What is a Majority? Physical vs Energetic, Matter vs Energy

4 min readNov 22, 2018


All is Based on Identity — Form vs Energy

These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

How did less than 10% of the Colonists win the Revolutionary War that birthed the USA?

Everything begins with identity. To find Truth, every search must begin with who we take ourselves to be. Who or what is looking for answers? Those realizing the body-mind as but a thread in the greater tapestry of Being will not count a majority by the number of bodies.

The body is peripheral to Who we truly are, the Source-in-form core of awareness.

We are energy, we are consciousness, fields of that present in & as 3D. Einstein even said, “There is no matter,” referring to all that’s manifest as energy. He’s not alone in the scientific community in this view that things are not what they seem.

It is more accurate to view us as beings of energy, so a majority is quantified as the greater extent of the energy fields. Ten people on one side of an equation do not equal ten on the other side. As our inner sensing develops & comes to the fore, we’ll become more adept at reading the energies — Heart stuff.

Energetic majorities bring physical victories.

The physical minority of 10% or less American Colonists who fought & won the Revolutionary War were the energetic majority. When things don’t seem to make sense on the 3D surface, a look beneath that into the energetic realities can increase clarity.

As consciousness, we can’t continue to identify with the form, the body-mind, & find physical answers to energetic issues. Ultimately, simply everything tracks back to energy & identity; with what do we choose to identify, the form or consciousness? Are we finite or eternal? This stance colors the answer to every question.

Because almost every question grounds itself in identity, this makes a great deal of difference to every answer. The physically-grounded ones will produce different answers than those grounded energetically. Thus, every answer is relative in our 3D realm of duality.

It’s little wonder that we don’t all see eye-to-eye, that we seldom completely agree — on anything. It makes perfect Heart sense.

Head vs Heart — Bolivi68.files.wordpress.com

Many things in 3D life don’t seem to make good sense. We wonder how this or that came to be, how people can be so divergent in their opinions & beliefs, yet live in the (seemingly) same world.

A look through the identity lens into whatever issue has the power to bring a greater depth to both question & answer.

We’re mistaken to believe that there’s only one reality & that we all live in it, yet as long as we maintain that belief, that’s how we’ll see it. Consciousness creates, & since we’re each conscious in our own unique way, so, too, is our perceived reality unique.

Until we find our way out of brain dominance & into Heart, we won’t see how another’s reality differs from ours, sometimes drastically.

The opponent isn’t crazy, they just see things differently. The wide difference between SJWs & Conservatives illustrates the fundamental gap inherent in our perspectives. Among the multilayered differences, the most fundamental one lies in identity — physical or energetic, form or consciousness, finite or eternal — or a Balance of both! ☯️

Anything that will help us better understand one another is useful. As we look to identity & how it forms the base for every question & every answer, many things fall into place. It doesn’t resolve everything, not by a long shot, but it has the power to help, to bring us closer together, pulling us back from the brink of war, be it civil or international.

As the reunited 99%, we win this thing, whatever it is! We take back power & control of our own life. The globalist cabal has always been in the physical minority, yet due to the Matrix effect, we’ve been on the losing end of most things. Why? Because consciousness creates, & we’re in the Matrix based on our divisive beliefs. [1]

Seat of Knowledge vs Wisdom — Braintrainingtools.org

How can 1% rule the 99%? One reason is that we’re programmed to identify with the body-mind rather than with awareness. We can see to that right now, furthering The Great Awakening as we expand our limited perspectives.

Things are actually far better than they seem to be, but only Heart sees this way. Even if we only use this knowledge, this deeper perspective, to help us understand those on the other side of issues, without actually changing our perspectives, that’s still a worthy gain, a good first step in a constructive direction.



Thanksgiving Thursday, 2018/11/22 — Mayan day 8 Wind / Ik

[1] Our beliefs, all gotten at second hand, influence & guide our consciousness, structuring our ability to create. We, as the Family of Humanity, actually participated in creating The Matrix, in imposing that on our world. How? As the energy of consciousness flows through our beliefs, it creates in consonance with them.

As awakening ones, we require no beliefs of any kind. While the mind thinks, Heart simply knows the Is-ness of it all — two distinctly different worlds of experience. As we release old beliefs, we reunite those worlds, returning to sanity & harmony.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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