There is a difference between thinking you know what your audience wants, and actually paying attention to what they engage with.
Watch your content. See what gets the most engagement. And then pivot and get rid of the things nobody is Liking, Commenting on, or Sharing.
It’s that easy.
Yes, that’s a valid strategy, proven out by your numbers of followers. While I find watching what others respond to interesting, I don’t let it control what I write. It could be seen as playing to the masses, an external vs an internal strategy of sharing our truth, wherever it leads.
It’s all good, of course. When no 2 of us are the same, it’s fun to have almost infinite variety of writings from which to choose what resonates with us.
I find the whole idea of “better” & “worse” limiting since we’re all one & all equal at our core. Seeing it rather as “this or that” can be fun, with no value judgments applied. It either resonates or it doesn’t, & we seldom know why. :D
Perhaps ultimately it’s the old mind vs Heart thing, two vastly different perspectives on life.
Congratulations on your success.