Wiram, not Hiram — Who “I” Really Am

The Death of Victimhood

6 min readOct 17, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

Though we don’t realize it, we’re all in too much of a hurry. We’re acting on so many assumptions that the future will prove to be false. So what is the biggest, the most problematic false assumption of them all?

It’s who we are; who we take ourselves to be.

When we act as anything less than our true identity in Source — we shortchange both ourselves & all others involved. We don’t allow the best possible outcome because our assumptions block that as they guide our course.

Our minds are misguided & misled, our educations tending much more toward mere programming than actual learning. Education to discover the truth underlying everything is a myth, today, a thing of the ancient past. It seems that schools at all levels from primary to advanced university degrees churn out SJWs by the boatload. What’s with that?

Let’s envision what would have happened had our grandparents & great-grandparents been molded into SJWs by their education.

What kind of a world would it be, now? Freedom of speech would be so long gone we’d probably not even remember it was in our Founding Documents, those sacred writings that remind us that our rights don’t originate with anyone or anything on earth but with Source/God.

So yes, they are sacred, as is America.

Everyone would be hyper-aware of everyone else’s feelings, making every effort not to hurt them. People would get time off from their job due to hurt feelings. We’d have a whole new (to us) category of law in support of SJWism. Yes, people would commonly be sued, be fined for hurting others’ feelings. (That’s already started, in case you hadn’t noticed.)

Clothing would be under more strict regulations. We couldn’t risk hurting someone’s feelings by images or ideas expressed on our clothing. The “clothing” or paint & bumper stickers on our vehicles would also be carefully regulated. We could be sued for causing an accident if our bumper sticker upset someone who swerved & had a wreck.

All of this is pure nonsense, though not everyone sees that just yet. Some, especially those still loyal to the MSM, still believe & take all of this seriously; some, but not so many. We’re already well on our way to awakening from the long daze we’ve been in. Recognizing how MSM news is truly fake gave us a shock & a great boost in overall awareness.

Now, can we step back far enough from all of this to have a look at who we take ourselves to be, at what (massively important) part that plays in crafting the overall outcome?

Cosmos is Within Us — Carl Sagan — 4.bp.blogspot.com

Where do we begin? We recognize that there’s a distinction between who we believe we are & who we truly are. That’s huge & until we recognize that distinction exists, we’re still asleep & snoring. Who & what we take ourselves to be, the body-mind form & the belief systems onboard, may be but 1% of who we really are, of Wiram, i.e., Who I Really Am. Wiram.

Wiram leaves the body behind every night in sleep to go exploring. Wiram wears the body-mind as a costume, a suit of clothes, NOT an identity. Wiram actually exists across all of space, being everywhere at once. Wiram exists across all of time, being everywhen at once, as well, in all lifetimes, on all dimensions, etc.

We are consciousness, we are awareness that occupies all of Cosmos simultaneously. Now, it’s quite unlikely that we’ll tune in on the fullness of Wiram while focused in a 3D embodiment, but stranger things have happened. It would be both wiser & more practical to take a smaller slice of that pie, to expand out in moderation.

Just as living a 3D lifetime is a live-and-learn experience, so it is with expanding out into the fullness of Wiram. The steps we take that are uncomfortable, that seem awkward or disconcerting are seen later as beneficial. Hindsight is so valuable, being 20/20.

One thing we could do is accept that hindsight actually is 20/20 or perfect, as they say. How would that change our way of living? What if we knew — we just knew — that whatever is happening is somehow to our benefit?

Who could play the victim in that case?

It would be impossible. There would be no more victims. This would be the end of the whole SJW thing, victims looking for who or what to blame. That’s a pretty BIG outcome from a rather small adjustment, perhaps you’d agree? It would also spur us on to consider the potential benefits of whatever happens at any time; something most of us are not used to doing.

There are endless shifts, changes, & benefits we discover on our way to expanding out into Wiram. We don’t need to go whole-hog, seeking the fullness of the eternal/infinite experience. The blessings are infinite on the way into that AND the journey is eternal, i.e., never-ending. Something new is always showing up.

Life is actually as great, as grand as we choose to make it. Better said, it’s as wonderful as we allow it to be. We’re the ones, the only ones blocking our way. That’s hard to swallow only to the phony self we take ourselves to be; yeah, that arrogant one. Now, can you laugh? 😆

When the point or purpose of life is enjoyment & when life is eternal, there is no room for complaints. The challenging things come along to help us refine what it is we truly want — by showing us what we truly don’t want. Hey, it may seem awkward, but it works!

A Different Perspective — ThinkingHumanity.com

Let us remember — or discover — the awesome Power of Perspective. As a rather wise fellow once said:

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
Joe Klaas, Twelve Steps to Happiness

Marcus Aurelius was a pretty good truth-teller. If we can accept the wisdom in this quote, we’ll be well on our way to gaining a clearer perspective on simply everything:

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

A deep letting go — the long process of that — is required to enter here. On our way into Wiram, as we’re forever expanding out into that, contracting down into that; this letting go is precious gold, sacred nectar.

Our “old man,” our phony ego self cannot make this trek. It cannot be taught enough or helped enough to awaken. It’s not new things we’re taking on, it’s eternal, always-present things we’re awakening into as we release the excess baggage blocking our perception & our passage through the narrow gate.

The biggest piece of baggage would be what? It’s who we think we are, who we take ourselves to be. When in that old identity, any single step we take is taken in an innocent ignorance built into the matrix of the false identity.

Being in the Matrix = Tail-chasing Time

We can have fun in the Matrix, sure, & pretty much eternally. This fascinating gift we call Free Will gives us the right to stay in the Matrix as long as we like. Nor can anyone extricate us against our will, so we can relax about that. We must be ready to leave that behind to discover Wiram — Who I Really Am.

So yes, we’re in charge — just not the “we” we took ourselves to be. That bit of us is perhaps 1%, & that’s a generous estimate. It’s likely far less. Yet, until we’re ready to at least contemplate that the fullness, the entirety of who we’ve long taken ourselves to be is but a smidgen of the real whole, the Wiram, we’re not yet ready.

So nice to know that we’re in charge, right? Now, if we could just get down to the bottom of that “we,” of who we really are. LOL & ROFL in spades.



2:42 p.m., Thursday, 2019/10/17 — Mayan Calendar day 12 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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