#AllThatIs #Dimensions #Ages #NowHere
You Across Time, Space, & Cosmos
Maximizing Wisdom
People don’t think of the past as often as the present or the future, but what if the past is also present with us, also impacting our present? We have a saying, “Hindsight is always 20/20,” yet do we see its implications?
Many continue to believe in coincidence or “chance,” but that’s nonsense from our broader, Source-in-form view.
If you’re older, you may already realize that, no matter what you wake up to, no matter what great revelation you experience, what was revealed turns out to have always been there. It’s never something new. We might not see this immediately but it’s there to see — just like everything else, lol. 😆
What blinds us to such things? When will we be ready to see them?
Why does it take some sort of personal revelation to see things that have been there all along? Please consider the possibility that it’s the Matrix mind hack, that our Belief Systems block the broader view.
Maybe what is simply is, independent of our beliefs.
We’ve been conned. Perhaps 98% of what we believe is not what we take it to be. Yeah, it’s that HUGE, which is why some refuse to even look in that direction. To the ego-mind, it’s too frightening, challenging the mind’s entire view of reality.
Schopenhauer is right about our resistance to truth. Are we willing to observe this not just in others, but within the self? IOW, are we ready to question our beliefs?
Let’s play with time.
Since time isn’t what we take it to be, let’s buckle-up & be ready for whatever presents. What if — in the long ago, far away “past” — we were in a different sort of form? Come on, it’s just a “what if.” 😉
Once we find our way into Heart, we come to realize that anything is possible. We’re no longer in the grip of our rigid, controlling (& controlled) mind. The usual fear is nowhere to be found & we’re wise enough not to seek it out, lol.
Call it fiction if you like, but what if you’ve taken other forms within the broader Family of Humanity, some distinctly different (such as feline or avian, as depicted in Egyptian sites)? What if you’ve also experienced life in vastly different forms?
Why would you do that? For the experience, for the enjoyment, for the expansion. It’s also something to do with being eternal, the never-endingness of it all. Let’s not limit Source/God’s creativity to just our version of humanity.
To walk a mile in those other moccasins is to come to a deeper innerstanding of how Source feels in/as those forms. Clearly, it also helps us deal with such beings later when we encounter them on our human trek.
Be sure to explore this from Heart. If you let your (Matrixed) mind take charge of the questions, it will be tail-chasing time, lost in the nit-picky, restrictive mental perspectives.
Heart abides in the depths of what’s truly meaningful.
Frankly, the why does not matter right now. We’re after the what, keeping it on a simpler, more solid track. What, & what if?
For those willing to release the mind’s conviction that it knows what time is & how it works, try this one on: what if you never left those other forms? What if, in the perpetual NowHere moment, you’re occupying every one of them in some amazing way? (Well, amazing to the ego-mind, at least. 😉 )
Potentially, then, a shift in consciousness, perhaps an OBE, could take you there, into that.
Look back to your awareness as a child, noting how it differs from your present NowHere. How much have you gained, both in experience & wisdom, during your trek? No experience is wasted; each one comes bearing gifts, most of which we reap, but not all.
As we multiply this by — well, by eternity — the mind is simply blown, completely unable to contemplate the vastness of our direct experience, the endless gains specific to our particular trek through eternity-infinity.
We begin to get a sense of the Allness of Who Source-in-form is — just a taste.
Now, back to time, to what it is & what it is not. Rigid, it is not. Flexible, it is, yet within its own bounds. I see time as an aspect of Cosmos, a manifestation co-equal with space, the two forming the cross from which the dimensions arise. [Interesting side note: see how “arise” is comprised of “are” & “is.” The letters are even in the right order, “is” inserted into “are.” Hmmm.]
The dimensions coexist, all occupying the same space, just in differing frequency ranges. We need not go “elsewhere” to enter 5D; it’s a frequential or energetic shift.
Thus does the One contain the All.
Why can’t it be the same with time? Why can’t every moment be just now, just this NowHere? Belief systems keep us in mental mode [1], but from Heart, we can see the NowHere as a portal, the doorway into it all, enabling the traversing both of time & space, not . just . physically.
Just because no mind can take the trek doesn’t mean WE can’t; we’re SO MUCH more than just a body-mind.
It’s a good time to make friends with the All, for some among us are still convinced that there’s no life in Cosmos beyond us, in this galaxy, on this planet, in this form. One day we’ll all recognize that as part of the mind-hack, yet we can also choose to explore the possibilities, now; NowHere.
We’re not alone on/in the planet, much less the solar system, the galaxy, or the Cosmos.
Nor are those others as “other” as the mind would like to make them, completely external to us. What if any number of those races include us, incarnating among them?
I know, the mind wants to reject it as crazy, but it’s a lot of fun to step back, to use that as a goad to enter Heart, to see what it looks & feels like from there. Hey, maybe you’re not only more, but ever so much more than you took yourself to be?! We breaking out of the box!
Keeping in mind (lol) that it’s no separate “you” doing anything, that the One character in the entire play of Cosmos is Source/God playing all the roles, makes it easier to digest; when you’re in Heart, of course. It’s just a mind-pretzel, otherwise.
So if all of the dimensions are co-occupants of the NowHere space, why not also the NowHere time, all happening at once?
Allowing that it’s possible, what then? Will you explore, & will you relax into it, allowing it the possibility to be? What if — just what if — you never left those higher dimensions, those other forms, other places, other times?
Especially those who are older, imagine your personal gain across this lifetime, the wisdom via experience garnered across & within all of that? As we see how great the gain in this one life, now multiply that, geometrizing it by an impossible number ∞ to ponder the whole of you.
The mind is intimidated by such exploration, but not Who you are, not when Heart-centered in peace. The mind will pose a bigger danger, though, as it attempts to take credit, to own that vast Wisdom gained over an infinity-eternity of experience & exploration. Well, don’t fall into that trap; it takes you out of Heart!
Perhaps the biggest drawback to humanity’s mental status is how undisciplined our minds are.
When we’re trained to identify with them, of course, we let them go free & just follow along — but that’s nonsense, for they’re but an aspect of our Being, our greater experience. They could not contain us if they tried for a million years & with all the help available across Cosmos. 😆 [2]
Do you see how we’re in the process of Self-definition, here? We’re shedding the snakeskin of the outer persona, discovering Who we are at our core; what it’s like being That. It’s good to keep an eye out on the wayward (Matrixed) mind, lest its swelled head burst, trying to own what it can only witness.
On this trek, fear continues to vanish, to disappear we know not how; it just does. We find ourselves ever able to expand out into more of the Whole of us as we explore. What came first, the chicken or the egg, is but a distracting mind-pretzel that some will choose to explore. They have that right.
The point of all such things is to be sure we’re not being led around by the nose-ring of the Matrix mind-hack. We choose to let Heart lead — in every NowHere moment. Our great Joy is found at our deepest core which, since it’s ever expansive & cannot be defined, just Is What It Is.
We come to discover Joy in the not-knowing. 😲 😶 😆
We relax into Being, no longer pressured by the mind or anything else into so much thinking, so much doing. Oh, we’ll be seen by others to be doing this or that, but that will be from their perspective, their mind-dominant view. Meanwhile, we’re basking in Heart just following our bliss, so to speak;
letting Source be the Divine Dancer we donned this body-mind costume to experience as the 💃 Dance. 💃
We won’t be able to explain ourselves well — that is, unless Source does/dances that through us — but we’re fine with that. Eventually, we quit trying to explain or justify anything, letting those go who cannot accept us as we are. The truth is that we often don’t know why we’re doing this or that, or doing it in a certain way, so our mind has no ability to explain what it doesn’t comprehend.
Who knows, perhaps our mind-centric society will even morph. Further on into The Great Awakening, we may become a more Heart-centric society. We’ll rely less on explanations than on our inner sensing of how things are & how we want them to be.
We may even eventually dispense with the need for words, for language to express ourselves. The Judeo-Christian Bible tells of a time before the need for words, when all were understood without the use of them. Then came, “The Tower of Babel,” whatever the heck that was, & by use of words & language humanity was sliced, diced, & divided. (ET interference, anyone?)
Though the mind relies heavily on language, remember, that’s the body-mind, a very small part of us. Who we are behind the scenes — or within Heart — has no need for any language, is well able to communicate in silence. Let’s enjoy expanding within into This, our Source-in-form Self.
11:43 am, Thursday, 2019/03/14, Mayan day 3 Jaguar / Ix
[1] While our Belief Systems keep us in the mind, blocking our view of the vastness, of the Greater Reality, that’s not all they accomplish. From Heart, it can be seen how they make us that much easier to control, to manipulate.
[2] Nor can these bodies contain Who we truly are. Many having NDEs or OBEs experience this, directly.