What If Your Body Is a Costume?

Who Are You, Really?

5 min readJun 8, 2020
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

What would it change in your life to realize that you are NOT the body — or rather, not just the body? If we give this new perspective a chance, it offers so much. What if the body is more a costume than an identity? What would that change?

Stepping Back from the Mask

We’re so trussed up in trickery these days that it’s shocking as we begin to awaken. We’re programmed with so much BS that we took in as honest truth. For myself — & I have 4 university degrees — I’d say about 90% of what I was taught is DS (Dark Side or Deep State, as you wish) distortion, their BS.

What are the common themes of the programming?

First & foremost, it’s Divide-and-Conquer. That’s their primary strategy. Do you see it at work? Knowing that “United we stand, divided we fall,” they work hard to keep us continually divided, pitted against one another, be it for religion, skin color, gender, or anything else. Have you noticed?

Next, they want us believing we’re wussy, weak, & impotent, not the divine, Source-in-form beings we actually are. Oh no, that has to be hidden, removed from any aspect of our upbringing, our “education” which is more programming than education.

Truth, real truth plays little part in our schooling or upbringing.

Now, this wouldn’t be so bad, except our parents & their parents (& so on) were also “educated”/programmed this way. They were trained to support the DS narrative, all unaware. They took it to be true, so of course they would. It’s not their fault, so let’s not blame them.

Judgment is another aspect of how the DS operates, how they treat us. We’re taught to judge this, that, & the other as either good or bad. Heaven forbid that we manage to see that every coin has two sides, oh no! That can’t be allowed. We MUST be judgmental to go along with the DS’s designs, to keep the division engine going.

It’s all finally become so blatant, it’s hard to not see it. The cognitive dissonance it engenders is uncomfortable, but most of us would rather know the truth than continue in the web of lies, this Matrix. What did we do wrong to now find ourselves in this awkward, difficult position?

We vested too much trust in the betrayers with fancy titles like Governor, Congressman, Tech CEO, etc. TOO MUCH TRUST. As we let that sink in, we begin to see it at work in ourselves. The ones in charge may have said all the right things, but they lied. What they did was something else, entirely. They’re hypocrites & betrayers; not all, just most.

This is a hard pill to swallow — the red one — but worth it! What’s on the other side is freedom, is empowerment that will surprise you. It’s funny, but as we begin to look again, but with new eyes, we recognize that we, too, bear some responsibility for it; that too-much-trust thing is what enabled it all.

The first time you recognize your part & take responsibility can be a shocking experience. How? It brings with it an unexpected empowerment. That’s the other side of the Responsibility coin, I guess. It feels amazing. Now, instead of just being able to see the BS at work — amazing in its own right — you begin to see through it.

We’re swiftly moving into a new age which amounts to a significant rise in overall frequency. Since it’s just frequency that isolates the dimensions, we’re fast on the way to 4 & 5D; those who are willing. We can’t be forced.

Back to the body & Who we really are & the cardinal rule to Do No Harm.

When a fetus becomes just tissue, not a life, it follows that beating & even killing others is acceptable, even necessary to some. If we abort children after birth, then what’s the difference in killing a 25-year-old? Isn’t it just another abortion? Abortion, not valuing life, is very much a part of the DS operation.

What is patently obvious to most — that with it’s own body & DNA different from the mother, it’s not just tissue but a baby — can’t be seen by those so heavily programmed. While we can give them room to hold different views on this or on anything, we can’t compromise our values to allow murder in the name of phony, corrupt “science.”

Your right to your differences & opinions ends where my nose — or the baby’s — begins.

As long as we do no harm, all is well. We can & will find ways to get along. All of that changes when we find excuses to harm others, their property, their livelihood. We seem to forget the cardinal rule to Do Unto Others as We’d Have Them Do Unto us; The Golden Rule.

We’re currently living in the greatest opportunity to awaken from the Matrix we’ve ever encountered. Sure, it’s messy, even nasty & painful. I suggest that’s because that’s precisely what it takes to help the sleeping ones to wake the heck up. It’s a gift delivered with Love from Source, the perfect prescription for our Great Awakening.

Can you see it like that? Are you willing to see it that way? It’s liberating, but you won’t know until it’s within your own experience.

Let us move toward celebrating bodily death more like the Irish do, as a moving on, a bon voyage rather than a real death. Who & what we are is eternal; it cannot die. That can be either an uncomfortable or a joyous revelation when we find ourselves on the “other side” of the dimensional barrier.

Love & transcendence is within everyone’s reach. It’s actually internal, which we come to discover when we find our way into Heart. Everything, everywhere, the entire NowHere is INTERNAL. The seeming externals are the mirage, the illusion that the mind can’t penetrate — but WE can when we let go of the Matrix, the ego, & the mind.

Sound scary? Nah, not to the one in Heart. It’s only the mind that’s been programmed, friends — & you are not that. You HAVE a mind, one you may have strongly identified with, but what/who you are is Source-in-form. We have a much better journey when we relegate the mind/ego to the back seat.

Death as a Great Blessing — Socrates



3:47 p.m., Sunday, 2020/06/07




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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