Creating Our New Golden Age
When we’re ready to venture inward, to pull our focus from externals, awakening is available. It’s not out there, waiting somewhere for us in the external world, a gift of just the right teacher or teaching, religion or philosophy… though we may enjoy these along the way.
Awakening is an already-done-deal deep inside of us, at our Source-in-form core — we wake up to what already is. Can we even imagine Source being unawakened, unaware? It’s ridiculous, but when we’re programmed to desert our Inner Being by going outward, by sticking to mental mode, we lose touch with That.
It didn’t go anywhere; we turned away from it.
We are not just the body, the body-mind, but the Divine One, walking, swimming, flying about in all forms. Even a rock is conscious, friends, just not at such a speedy vibration as those things we call “living beings.” Hey, trees are people, too. 😆 Yet, our contact point with all of this is not “out there” in the world, but within; it’s Heart linking us up.
How flexible is your perspective? It’s fine to pursue a topic & gain mastery, just don’t let your results control you (as locked-in beliefs). Life is far more enjoyable when viewed from a flexible perspective, able to at least consider other angles & views. It also leads to overall harmony within the Family of Humanity, better understanding, better flow/cooperation.
Awakening is both subtle & shocking by turns.
We’ve all experienced it along our trek when making the choice to wake up, to exit the Matrix. The early stages are more akin to a great roller coaster ride than a relaxed Sunday drive. It is so important to cut ourselves (& others) lots of slack, the better to relax & enjoy the show.
That does not mean we condone destructive behavior. That would be the mind’s response, but Heart Knows better. You love the being, yet weigh the behavior, which does not improve in the absence of consequences. We actually love the person by bringing the consequences to bear at times. The results of their actions offer them the opportunity to rein themselves in, to take another perspective.
It’s ALL good, & the one able to see from that perspective is far ahead of the pack. That one is also on a more enjoyable ride, absent the levels of fear & tension carried by most, conscious & subconscious. We’ve been programmed that way, thus clipping our wings, locking us down — yet it doesn’t have to continue.
We are as free as we choose to be.
Keep in mind, always, that the only thing you’re legitimately in charge of is yourself, your own life experience; no one else’s. Our mind was taught to cast blame on those “responsible” for what happened to us, for what we now feel. We must exit the head & enter Heart to see it this other, more beneficial way. We are responsible for what we manifest. 😲
Yes, we have rights, but they come with responsibilities, the 2-sided coin. We, the people, are put in charge of our USA in our founding documents, yet we didn’t pay sufficient attention to the responsibilities that came along with such power, such Divinely-bestowed rights; thus, this Matrix mess.
Our answers await, within.
We cannot work in the world to somehow fix the world. Awakening eventually reveals that concept as stuff & nonsense. We, as consciousness, are creating the world, are manifesting all of it. Better said, Source is doing that, but doing it through us (when we first allow, then align with That we get far better results). It all gets back to our use or misuse of free will, do you see?
It’s well past time to quit blaming others for what we are experiencing. That phase was our childhood, taken over by the cabal & their minions who saw to our programming. We were made to view ourselves as somehow deficient, as less than whatever we’d compare ourselves to. Stuff & nonsense; but since we didn’t know any better, we bought into it.
Awakening is stepping out of the programming, eventually out of the Matrix, itself.
We weren’t taught the wise & best uses of free will, weren’t informed that it’s consciousness that’s creating everything, so of course, we made many missteps. That’s the “reality” we’re dealing with, now, but it’s not solid, not actually Real, just a temporary detour IF that’s our choice, i.e., to awaken.
We were not taught that it’s all good, but rather the reverse. We were taught to view things in a negative, defensive light. That’s a big part of how the cabal maintains their control of us & of what we create. Being negative, themselves, they feed on negativity, never Light.
When we reconnect & anchor in Light (as Source-in-form), they get burned when they contact our energy field.
Let’s keep remembering that it’s all good. As we adopt that as our inner mantra when greeting anything the mind perceives as negative, we begin reprogramming our brain. Persistence down this line eventuates in a great shift in our perceptions. We watch as the negativity fades away, along with ever so much tension & discomfort.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2018/08/06
“You don’t have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you’re protecting yourself. Because you can’t look at something and say, “Oh no, I’m saying a prayer to protect myself from you,” without achieving vibrational harmony with “you”, whatever you are.” [Emphasis mine]
Excerpted from Seattle, WA on 7/3/99
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We’re no longer producing the loosh the cabal vampires feed on so they begin to starve. We starved out the NFL by voting with our feet & our wallets against kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner. That’s an example, evidence we don’t have to fight things, friends — that’s their way, not ours. We make the best choices & move on, fighting only defensively, if need be.
We notice that our “moving on” always seems to come with something we’re releasing, a habit, a pastime, a website, a friend — whatever. The mind clings to things that Heart easily releases, so being Heart-centric is most helpful. As we let go of old attachments, we’re pleasantly surprised to find we’re happier in their absence. Delightful stuff!
Let us feel our way into awakening, opening those inner senses long lying dormant in our unawareness. It’s our Greater Being we’re discovering, & it’s truly vast, but no one can either lead us there or give us any sort of awakening. That’s up to us, so we must step up to claim it.
We aren’t who we think we are or who we were programmed to be. What we are is so much more that it beggars description. We’ve been held down, held back long enough! Follow Heart; it won’t lead you astray. By holding a flexible perspective while knowing that it’s all good, everything desirable comes our way. Our vision is able to see the blessings on the other side of every negative coin.
The secret we thus discover is that everything desirable was coming our way all along — we were just programmed not to see it that way AND to block it with our doubt & distrust. It’s a real mind-pretzel.
Let’s get reacquainted with both our free will & the Divine Power of consciousness, owning both. No one ever changes an age single-handedly. Great leaders & awakened teachers are the tip of the spear, but we are the blade & the shaft — all one.
We’re all in this together, so let’s embrace & make-up, allowing Source to carve out the New Golden Age through us all. One day we’ll discover/recall that separation, itself, is but a useful myth.
Wednesday afternoon, 2018/08/08, the Lion’s Gate — Mayan day 6 Wisdom / Cib
PS Technology may or may not be present in the incoming Golden Age; it is not required, for it’s consciousness that makes it golden. Our most “advanced” tech is being both hidden & misused against us. “Newer & better” don’t necessarily equate.