#PlayingTheVictim #HeadToHeart #BeTheObserver
What if Happiness is a Choice?
Is It One You’re Willing to Make?
Are you happy? What if that’s better said, “Are you choosing to be happy?” Probably not if you don’t know it’s a legitimate choice — one we can make & then align with.
It’s not an instant shift — usually — but one that’s available to us all; yes, even the so-called bad guys/gals (though their journey is longer).
As we step into Heart to view this, time shifts. It compresses as we move into the NowHere, releasing all thoughts & concepts of past & future. We just are. We just Be.
Is Source “happy?”
Are we going to humanize Source/God, projecting our human perspectives on the One? Probably, LOL, but then as we feel our way through whatever it is, we’re guided. Illumination arises. We perceive it when we’re focused within.
Using words, any words at all, to define or describe Source is a tricky business not destined to succeed. Still, as long as we’re not expecting others to understand, to get precisely what we mean, that’s okay. Communication can be great fun when we don’t take it (or ourselves) too seriously.
Let’s all lighten up as we look into this happiness thing.
Words & 3D concepts are relative. To understand “up” it helps to know “down,” left helps clarify right, out clarifies in & so on. So what does happiness really mean? Do we have to know sadness to understand happiness? Could sadness even be a component of happiness, in a yin/yang sort of way?
Isn’t the night just as much an aspect of the calendar day as the daytime? Aren’t they also somehow connected, forming a whole? Doesn’t our time in sadness or pain amp up the happiness by providing the contrast with joy?
Would joy or happiness be as wonderful, as enjoyable if they were all we ever experienced — ever? Our mind would soon take it for granted.
What we’re describing, here, are elements of 3D relativity. Is it night or day right now? That depends where on the earth we’re standing, right? No matter what the question, in the realm of the relative, “that depends” is an aspect of the answer — & there are many answers to each question, some that would surprise us.
Not to get too deeply into that, let’s keep our focus in Heart where it’s easy, even common to transcend 3D. There are no absolute truths available in relativity, but they abound in Heart — not that we can verbalize them, LOL.
So what is Source? Remember, we’re in Heart, so we have no access to past or future, just our NowHereness. In other words, no Talmudic, Koranic, or Biblical answer need apply.
That frightens some, chasing them out of Heart focus, their minds objecting — & that’s fine. Even though we step away from Heart focus now & again, we can still be the Observer, the neutral one, making our job to just witness whatever it is (thus empowering Source to guide us).
The small truth has words that are clear; the great truth has great silence. ~Rabindranath Tagore
Whatever is just IS, regardless of our opinions about it. We can make peace with that. It makes for a more enjoyable life. We can still play with our words, mastering them as we go, but not being upset when we don’t quite manage to say what we mean or to understand what’s being said.
We just watch. I call it Live-and-learn.
In the presence of this quiet, open, calm self-mastery, we’re far more available to perceive the ever-present guidance of Source. This presumes we’re Heart-focused, but of course. 😉 Source “speaks” in the emptiness, something to which we’re seldom attuned. We can change that.
Our use of free will is our key every step of the way. We’re our business, not anyone else. They have their own free will. Let’s choose to give everyone the right & the freedom to make their own choices. We stress ourselves needlessly over things beyond our sphere of ownership or control.
Let’s all do a better job of Loving the self. Let’s be Self loving self. 💖
Back into Heart. Knowing from the get-go that no words will do the trick, is Source happy? The closest I’ve come to labeling or describing Source is Love, a Love so divine that it leaves all human concepts of love in the dust. There’s a Joy in that Love, an appreciation, a grace, an abundance.
Are we happy, or rather, are you happy?
Off & on, right? What if there was a way to connect with an underlying Joy that never leaves? What if that exists at the Heart of us, at our core, right now & always? What if it’s more a matter of finding our way into That than making any sort of external changes in our lives to bring it about?
You actually are happy right now & always have been on that deep inner level. Too bad we somehow forgot both that we are & how to access that, huh? This awakening journey is nothing if not strange & in so many ways.
What gives you joy? Think on that. What lifts your spirits? Contemplate that, seek out the feeling, the sense of it & bathe in it, even if only for a minute or so. This is more powerful than we now know. We’ve actually been programmed to be largely unhappy, unhealthy & such, but it’s easy enough to step out of that.
Many shifts in perspective are required, the beautiful, if sometimes challenging steps along our awakening way.
When Heart-centered, we have more access, a more direct connection with our Source-in-form nature, our Inner Being, Higher Self, call it what you will. It’s a Heart thing so one beautiful (& most useful) habit to develop is to be always Heart-centered.
This use of free will transmits the clear message, the invitation to Source, to that inner guidance.
When in Heart, we know that Source is the fount of all happiness, of everything good & wonderful. There’s no doubt. Well, if that’s us at our core then we ARE that, as well as whatever we’re experiencing. We have direct access to that Joy, that Love & all that flows from it.
Shall we begin to own that?
When we identify ever more with our core & less with the skinsuit, the body-mind costume, we’re using free will to set ourselves free, freer than the mind can imagine. The joy & the beauty, here, is that we don’t have to DO anything, to make anything happen.
Our job, if you will, is to get out of the way, to put Source in charge.
Things are a LOT easier than they at first seem to be. By Heart-centering, we’re guided to see the programming we’re under & its effects; eventually, to see right through it. Our uses of free will may seem more passive than what we’re used to, but free will is much more than we take it to be; and so are we.
11:30 p.m., Thursday, 2019/06/06 — Mayan day 9 Flint / Etznab