Who’s Driving, Heart or Head?
knowing & Knowing = Worlds Apart
All time is just Now. That might even be a good, Heart-resonant sticky-note for the mirror, the fridge, near the car speedometer… a friendly nudge back into Self. 🔔
We’ve seen it, now — not that we can language that, but we’ve seen. We cannot define it in any way. The beauty, here, is that we’re noting the distinction between Heart Knowing & mind’s way of knowing.
They’re in different leagues, different realms.
We could use words like “sensing” or “intuiting” as pointers to this strange-to-the-mind way of knowing I call “Knowing,” but they’re all just words. To the extent we’ve cleared the decks to allow humility, we don’t get sucked back into the mental state, into believing our thoughts. We just observe. 😶 😍 😶
We’ve invited the Self in & Self is on-watch, aware of consciousness creating the points & pixels comprising our awareness, our personal picture & experience of reality in/as every NowHere moment.
Heart is centered in the Now that also comprises all time. (Don’t think, just Be. 😆)
Heart awareness no longer allows the mind to believe it knows things, fully aware we know nothing that’s Real, here in the 3D playground of beliefs ‘where consciousness creates’ (envision as strike-through) created by consciousness.
That’s Huge! In the absence of the strike-through font, here, that last line is terribly awkward, but what it speaks is worth the effort to tease it out. It presents the crux of it all. 😲
We’re creating our world, all of 3D.
In other words, if we want to change something in 3D, the place to change it is in consciousness, not in the external world. Only then, once it’s changed in our awareness, will the 3D changes we make stick around to be enjoyed. 🌻
We’re finding ourSelves, our Self, so we’re better able to perch on the fulcrum, to straddle the both/and, to choose (& craft) our view. Once we realize that we don’t create things by working in/on 3D, that 3D IS our creation — not that of some distant god-upon-a-cloud — everything stops.
The old thoughts, ways, & beliefs don’t fit through the eye of this needle. Incoming!!💥 Incoming shift, the gift of Self! 🎁
This recognition all but destroys everything we once thought we knew, back in our days of forgetting our Source-in-form core. Instead of today/Now serving-up consequences of the past— things we can’t change, things over which we have no power — we’re faced with a whole other view.
Are we ready for the emPowerMeN(e)t? Perhaps, & perhaps not.
This is where/when we reap the blessings of our times of inner repose, of silence in Heart, of aligning with & nurturing that inner emptiness that’s so full. To the extent the mind is running our show, we’re in our own way.
If that is our state, then our mind will have us convinced that it can, indeed, break things down & sort it all out. [1] That mind is full of BS — of Belief Systems blocking the view. Now, there’s not a thing in the world wrong with this, if this is our state. Seriously!
We can play & entertain ourselves as long as we like by going down the many rabbit holes the mind discovers or invents. With eternity/infinity as our playground, we can do as we like. We have plenty to explore & there’s no wrong & right to it, just the joy/hard-knocks coin & the wisdom it engenders. [2]
It just is — do you see?
When we reach the “place” where we more often occupy that is-ness of things, we’re mastering our divine Balance on the teeter-totter of relativity, the realm of the either/or, left/right, up/down, bad/good, etc. We watch ourselves shortening the wild pendulum swings between extremes via our experience, our Dance.
⚖️ Balance — OMG! 😲 ⚖️
So very strange it at first feels. As long as we choose to continually let go, we’re good with this. Oh, & it’s priceless to ignore the mind clamoring about how it just doesn’t understand, & would we please just check into this, this, & that, thank you very much?! (Good spot for a chuckle at self’s expense.)
Are we letting go, yet? In this land where less is more, unless we’re allowing & attuning to the Divine, to Heart flow, we’re blocking our own view. Certain things are only seen via Heart or when in neutral gear, disengaged.
This letting go seems more challenging to those gainfully employed, those punching real or imaginary (management) time-clocks. The common assumption is that things spiritual must be restricted to weekends, off time, & vacations.
Their pragmatic reality may seem to dictate that work requirements prevent or don’t allow for spiritual stuff. Is that the case? Can we see the mind’s either-or at work, there, prosperity vs spirituality, yes vs no?
What says the Both/And to this?
The mind holds opinions/beliefs in favor of or against most things, the classic either/or. Wealth is hugely favored, while disability is not, for example. That’s relativity for you, focusing on only one side of any coin. What’s obvious to the mind is anything but to the soul or Inner Being. (If the mind & Inner Being married, they’d likely get a divorce. 😆)
The Inner Being is neutral, impartial, so nothing much sways it. We’ll take a short jaunt into 3D-mind view to illustrate, but be careful to watch for mind’s lures, its minefield. Let’s say you’re born a queen of a wealthy nation, with just about everyone & everything at your beck & call. Is this advantageous, a “good” thing?
That depends entirely on your perspective.
That’s why the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Friends, we have little idea of the endless hoops they must jump through, the rigid strictures dictating every aspect of royalty’s lives. Miss Markle marries a prince, yet becomes a somewhat limited dutchess? She could certainly tell us about the challenges of entering the royal world; about the snarky controlling ways these “elites” may respond to perceived misbehavior.
For those of us not interacting one-on-one with royalty or those in high places, we have no idea how creatively manipulative they can be against those who displease them. While this is shocking to us, to their inbred & cultivated arrogance it makes perfect, practical good sense.
Relativity on display. 😉
That’s enough of the mind’s perspective for now since our frequency rises or falls relative to the locus of our focus, be that Heart or the relativity of the mind. I enjoy keeping my relativity jaunts brief. Perhaps a later journal will touch on the bright side of the disability coin, the blessings it (& anything negative) offers that go largely unseen, thus rarely enjoyed.
Back into Heart with us, friends. As we’re deeply Respectful of Heart in self & all, we’re cautious & watchful. A dip into relativity isn’t worth a long stay, IMO. Silence & centering are our dear friends early on, along with a determination bordering on stubbornness. :-D
This is a sort of mindfulness that’s appropriate in whatever situation, even on the job. I will suggest keeping largely mum about it at work, though. Do as you like, but you’ll discover why chatting isn’t wise if you’re led there by anything but Heart’s urging.
Until we’re more settled & anchored in Heart, we risk muddying the waters by bringing Heart things up with those still largely in the Matrix. If we’re not alert, we can slip back into relativity for a time — until the Heart/head, Know/know contrast again makes itself felt & we reawaken.
All that matters is Now, so let’s not let our mind tug us out of that. We are crafting our reality, friends. Every thought, word, desire & deed moves us along. Is our mind at the wheel, steering our course, or is Heart driving? Are we always doing, or are we Being, aligned with/as the flow of the Divine Dance?
Free will is the crowning jewel of relativity, of 3D. In the midst of All That Is, we get to choose. Which aspect of our Being is making most of our choices? If we want to change, then let us get out of our own way.
How are we in our own way? For that, let us look to our systems of belief, how they structure our awareness.
As the Dance, we’re always brought to the perfect time, the perfect opportunity for the ideal Now — or whatever choice we might like to make.
Heart sees us as infinitely blessed, regardless, regardless, regardless… of anything the mind has to say.
Week of 2018/06/18, published 6/21, Mayan day 10 Star or Rabbit / Lamat
[1] Mind is arrogant to think it can “sort it all out,” simply because its realm is relativity, with its endless possible angles & perspectives. It sorts things out from one perspective by excluding all others — do you see? To have mind “sort things out” is necessarily & naturally a useful but limited thing.
[2] Do NOT let your mind misconstrue the “no right & wrong thing,” or it will make a mess. This goes beyond the duality of externals into Heart’s realm, inaccessible to the mind. These are different realms.
Dark belief systems may mask the distinction, misapplying scripture or words of Heart to the mind’s realm of externals (e.g., “There is no right & wrong”). This is not at all wise, it’s a trap, yet one where the Satanist, for instance, may say, “But these are God’s words.” It traps only those still resident in the mind Matrix, identifying with form, not yet aware of the two realms.
In our mental/physical relativity, right & wrong can be useful concepts until we master what they offer. Consequences for wrongdoing are appropriate & often helpful there — within the mind’s more limited realm/perspective.
Right & wrong partake of a duality we’re now transcending as we awaken. This is not an either/or choice of Heart vs head, but the both/and of us integrating them appropriately as we emerge into/as our vaster Being. ☯️
So we laugh; we enjoy, & our energy supports one & all, an invitation to higher frequencies for those who are ready.
PS Came back to add today’s Abraham-Hicks’ Daily Quote. Hope your mind can let it in enough to both enjoy & accept it:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/06/24
“There is no state of physical decline or damage that you could not recover from — none — not any, if you knew it… If you wanted it and knew that you could. And that’s those miracles that they talk about every day. They’re not miracles at all, they are the natural order of things. But because they are rare, people think they are miraculous. They’re not. That’s the way it is supposed to be. You’re supposed to thrive.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/23/02
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)