3 min readAug 21, 2018


Yes, I can see it from that perspective, too. You’re well ahead of “the pack,” so to speak, when it comes to allowing each of us to be Creator in form, creating or choosing our own perspective in any Now. As more of us reach this innerstanding, there will be less fighting, fewer wars. They just won’t make sense anymore.

Your words paint a more mental picture than what I’m seeing, though; than my preferred image/experience of Life from Heart. From there, even emptying out sufficiently to experience some moments of the void — the other side of the All-That-Is coin — is deeply immersive. It’s funny, but even the nothingness is somehow alive, not dead as our mind might assume it to be.

One of my favorite “songs” is the ballad of moving out of our head-centric perception & functioning into Heart — where that stuff can’t pass through the eye of the needle that strips us down to our Source-in-form core. We discover that’s all we require, as Heart has its own way of functioning that transcends thought, that covers the bases we had the mind stationed to cover.

Our entry into & Presence in Heart is not & cannot be comprehended by the brain or mind. Now, for all I know (& highly suspect) I’m speaking from yet another stage along the eternal Way. New experiences, new innerstandings must arise as long as there is life & consciousness. I’m not claiming any eternal Truth, here, just sharing my journey, my perceptions.

That being said, once we sufficiently empty out, mostly of the mind, but also of our primary identification as the body-mind, things go through a massive shift. We open into a whole new realm that’s clearly divine — though they all are, of course. Yet this one provides much more of a sense of the Divine; more of that direct experience.

I find, too, that as long as I’m Heart-centered when reading or listening to someone’s words, I get a deeper understanding, more an innerstanding, a deeper message. I find we’re communicating on layers of our Being closer to our core.

Again, words can’t deliver anything we’re not ready to receive. The same lecture to 100 people will be understood not based on the words, but on those people’s understanding, their innerstanding of Life.

That’s a function of our 3D relativity, where change is the only true constant — which is quite funny. It’s truly different in Heart. Mind’s ways don’t rule the roost there — nor would we want them to. It’s more like things are directly known via being one with them, without the need for the mind to negotiate the deal, to make things comprehensible.

And here, in these many words, you see the attempt to help the mind come along, to get at least a better sense of what living from Heart is like. I laugh as I watch myself attempting the impossible, recognizing my mind must be involved.

There is so much surrendering along the way, without which this inner knowing (which I call Knowing) doesn’t occur. Laughter is the best companion, & it’s generally laughter at the self — arising within Self — thus embodying Love.

Yet another beauty of Heart is that we can not only speak from there, but we can listen from there. It enables us to tune in to a deeper level of the speaker’s/writer’s being, to more closely perceive what is meant. Words finally morph into pointers, into signs pointing the way deeper within, where we begin to discover that we are That — whatever it is — for all is One.

Our wholeness makes no room for relativity — on.this.level.

Of course, we have room for everything, since we ARE everything. It’s so much a matter of free will in the choices we make, our chosen perspectives. We all see external things differently.

The internals are quite something else, where all that can be said is, “It is what it is,” & Heart lets it be that, whereas the head is occupied with how to change it, to make it better, to make it last longer, how to bring someone else into our understanding, etc., ad infinitum. At all of this, Heart just laughs — lovingly, but of course. 😆

I enjoy it when you speak up, Josh. You always have something well considered to say.





Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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