Why Are Things so F*cked-up?

Part 4, Humanity’s Innate Power

6 min readDec 1, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

What if we recognized what is behind society’s current craziness? What if we saw it as a good thing, rather than lamenting the turmoil that lurks everywhere?

What’s the other side of that coin that helps balance it?

Today’s Matrix culture steers everyone in any other direction. The cabal seeks our attention, monetizes & commercializes it, not only via the media, but in the corporatization of everything. Why? Not just to make money, to increase their wealth at our expense, but to distract us — to prevent our discovering Who we really are.


Once humanity realizes our true nature, our amazing inherent power, that’s the end of any control structure that ignores our best interests. We’ll do that, not with force & anger — as the dark ones desire — but with non-action in the calm tranquility of being Who we are.

We are divine, divinity in form, but who among us is ready to step-up, to allow, then to own that?

Right now it is only the few, but even these few demonstrate the Cosmic Law, each of them carrying power equal to millions still ensnared within the Matrix. When two such beings come together, that force doesn’t increase by addition, it geometrizes. Humanity is not yet sufficiently self-aware to see how it all works behind the scenes. By focusing people on the surface of life, the dark ones seek to keep everybody from discovering their inner Reality.


As long as you view yourselves as powerless — as a victim — so you will remain. Beliefs are shockingly powerful, yet we don’t recognize that, pre-awakening. Why else would they work so hard to instill them in you, but to steer you away from truth? How you see yourself is vital, my friends. You are certainly not who you take yourself to be.

Let us release the established ways, the old attitudes & beliefs.

Let’s start afresh. As we begin (& end) ever with our self, let us refocus attention, disengaging it from the cabal facets at play everywhere. If our beliefs are that mighty, what underlies them? Could it be our focus, whose energy has been so monetized? Who will confront this reality that our “mere” attention wields the force of Creation?

We are the Creator in form. No, God is not what it’s taken to be in your world. We come closer to apprehending That One via Lao Tzu’s Tao te Ching, ever found via inner stillness & emptiness.


Power requires a vessel to carry it, to contain it.

The Matrix guides you to always be full, to have your focus scattered among a multitude of considerations. In the Tao you empty, clearing all of that, ever returning awareness to the stillness. It is, indeed, the Way, or rather it points to that.

The Tao te Ching, verse 1

You contain the Way. Everything sought “out there” is present within you. In today’s culture everyone seeks fullness, “success,” & happiness in a mechanistic world. This is a losing strategy from which humanity is waking-up, one-by-one.

One-by-one — the ultimate equalizer.

How hard to find contentment in yourself, to abandon your external preoccupation, your restless seeking. Who can accept that the answers, the fulfillment sought is available within, & only there? In what ways do you seek comfort outside of yourself? Will you watch them, to spot your conformity to others’ ideas?


This empty, internal greatness is can’t be grasped. As you attune to the emptiness at your core it enables this force. No action is called for, since the seeing, itself, plants the seed. You nurture it by your continued inward focus & awareness. It isn’t something you do — no doing is required, as the Tao so beautifully illustrates.

Ditching the doer is humanity’s next step.

There’s nothing we can do, as individuals, to bring the change desired by every Heart. Doing is NOT the answer. By your simple, empty being everything gets done, but you’ll be the witnesses to that, not the doer. This calls for a tremendous, continual letting go, yes, but you’re up to that.


Great wisdom abides in every Heart — wisdom that cannot flow into a full cup. The divinity you are is not assertive, not controlling, not presumptuous.

We need to invite this divinity, which entails a major shift in our whole way of being.

A massive shift is ongoing, not only in humanity on planet earth but perhaps even Cosmos wide. We are but an aspect of that, which we’ll soon discover via our expanded senses that spontaneously arise as we awaken from our Matrix daze. We’re unlimited, unlike the person we take ourselves to be.

Everyone has experienced allowing the inner flow, aligning with that & the interior delight it produces. We feel this as we withdraw from the surrounding cacophony. When you don’t know which way to go, what to say or do, train yourself to enter the empty fullness instead of shifting to media, social or otherwise.

Finding your peace there enables the solution-containing flow.


Our task is to divest ourselves of everything external, yes, but more importantly, of those Matrix bits placed within, absorbed into the personality. Everyone’s awakening task is only within. All we desire flows from that. Our seeking “out there” is ineffectual, bringing but a temporary reprieve from our dissatisfaction. Who sees this? Who is willing to look?

The Tao te Ching, verse 11

All of our outer challenges are best met & engaged within. All the teaching, the wisdom, the knowledge we seek we actually contain, but that which blocks us must exit before we directly experience Who we are. We need to clean house, only the house is the self.

Who are we?


That we don’t know Who we are is such a laugh to our Higher Self. 😆 It doesn’t matter, as we’re still Who we are, which nothing can erase, regardless of the horrid stories of soul capture & abuse we hear. These serve us. How? They mirror our fear, exposing it, inviting us to grapple with & master it.

We could sum up the full range of our powerful emotions into just two — Love & fear. Underlying all positive feelings is Love. Under any uncomfortable emotion is fear of some sort. It takes going within with intent to uncover the source of fear.

Nothing blocks the divine flow but fear.

For those who are ready & willing, now is our time to excise all vestiges of the Matrix from ourselves. They were not imposed — it was more devious than that. The cabal presented them prepackaged with glittering, attractive lies & only enough truth to gain our acceptance. There’s no such thing as polluted truth, as real Truth is immaculate. The hint of Truth woven into the lies lured us, the Light Beings, into consent.


We are perfect, whole, & pure in our emptiness.

Can you accept this, or at least consider the possibility? You are not imperfect, no matter what path you choose. Your perfection abides in the internal void. The personality is the issue, here, for personality is not Who or what we are. As you’re willing to watch yourself, to view it in action — without trying to change a thing — you open the door for Source-in-form to inhabit your experience.

If & as we are Source, manifestations of That, then we have the potential to allow That to manifest in all aspects of our material lives. Our personality wants to do, to fix & change things, but that isn’t successful for long. Imperfection abides outside of the emptiness & we don’t yet know our perfection nor how that will emerge.

Let’s continue to divest the ego of thinking it knows anything.

In knowing nothing, in realizing your emptiness, you empower enlightenment. Awakening is not something we do, nor is it something that just happens. We know precious little about it, being too much in our own way. Let’s step aside, letting our innate perfection have its day, remaining open to the mystery that is Life.

The Tao te Ching, verse 43



10:55 am, Thursday 2017/11/30, 2nd, Mayan day 2 Serpent / Chicchan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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