What of the Unawakened?

9 min readJun 18, 2017


These Eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me

Boy, have we got some rough times ahead of us. Yes, there are those who are waking-up, realizing we live in a false “reality,” overall. It’s not far off to call it The Matrix, after the movie.

This isn’t such a challenge for the awakening ones. They’re already doing a pretty good job of seeing through the endless lies & deceit. As for the rest, though — I feel for them.

Just read through a comment thread on a whistle-blower’s presentation, & it was almost depressing. Leaving aside the paid trolls, (now more numerous than ever) so many others just bashed the guy — Corey Goode.[1] I feel for all of us working to sort things out.


It seems that awakening is our best stance amidst the coming revelations, the further chaos that will likely ensue. As Source-in-form we have access to so much, but not until we drop our current BS belief systems — basically everything we’ve been taught & programmed to accept. Until then, we remain sitting ducks for having our whole (false) world come crashing down.

Oh well — humanity is resilient. No doubt suicides & violence will rise sharply once these things reveal themselves in unavoidable ways. Even then, many will continue to deny. It’s understandable, all things considered. I just wish more of us would wake the heck up before being forced into it — hate to see unnecessary suffering.

What can anyone do? When people are so locked-in to what they honestly believe to be reality, no one can reach them. As Source-in-form, we’re each the sovereign of our own reality. While there is significant awakening among many, yet so many comment threads are full of negative vitriol. Oh well, it’s just free will at work. No one can wake anyone else up who isn’t ready, isn’t at least somewhat open to possibilities beyond their system of beliefs.


I’d at least offer a few suggestions — one of which is to move inland, if you live near any coast. Another is to get out of the big cities, where people are shepherded together to be that much easier to control, en masse. Much harder to do that with us rural folk. Though we might not have all the conveniences, the luxuries available there, we have more peace of mind. We’re more left alone.


Something we should all be able to see on the horizon is an imminent crash of the world’s fiat currencies. Brewing for so many years, it’s finally close. We know they’re backed by nothing, & as history indicates, fiat currencies never last long. Too bad money has been given such undeserved importance in today’s world. It’s yet another cabal control system. It’s wise to prepare for its demise just in case.

The native peoples did fine without money for centuries, perhaps longer. Nor are they as primitive as the Matrix reality would have us believe. They’ve been learning from & interacting with the “Star People,” the ancestors, all along. They’d have shared more about it had they not been so disrespected, disbelieved, & shut down. Humanity is the loser for not honoring & listening to them.


All around the world ancient underground discoveries continue to happen. There are both tunnel systems & remnants of ancient high technology that far surpasses anything currently on the world stage. ET/ED have been here before, & they’re coming again — many of them never left, simply retreating into the honeycombed earth to survive. In every war some of our troops have encountered very strange beings, some of them 20' tall or more.

Here’s the thing — the information is definitely out there, available to the serious researcher. Sure, most of it has been destroyed or hidden away, available only to members of the cabal, the “ruling elite.” LOL, elite they are not! Foot soldiers, puppets of the Anunaki, a reptilian race, is more accurate. Yet due to their prestige, their money & power — which we have been programmed to honor — they are respected, obeyed.


Until people begin to question their reality, its actual veracity, the truth is made to seem like science fiction & people fall for that. The current Matrix “reality” strips people of their innate power, the realization that the body, the mind is but perhaps 1% or less of what & Who we are. In that state it feels safer — sane, even — to just go along with the party line, with the programming, of which most remain unaware.

What can be done about this? And should we even seek to do anything about it? Probably not — what good would it do? It’s people’s right to make their own choices, & it’s best to respect that. At the soul level we all know about these things — yet it takes shifting out of head, into Heart/soul/Higher Self to connect with that knowing. That’s a choice best left up to each one.


Since the answers come on the awakening journey, the best thing we can do is see to our own waking-up. Humanity is one family, united in ways akin to quantum entanglement. One & all, we’re telepathic, as well — yet when we don’t know it, we interpret our experiences through the lens of current beliefs. In the Matrix, minds are co-opted & controlled in so many ways.

In rising above the limitations of 3D mind we’ll discover our Power, our true nature as divine, as Source-in-form. If you believe a lie, then temporarily, at least, that lie is your truth. When you believe many lies, your truth is like Swiss cheese — full of holes. Yet no one can see through it but you, & that takes an openness not visible on many comment threads. Oh, well.


The interesting thing is that there is no one reality, no one truth that encompasses the way things are. It’s rather funny, in a way, but as Source-in-form, our reality is generated by us — by Creator/Source energy working through us. Did you know that we even take our belief systems (BS) with us to the other side when we cross-over? Yup, we create our reality, even there.

What’s the best belief system, then — the one nearest to truth? That’s easy — no beliefs, whatsoever. :0 It enables an honest openness to the reality that literally anything is possible. All beliefs just get in the way, closing us off to whatever truth comes our way. If it clashes with our beliefs, we don’t truly hear it — we can’t, in that state.

If only we all realized that mind is not the vehicle that leads to awakening. There’s no way it can take us there, so wed is it to 3D duality. We’ve been well & truly programmed, friends. We only awaken as we begin to ditch our programming, bit by bit. All at once would be too much, akin to the shock awaiting those still in sleeple or sheeple status. No one can help them but themselves.


It’s actually fairly simple — to drop all beliefs is to exit the Matrix — yet who has the insight, the courage to take this deeply unsettling trek? Courage is a property of the heart — of Heart (the inner, “spiritual” heart). In today’s world mind has been in the driver’s seat, seemingly forever. Who has the adventuresome spirit, the courage to set it aside — even temporarily — to explore?

OMG, the awakening is so amazing, there are hardly words for it. Words, heard & interpreted by mind, are not helpful. Sure, they can be entertaining, sometimes illuminating, but the fire they light is deep within Heart. Mind has no access to that. Most of us past about age 10 already know we can’t convince anyone of something to which they’re closed, thinking they already know.

I’ve even got a journal extolling the beauty of knowing nothing — yes, nothing. It’s comforting to realize that the awakening ones can at least hear it, can take it in as a possibility. To those locked in the prison of mind, it seems to be the mutterings of someone deranged. You just have to laugh — what else can you do? The more aware we are, the less we’re bothered by being thought a fool.


What’s developing on the world stage is an awakening in the midst of chaos. It will be the chaos that spurs the awakening of many as they watch things unfold. One could even posit that perhaps that’s the deeper purpose behind the chaos, but who knows, right? We surely live in interesting times.

I wish you well, friends — one & all — even those playing the current roles of the “bad guys.” They’re every bit as much Source as anyone else, just more misguided. Still, they’re not actually doing anything that’s “wrong.” Do we execute the actor who plays a murderer, a devil, in a play? On crossing over we see from that broader perspective — only then do many realize that our 3D sojourn is akin to a play.

We can’t be killed, you know — not really. Yes, we lay the body down, but we’ve done that endless times. Who & what we truly are does not die, nor can it. Just as Source is infinite, eternal, so are we. As the sun is one with its light, we are one with/as Source. Source is actually playing all of the roles through us — albeit seemingly indirectly. Can Source be wrong — be bad — or die?


Something discovered along the awakening journey is that right & wrong don’t really exist in the way we’ve been led to view them. This is dangerous to share with mind, which cannot interpret it; so it’s best to listen from Heart, where the real wisdom abides. If it intrigues you, here’s a journal to explore. Who knows, it might be fun ;-)

It’s all good, friends. Truly, there’s nothing worthy of one moment of worry. We begin to see why all the teachers, the gurus down through time were so misunderstood. Like whistle-blowers, they were revealing the inner, higher dimensions, sharing from where their soul abides even now.


There’s also a humorous aspect to today’s chaotic world — it’s the cabal, the dark forces that are most terrified. They are basically freaking out all over the world. Having kept the real history, the real knowledge & technology under wraps, they’re far more aware than most.

They realize what’s transpiring, & they’re doing their level best to hold it off, to prevent humanity’s awakening. That’s why we witness many of them acting so foolishly, working so very hard to pit us against one another, to keep us in fear. To those unaware of this, their behavior often seems foolish, but to them, not so much.

They keep the knowledge cloistered via their pyramidal hierarchy structures, yet most of those near the top are sufficiently aware to be staining their pants. They now realize that his time Niburu’s crossing will not bring them the strength, the further empowerment which they just knew was on it’s way.


The good news? It’s there, too, seen by more & more. As time passes more are waking-up to the reality that humanity is not the only game in town — in the solar system, the galaxy, the Cosmos. What we have today is the good guys joining together — many benevolent races joining “hands” across the star systems & dimensions — in process of defeating the dark overlords. (Their minions, the cabal, will be left to us to unseat.)

People say “prove it,” but that will never happen. Why? That’s evidence that they remain stuck in mind. Show them a photo or a film, they’ll cry CGI or PhotoShop. What’s required to experience the “proof” is to leave mind, to release all belief that they’re stuck in 3D.

As long as they believe that, it’s their reality. No proof is available to mind. Mind is what’s been co-opted, limited to duality. This broader reality is well beyond duality’s scope.

You’re the only one who can use Free Will to take the plunge, to decide to awaken from the daze. Seeing is freeing. No one can lend you a hand, friend — it’s strictly a do-in-yourself undertaking.

Yet on the other hand, countless “hands” are reaching out to you with abundant assistance. These aren’t seen until we make the choice to step up & out. If you do, perhaps this journal, too, will lend a hand.


[1] About Corey Goode — I don’t suggest accepting anyone’s revelations completely — whistle-blower or not. While I believe it’s likely that Corey was, indeed, in the SSP (Secret Space Program), he has his own BS Belief Systems on-board, just like the rest of us.

That being said, I would caution those who accept the Blue Avian, Ra, with whom he communicates, to exercise some caution. He & his race could well be AI (Artificial Intelligence). Witness the way he always begins any statement with “I am Ra” — rather mechanical, perhaps you’d agree ;-)

12:03 am, Sunday 2017/06/18, Mayan day 6 Sun/Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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