While it’s true that you made some good points, here, the overall message doesn’t resonate with me — accepting the boredom, while pushing yourself to achieve external, measurable “success” — whatever that is.
It’s the outer focus that I find disturbing — when I find all & every measure of “success” within. What may look like a car wreck in your life, externally, may be just what’s required to help you make a crucial internal shift.
You’ve tackled a tough area, though — externally measurable “success” — so your article flows well with that. My world, my whole everything is internal. To me, anything “out there” is just a reflection of what I’ve got going on, within. From this perspective, outer changes flow quite naturally from inner application, inner “work.”
Then again, this excludes me from the best audience for this piece, as I could care less, being retired, about climbing the success ladder. So do forgive my intrusion, here, lol. Just thought I’d pipe-up & share ;)