2 min readSep 30, 2017


Wow, Kenton — you go down some pretty deep rabbit holes, here — intellectual ones. What if the basic premise — being is & ought — is flawed?

When we track with the intellect, so many, often hidden, assumptions are made. Have you heard of e-prime — use of English absent the “is?” Language, itself, is a veritable mine field, meriting more caution in its use, IMO.

Science has gone mechanistic, thus assuming a mechanistic Cosmos — but is it, really? What do, what can we really know? I’d posit precious little — perhaps nothing. We assume we actually are these 3D bodies, these minds — so we identify with them. Thus, the challenges arising around the body’s death. Those pursuing research into the NDE (Near-Death Experience) present other possibilities, documenting those.

Is light a particle or a wave? They say “it depends” on how it’s measured. We take the atom, which we know to be 99.99999% empty, to be the basis of all solids. WTF are we doing?! That’s not even logical. Are there not other possibilities, other perspectives available? Of course there are!

Robert Anton Wilson (RAW) is an awesome guide into the “is” fallacy, for the way it’s used today is more fallacy than “reality.” All we can truly speak about is our own experience of reality. I’ll let RAW fill in the details, if that interests you. He’s a bit of a philosopher, seems to me — one of his foundations he calls “Maybe Logic.” I like it.

We don’t know is. We know what we perceive, which is based on the foundation of our Belief Systems, which I like to call BS. Based on our beliefs, we rape, rob, & pillage, justifying it all — murder, in the name of “saving” ppl.

What if the body-mind is but the merest slice of what & who we truly are? What if the deeper Reality is found beyond them. There’s no good word for that realm, but ppl tend to call it Spirit — higher frequency energy.

I’m not quite nuts — I do have a number of degrees, with honors — yet I’ve relegated all of that to the closet. Haven’t burned them yet, but that may happen one day, as well. The mind isn’t getting us where we’re going, being there merest pittance of what & who we truly are. Again, just another perspective, here, yet based on some experience.

Will leave you with a recent journal, whose title is laughable — yet, written from what I call Heart, it came out pretty well — again, IMO 😉

What is Truth?





Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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