCLES, The Sons of Aleus

Short, sweet, & deep! Once we spot this, we begin to see it simply everywhere.

Abraham-Hicks is great on this topic, helping us shift our perspective.

“There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance… and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be.”

Excerpted from Phoenix, AZ on 4/4/98

Others cannot affect or influence us unless we let them. When we stand tall as a pillar of light, firmly Heart-centric, the winds & storms, the ebb & flow, of others’ behavior neither holds us back nor even affects us. We must learn to be closed to some, to those walking on the darker side of life.

The trick is that they don’t have nearly the power they’re used to wielding. They only got by with taking power as they have due to our absence from the battlefield we didn’t yet perceive. We were too trusting & it almost did us in, but now, oh finally, we’re in the midst of a mass awakening, beginning to both see & see through what’s been happening.

How I wish I could shout it from the housetops that SEEING IS FREEING. Once we see through the plots & ploys of the dark side, those same activities are neutered, no longer affecting us. We look at them, perhaps smile, & walk on, unaffected.


Transcendence is what we are practicing; rising in frequency, rising in consciousness. Yeah, it’s a bit nasty at first since we must wake up to the revolting, sick corruption in action in almost all areas of life. We might wish it were otherwise, but that gets us nowhere.

It’s as we face it that we begin to take back both our freedom & our power.

Source/God is Powerful beyond all religion, all writings, all practices — and what is Source/God? If we had to pick words, I’d say “Love,” & perhaps “Light.” It is unconquerable. So, if we love Source/God, why haven’t we yet conquered this nasty, dark mess?

We were subtly, over g.r.e.a.t. swaths of time, guided into creating the ego, into almost total reliance on the brain, the mind. We think we’re the body. This creates a false persona, one we eventually mistake for the Self, for Who we are.

This ego is easily misled & defeated, easily manipulated.

It takes recognizing the ego & stepping aside from it enough to observe it to begin to re-empower ourselves. The brain/mind/ego combo is stuck in 3D — but we are not. We are ever so much more, as awareness, as eternal consciousness/soul/spirit.

When we finally buckle the ego/mind in the back seat & put Heart — our inner core — in charge, everything changes — BIG time. That perspective shift is so massive that it must be experienced to be recognized. It’s a life-changer.

Our task then becomes to align our free will with our core, with Heart, i.e., with Source/God. It is through that alignment that the miracles can begin. We eventually recognize ourselves as Source-in-form, allowing That to take the lead, to be in charge.

Then we can best stand tall as those pillars of Light, unaffected by whatever storms, chaos, or shenanigans come our way. We no longer fear bodily death, recognizing Who we are as unkillable, as always existing, lifetime to lifetime & in between.

in this way, YOU are the ultimate Power, though it’s not really the you your ego takes you to be; neither the body nor the ego/mind fantasy.

We may eventually also realize that 3D is a bit more of a game, an adventure, than anything real. Reality is directly experienced on the “other side,” in higher frequencies/dimensions, not here. There’s great peace & freedom in that, though there’s also real meaning in 3D.

Taking our native Power back also eventually teaches us that we selected both this lifetime & all of its major happenings. From that other side, we knew what we were doing, believe it or not. As we rise in frequency/consciousness, we’ll recall.

It really helps to keep our sense of humor for the truly wild journey we’re undertaking. Things are, indeed, FAR better than they may appear but we’ve got a lot of letting go to do (of the ego/mind) before seeing that.



7:02 p.m., Friday, 2020/07/17




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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