White Feather, you’ll understand/innerstand why this comment of yours is so comforting to me when you read this. You see, things have been strange here, as well — extra strange. I don’t know that I have words for the odd stuff, the never-before stuff of my 66 years.
Odd things in finances, in health issues, in simple memory & coordination (as in spilling my dinner all over my lap — not just once); really nothing massive, just odd stuff, & for both me & my roommate.
What I’ve noted is that all depends on what perspective I take. Since I tend to be upbeat, I’ve been stubbornly positive through it all & that seems to lift any seeming burdens, for some of this stuff could be viewed that way for sure.
Anyway, it’s just odd. We’ve discussed how this is likely part of the big shift we’re in, The Great Awakening; how it’s nothing like what any mind would expect — ever. Consistently odd.
Anyway, I get the sense that will resonate with you, as I have long been saying this is not just happening to me, to us, seeing it, instead, as actions resulting from entering higher frequency space. IDK — not saying I do. Just sharing my take in grateful thanks.