What If Your Main Job is to Feel Good?
When we’re in the flow & feeling good we’re out of the way. We’re letting Source flow through into our experience & into the world. Source is everywhere, yes, but if we want to experience That, we move into the higher frequencies that just naturally feel good.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/08/05
“Your work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy, connecting to Source Energy, and then following with the inspired action.”
Excerpted from Virginia Beach, VA on 4/12/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We develop momentums over time, energy habits. Do we make them our captors — or do we master them? Don’t own the negative stuff or you’re just feeding it, recreating more unpleasantness. That’s not to say the negative stuff won’t show up since it will; it’s just how we handle that, how we respond to it that counts, that creates.
When in Heart, negativity is easier to recognize as an intrusion on our Source-in-form Self — one we choose to either accept or not. When it piles on heavy & thick, it’s good to go lie down for 10 minutes or so. Half an hour is good, too. Our simple purpose is to both take a physical break, but also to find that good-feeling space within. [1]
It really helps to know that it’s always there where you are, since a belief to the contrary gets in our way, blocking the experience. During this time our job is to ignore all that’s been bothering us, all that we’re viewing through a negative lens.
When we know it’s actually all good in some way or another, that helps. Since every coin has two sides, we accept that this stuff does, too.
We discover that we’re actually quite buoyant at our core. Our vibration naturally rises when we quit feeding the negative stuff by our attention to it. Here’s how Abraham-Hicks puts it:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/08/09
“You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your “now vibration” will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.”
Excerpted from Portland, OR on 6/10/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Our beliefs craft our reality, our experience of life. When it’s consciousness that creates, how could it be otherwise? Our beliefs also craft our expectations, something we’re better off without. They block us from the Now space of Heart by their future focus, their past origin.
Are our beliefs our own, or is someone else in charge of them? It’s actually a legitimate question, since for young children & those with rigid belief systems, that’s how it seems, that someone else is forever calling the shots.
However, some powerful evidence supporting our ownership of our internal being comes through Viktor Frankl’s, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Occupant of Auschwitz & 3 other Nazi prison camps, the world is forever blessed by what Dr. Frankl shared of his experience in captivity, by what he made of it.
In his search for life’s meaning, his life’s meaning, he was also seeking the better-feeling concept or thought, seeking to feel better in the only way he could — internally — since his outer circumstances were completely controlled. If he can do that there, we can surely do it here in our less challenging situation.
As we enter Heart, we find that we don’t know ourselves very well. What makes us tick, what makes us happy? If it’s the things of Spirit, or soul or consciousness, then entering Heart is our likeliest route. If it’s physical things, that’s fine, too, since Heart is the other side of their coin.
What makes us sad, angry, or upset? Let’s rephrase that: “What do we allow to make us sad, angry, or upset?” Until we recognize our own power, until we’re shown that nothing & no one has power over us, naturally, we’ll continue to point the finger of blame. It won’t do us (or anyone) any good. Blame is a useless piece of nonsense to the awakening ones, aware of their oneness with All That Is.
Humanity is — or is meant to be — the power on this earth, since consciousness is the true creative force.
How did we lose that power? How do we find ourselves in the current chaos? We ceded our power to others based on the beliefs with which we were programmed under the guise of education & socialization. We trusted too much.
Believe it or not, we still are that power; we’re just using it to create in negative, harmful ways under the tutelage & guidance of the cabal. Though we’ve been effectively harnessed for centuries & more, yet Now holds the ultimate opportunity to loose the chains & walk away.
We’re beginning to call this time The Great Awakening, since so many of us are turning our backs on said cabal, refusing any longer to play their dark games. The future I see is them stuck in 3D with the negativity they engineered, while we moved beyond their visual/vibrational range (into 4 & 5D & some even beyond).
Whatever you think, know that since consciousness creates, that’s what you’re creating. It’s a bit easier to grasp this idea when we realize how it empowers our beliefs & expectations.
That’s not to say we’ll perfectly create them, since we’re still sloppy creators, working both for & against what we want & what we don’t want. Doubt & fear are two of the biggest culprits, here; ways we work against the self/Self. So what does working for the self/Self look like?
It looks like feeling good.
That gets us out of our own way, enabling our Inner Being to take charge. Since we have free will, our further job is to first allow, then align with that Source-in-form Self. It always feels good when we do, but it won’t force itself on us.
What do you believe you deserve?
Do you admire yourself?
Do you even like yourself?
Or do you judge & condemn yourself in endless little ways, as most do?
Distrust all feelings of guilt; they hold no value, being elements of control. We’re subtly (& not so subtly) programmed into such beliefs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t let them go. We just walk away.
Step-by-precious-step, Source leads us into a far better relationship with the self/Self. When we didn’t realize we had a bad relationship with the self, we weren’t looking to mend it. All of this is quite natural & not really negative at all.
We chose to incarnate into it, don’t forget. We weren’t forced. Misled once we got here, yes, but we chose this.
How good we feel has more to do with how good we allow ourselves to feel. By carrying subconscious self-directed negativity around, we block ourselves from our greatest feelings. Once seen, however, that negativity loses much of its power; all of it over time if we persist. Never again, will the dark so enthrall us!
Our journey Home in consciousness, into awakening, is nothing like the mind “knows” it to be.
“Don’t aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself… Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run — in the long-run, I say! — success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it” [Emphasis, mine]
How we feel counts! It’s far more critical, more vital than we were led to believe. How we feel in any Now tells the story of what we’re creating; well, it delivers very strong hints, anyway. 😉
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/07/24
“You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.”
Excerpted from Atlanta, GA on 9/13/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
A beautiful outcome or side-effect of this walk is how we come to Love the self, how we come to respect, cherish, & honor it. We had no idea we were denying ourselves that, & it’s such a pleasant surprise to restore it. This is Self Loving self. Talk about feeling good!
Thursday, 2018/08/09 — Mayan day 7 Earth / Caban
[1] We can take these breaks at any time; it is not necessary to wait until we feel overwhelmed. 😉