Who Embodies the Mountains, the Planets, the Galaxies?
We Do
This whole set of human embodiments begins to feel somewhat strange & restrictive. We’re not really human — it’s one of the games that we play, as consciousness. When you realize that not just Gaia, but all planets, all stars are also ensouled, consciously aware beings, it’s fruitful to ponder.
In any number of my meditation journeys I found myself out midst the stars, the galaxies. You can imagine my stunned surprise the first time one of them addressed me. I’ve forgotten which galaxy it was, but perhaps the Milky Way. They’re conscious, too, & can be addressed. My conversations with them have been lovely — directly addressed & well understood on both sides.
I’m not one for visiting psychics, but there was one giving readings at a conference I attended, so I thought, “what the heck,” & got a reading. That, too, was stunning. She told me one of my most joyous incarnations was as a mountain. Speechless, I just listened, as those many years ago it was a radical idea to me — though not so much, anymore.
We’re these human bodies, yet in no way limited to them. In our infinite/eternal realm we play many games, take on many forms (& no form). We’ve done a bit of everything, nor have we ceased doing so. As the old ways & belief systems fall away, we have more access to our wider ranging experiences.
We’re held here, pinned down in these forms, by our beliefs (i.e., consciousness). As we begin to entertain broader possibilities, there’s no telling what will arise in awareness. It’s a personal journey, though — no one person’s journey has much to do with that of another. We’ve done our own thing, just as many still do, here on earth.
We’re complete in ourselves, at the zero-point of awareness embodying All That Is, yet also playing around, taking various adventures, trying on new forms & experiences. When we say, “Anything is possible,” & really mean it, no telling what we’ll encounter/remember. That mountain is just as much who I am as this human form — just an alternate form.
So much awayts (interesting “typo”) our consciousness shift, our expansion out into the possible. Only the old beliefs stand in the way. Life is an exquisitely beautiful adventure. We’re ancient beyond & before time, friends. So says the emptiness to those who find their way there.
No, the voice doesn’t speak. 3D humans communicate that way, but we’ve got vaster & varied ways to interact, accessible via Heart. I suspect all of this is anchored in our “junk” DNA, so as that comes back online & activates, buckle-up! It will likely be a wild ride, at least from the mental perspective.
Let’s make it a practice to cease limiting the self. Thinking we know anything — that’s how we do it, locking the self into a box of beliefs. There’s no harm in this, & we can choose to do it for as long as we like. Many of us are too ready to move on, now, move on in consciousness, to settle for such limits as “knowledge.”
There does exist vital & useful knowledge, but that’s not what’s purveyed on present-day earth. We’re so far beyond the current control system, here, that it’s laughable, but we must step out of it. No one can do that for anyone else, so let’s not look to others for our release, whether on or off planet.
“The buck stops here,” with each of us, for our own experience of life & awareness. We’re the garden, the head gardener, & the very soil that we till — only self. We’re the ones who need to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps if we want expansion & broader experience. It’s available, awaiting our exercise of free will.
Bon voyage! 😆 🌈
3:05 pm, Sunday 2017/12/17, 1st, Mayan day 6 Wind / Ik