#GoodAndBad #Duality

Balance is Best — Awakening in the Dream — pt. 1 of 3

More Powerful Than We Know

6 min readApr 11, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Where is our focus? Whatever we focus on, that’s what we magnify. Yeah, it’s a bit trippy to have that sort of power, but there ya go. Too bad nobody told us this in school. We’d have a better world by far if everyone knew it.

Some go all in when they discover this, determining to keep their focus on only positive things. There was some of this in the hippy movement decades ago. I may not have been a hippie, but I spent a few years — well, decades — in the only-Light pursuit. I don’t recommend it.

Why not? It’s not balanced. Sometimes negative things must be faced, like it or not. The one pursuing the only-Light thing tends to develop resistance to anything they perceive as dark.

Whether we focus on what we want or on what we don’t want, we manifest it.

Source/God doesn’t seem to recognize “no” or “not.” Yeah, it’s bizarre, but there ya go. Science can’t prove a negative, either. No matter how many times the experiment produces a positive result, seeming to support the hypothesis, all it takes is one negative result to disprove it, oh my.

Can’t Prove Me Right — Quotesgram.com

Part of the equation, here, is that we’re far more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. We’ve been filled with a good deal of negative programming about ourselves & humanity, in general. Don’t watch the “news” if you want to feel good. It seems designed to keep us down & depressed.

Though I fought the idea for decades, I now see the whole Matrix take-over thing as real. The globalists have accomplished a phenomenal take-over of the planet behind the scenes while our focus was elsewhere.

Once upon a time, I would have found this terribly depressing. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t see it until later — until I was ready.

In today’s context, this is not a bad thing, & you can guess why. It may be what’s brought on or accelerated The Great Awakening now taking place pretty much everywhere. We get a freedom-loving US President, & the whole world benefits. Freedom was obviously there, just beneath the surface, awaiting a good excuse to burst forth & take over, oh my.

We incarnated for this time, this awakening, friends.

Let’s take that step back that lets us put the whole thing in a larger perspective. Hey, it helps. When we’re feeling really lost & miserable for whatever reason, we got lost in the details of whatever it is. Stepping back, going for balance & detachment can really help us keep our head above water.

We’re all in the process of discovering that we’re the only one in our way at any time.

That’s a shocking concept to discover — that no one “out there” has any control over our internal state. Our belief systems will rise to resist it, which is fine. Just observe & learn.

It’s all part of the awakening. Until we’re willing to accept the “bad” along with the good, we’re going nowhere fast. Life is a package deal.

Later on, we’ll see how the whole concept of “bad” is mistaken. It’s all good. The seeming bad is just good in a different wrapping paper, presenting a specific challenge that only our Inner Being knows how to resolve, to unwrap.

What’s in the way here is our belief in the “bad;” that it exists, that it’s a necessary part of life; that we deserve it, somehow.

In our ignorance, we’ve created terrible challenges, done things of which we’re not proud. My heart still aches for what elephants go through being “tamed” or “trained.” It’s beyond inhumane, breaking their spirit, in effect; & that’s but one nasty reality we’ve manifested.

It’s clearly not the case that everything everywhere is obviously good or desirable. We’ve all endured experiences we wish had never happened. When we look at the perfect balance of the yin/yang, we’re viewing our own ideal state.

Much as we’d like to completely eradicate everything “bad” around the world, for ourselves & everyone else, what would that serve?

Can we step back to take another look at this “bad” stuff, at what it might be bringing our way? Have you noticed how both the good & the “bad” that comes into everyone’s life is specific to them? There’s not an overall “bad” that oppresses all of humanity, nor was there ever.

Stick with Heart for this; the mind wants no part of it. Just give it a chance, you don’t have to accept it; just consider it. See how it feels. What if every single “bad” thing, everywhere was actually a blessing in disguise?


“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
Aristotle, Metaphysics

Some of those “blessings” are terribly hard to take, & there’s no way our mind can figure out what the “lesson” is supposed to be. Ultimately, we don’t require any “lessons.” Deep within, we actually Know all we need to know. We’re here for the adventure, for expansion out into the eternity/infinity of the possible. We’re here for Joy.

We don’t see much of this until we cease self-limiting by identifying with the body-mind.

From that perspective, things look pretty rough, sometimes even horrible, depending on where we put our focus. Recognition of Self as Source-in-form is part & parcel of awakening. It’s a major adjustment that takes some time to manifest.

We’re actually both deprogramming the self from the nonsense, the old beliefs, while allowing the Self to reprogram us. It’s all a bit strange, hugely strange at times, but quite enjoyable once we let go & relax into it. As an eternal, infinite Being, as consciousness having an adventure, nothing much is at stake.


What we’ll soon discover is that our 3D life is the dream state, compared to our Source-in-form Reality. Spend some time exploring the NDE scene for a taste of the other side — which is really right here, just unseen.

This shouldn’t be so very shocking when we consider the many energies passing through & around us at all times, waves in the infra-red, ultra-violet & beyond, that our senses don’t detect.

Well, we have other senses, okay? They’re senses of Heart where we discover the Oneness where telepathy, precognition, & every other such thing is ever so natural, simple elements of our Oneness. We’re bursting out of the limited 3D encapsulation we trustingly, innocently accepted for so long. No more!

Be determined to enjoy your life’s journey and you will. It’s really that simple, & it’s more than okay to laugh at yourself. It’s actually uplifting. 😆



8:42 am, Wednesday, 2019/04/10 — Mayan day 4 Crocodile / Imix




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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