Withdraw Consent

Real Freedom

7 min readFeb 18, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

The emptiness speaks if we will be let it do so by focusing there, turning our gaze away from all that begs for our attention for a brief space now & then. The emptiness is always there. It doesn’t require that we empty ourselves out completely to encounter it.

The emptiness being nonintrusive in the extreme, most go through an entire lifetime not tuning in until life is ending. Yet, there’s no need to wait for the consciousness shift that comes naturally at the body’s death. It’s our continual outward focus that keeps us deaf, unable to hear our own Inner Being.

The good news, of course, is that it’s a matter of free will, meaning we have the power to change at any point. Life, itself, is all about choice. We’re like a Superman who doesn’t know he’s anything other than Clark Kent. It’s an awesome time to be awakening since had we remained sleeping any longer, the net around us may have drawn impossibly tight.


Instead, the tables have been turned & we’re watching that play out, watching the cabal get its comeuppance at every turn, of late. What part in any of this do we play? For you can be sure we’re each playing our part, whether consciously aware of it or not, whether in the realm of physical action or not.

That aspect of us we took for our greatest power — the human body & mind — we’re now discovering is anything but. The fact that we’re a spiritual being, first & foremost, is a shock for many folks who have a hard time believing in the unseen, granting it any power at all.

How our beliefs fit in is an interesting conundrum that blows many a mind.

On the one hand, personal beliefs are quite powerful. Be they conscious, subconscious, or unconscious, they play a major role in carving out our life experience. On the other hand, there’s an “It is what it is” factor at work, going its own way in spite of what we think or believe. The Yin/Yang. ☯️

Our choice is whether to empty out such that we can align with What Is — or not. No one is forcing our hand in this but us, but the accumulated residue of our trek, currently manifesting as the worldwide chaos which gives us a push or a kick at times.


Up until now, we didn’t take our innate power into account. Now it’s knocking at the door to wake us up, saying “Look at me,” saying, “Deal with this or it will only get worse.” Most people still believe it’s other people, not them, who are responsible for what’s going on.

That’s soon to change, even changing already, as humanity comes to grips with Who & what we are.

The mess on the world scene is our creation, friends. It’s convenient to realize that there’s a negative cabal playing a major role, to blame the chaotic negativity on them, but that doesn’t quite work. What’s manifesting on the world scene is a picture of what we’re all carrying, inside. We’re manifesting that! Isn’t it time we quit playing the victim & took a closer look?


The cabal has power only to the extent we enable it. It’s gained prominence due to our unspoken consent. Busy with our own lives, we turned the reins of power over to them; not consciously in most cases, but our sub- & unconscious are also at work.

Furthermore, the range of any negative group is severely limited to the lower frequencies, to lower consciousness states, but we’re potentially unlimited. Without firing a shot, humanity could rise right up & out of the cabal nets, out of the Matrix in which we remained for so long. It’s all about Freedom, about Free Will & choice, which involves everyone in this drama, even the newborns.

What part do we want to play?


If the victim role is our continued choice, just look at Hillary to see how that’s working out for her. Victims don’t generally wake-up until they cross over, leaving the body behind. Only then do they realize the extent of their unused Power or see how they misused it throughout life. Well, there’s no need to wait.

We’re all playing the victim to one extent or another in our personal life, thus blocking our access to that Power of Light.

All those positive changes beginning to happen, we’re doing that. Consciousness creates, so if you’re conscious, you’re playing a part. It’s a good time to acknowledge that, wouldn’t you say? Why not do so consciously instead of sleepling through it?

“What you see is what you get,” is the mechanistic view, so let’s go deeper. It’s time to clean house, to get rid of the hindering, hampering beliefs blocking our access to Self as Source-in-form. There’s not a person walking the planet who is fully awakened since it’s not an either/or thing, but always a both/and, thus a matter of degree.

Yin-Yang — Blogspot,com

We each contain both darkness & Light. ☯️


Even Lujan Matus, who I consider a present-day Master, would likely agree that he, too, can move beyond where he is, now. We all can. Can you imagine what life would be like if we attained “awakening” & there was nothing beyond, that we were forever done? No, thanks!

Life is an endless journey with no final destination.

While this goes against any number of religions, I don’t care. It’s what I found on the Heart trek & I’m not alone. Not that the support of others matters, for it doesn’t make our argument either stronger or weaker. We live in a relative world, but the bulk of our Being goes well beyond.

Many will be stunned to discover their own fully-developed consciousness already present in higher dimensions, taking different forms & even no form in some of those planes. It’s not something that must be earned, it already IS. Many perspectives on this are possible, so in one view it was earned, but it’s time to recognize other perspectives. Let’s begin distinguishing between lower- & higher-frequency views, taking a drastically new look at time & at Self— if you like.

It’s always about choice.


Will we choose to stay asleep, or to awaken? No one can force or make anyone else’s choice for them, so it would be a good time to give that type of stuff up. Let people go their own way, trusting in Source-in-form in them to know what It’s doing. We can offer & suggest, but that’s all.

Let’s let everyone make their own decisions & choices.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/02/18

“There is no source of evil. There is only a Stream of Well-Being, which you are allowing, or not. But under the name of righteousness and goodness and religion, you drop bombs on innocent children. And then you say, “It’s for the good of all of us.” And we say: we don’t see that. And you don’t see it from your Non-physical perspective, either. It’s only in your disconnection that those things make sense.” [Emphasis added]

Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/26/05

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

How do we come into such respect for others? By coming into such respect for the self/Self. Many have long been occupied removing the speck from their brethren’s eye while remaining blind to the plank in their own. Actually, who among us isn’t guilty of this at one point or another, lol? It’s all about shifting perspectives, yes?


A truer & a deeper Joy is on the horizon than humanity has experienced in ever so long, & we’re not talking just a few thousand years. None of it remains in the history books, perhaps not even in those tucked away in private collections, the Vatican Library & the like. We’re headed into seemingly uncharted waters, but they are not.

From another perspective, we’re already there.

This is the time, the season in which many will come into remembrance of descending from higher dimensions to get a job done, here. We’re facing more a remembering than a discovery of Who we really are. We aren’t who we think we are, & this whole 3D display is not what we think it is, either. Neither the scientists nor the religionists got it right; it’s so much more!

My suggestion is just to be open, curious & open to what unfolds, else you’ll not see the fullness of it unfolding. That’s what the emptiness empowers. We’ve been unknowingly blinding ourselves with our beliefs, but that’s for each one to discover on their own.

There are far better ways than trying to bring everyone to the conclusions we’ve come to, thus far. You may thus actually limit them, albeit unaware, so let’s step cautiously, respectfully.

It’s not positive thinking but positive knowing that shows us it’s all good, regardless of surface appearances. We’ll get there, friends. We’re well on our way, so let’s take every opportunity to enjoy this, right where we are in the endless Now.



10:53 am, Friday 2018/02/16, 1st, Mayan day 2 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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