What If? Eagles, Snakes, & Dragons, oh my!
Let’s touch on the Anunaki, once again. The serpent & the eagle have been misrepresented, recently. This is nothing new, as history is ever written — or rewritten — by the victors, who have no problem distorting truth. A lie is only dangerous if you believe it ;)
The serpent actually represented Enki — the good guy in the play. It actually represents knowledge which, though it can be misused in evil ways, is not evil. [1] Satan is really “the satan” — the adversary. It’s a title, not a being. Many don’t realize that “Christ,” too is a title. It’s “Jesus, the Christ” — a title. That the serpent came to stand for darkness & evil is an example of how truth is now misrepresented.
We’re taught that the eagle is good, here in the USA — representing freedom — not so fast. The eagle actually represents domination & control. The eagle was Enlil’s symbol, a dark “god” if there ever was one, seen as Zeus, among other identities (which they all had, being so long lived). The eagle was Enlil’s symbol because Enlil had command of the skies — of the Anunaki star ships patrolling the air. Enki, the serpent or dragon, was “god” of the seas, of the land, also seen as Poseidon, among other identities.
It was Enlil’s choice to destroy mankind by the flood that made Noah famous. It was Enki who went to warn Noah, resulting in the famous ark being built, the rescue of Noah, his family, & the animals — or possibly their DNA — we just don’t know. It was also Enki & his half-sister Ninmah who programmed the current awakening into humanity’s DNA. The Anunaki are master geneticists.
Where does that leave us? Hopefully, reconsidering both the myths & the history handed down to us. “History” — his story. Hmm. Are we ready to stop believing in lies? I am. It requires an openness not found in the majority, but so what? Either we are or we aren’t — it just is what it is, regardless. That’s one of the many beauties of truth & free will.
Just like today, we see many who seem to stand for justice, for truth, but really don’t — many are globalists, crafting a one-world-order domination. Notice the eagle in so many countries’ flags. Many who speak out are being severely maligned — let’s not be too quick to judge & agree, but rather willing to take another look. You guessed it — from Heart, where we find resonance with truth, distaste for lies.
Could it be that the whole serpent in the Garden of Eden story is misrepresenting truth, too? Never mind that humanity is not native to this earth — that it was populated by ETs from elsewhere. Remember, the Anunaki were highly advanced geneticists who arrived after the others had already settled, here. They did not “create” us — they altered us.
Don’t forget, we’ve been horribly dumbed-down — earth’s whole human race. How might that have happened? Could genetic manipulation have played a role? Could it be that somehow — who knows how — the humanity (for most ETs are either human or humanoid) they found here were in a higher dimension than 3rd?
And what if Adam represented, not one man, but a whole race (or even races) of beings? Yeah, just playing “what if.” Have a little fun with it, okay? Don’t take it too seriously. If we’re going to wake-up, we’ve got to expand beyond the limits, the boundaries our recent ancestors accepted & turned into beliefs. Time to break out of the box.
Also consider that, due to the genetic manipulation endured by ancient humanity, what their senses could perceive was greatly diminished. With 12-stranded DNA you see a heck of a lot more of the electromagnetic spectrum than our current visible range. You’d perceive into other dimensions, certainly the 4th — at a minimum. You’d see ultraviolet & infrared, too — at a minimum. Let’s expand our concept of the possible — just for fun.
So what if the then-present humanity were able to see the fairies, the gnomes & elemental beings, as well as the Anunaki? Why not? These are the earlier times before now, when humanity kills to eat — so let’s say we also communed with Nature, with the animals, birds, & all forms of life. Adam is said to have communed with the animals, yes? So far, so good. What next?
Without a doubt, there was universal telepathy — remember, this is a higher dimension, though established on planet earth — not necessarily her 3D aspect. Remember, too, this far predates the Tower of Babel, where everyone understood everyone else — no separate languages were yet spoken. (Credo Mutwa says this language thing happened much earlier — who knows?) Yeah, keep expanding — remember, it’s only “what if.” Let’s place all of this on 4 or 5D, on 4 or 5D earth. And next?
This may even predate Lemuria — which came before Atlantis — & it may be much earlier, yet. Enter, stage left, the Anunaki — during one of their 3,600 year regular passages on Niburu — called The Planet of the Crossing (crossing through our solar system). For earth’s humanity, this may have been one of the first passages, the previous ones possibly occurring before earth was even populated. (Remember, we didn’t begin, here — we came in as various ET races from elsewhere.)
So the Anunaki discover a lovely civilization — & they’re marauders, plundering across the galaxy, the universe, possibly other universes, who knows. At any rate, they’re well established in their dark ways by the time of that first encounter. We’re higher dimensional, 12-stranded DNA humans.
It is said that once the gods walked among men in ancient texts. A more recent Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, says their African history supports this — the dark ones were once easily seen, though they didn’t permit their likenesses to be drawn or sculpted.
Due to the dark path walked by the Anunaki, they limit themselves to the lower dimensions, feeding on lower vibrational energies — think anger, hatred, war, fear, & the like — their “food.” How do they manage to dominate these beautiful beings that we were, living in oneness & harmony? What does the apple offered by the ‘snake” in the mythical garden — which would be Enki — represent?
Could it be knowledge? It’s said to be the knowledge of “good & evil,” but what could that mean? Could it be the enticement into duality — into a lower dimension? Could that be why, once Adam & Eve — the race(s) they represented — suddenly found themselves “naked,” such that they covered their bodies? Obviously, they were not used to wearing those particular bodies, wouldn’t you say? Could that not represent their descent — the “fall” — into 3D?
At any rate, we’ve now got a race — many different races, as we can easily see when we look around the world — firmly lodged in 3D — after the fall. This race may have actually been hermaphrodites — both sexes in one being. This whole thing likely happened by stages. Are you with me? I guess you are, or you wouldn’t be reading along.
Credo tells the story of how the humans of ancient times were neither male nor female, but somehow both. At a certain point they’re invited to choose door A or door B — one of two caves to enter, promises of some benefits having been made. When they come back out, they find themselves now males & females, about which they’re not happy at all. Doesn’t quite fit in, but hey, I’m not purporting to be telling the truth, here — just exploring various possibilities.
So now, they’re not only locked into 3D, but into male & female bodies, which is totally strange to them. The “gods” are still walking among them, easy to see — but not for much longer. More genetic manipulation occurs. At some point the gods become invisible to the humans.
The rest is history, as they say. At some point the humans are planning a rebellion — something the Anunaki won’t tolerate. Along comes the Tower of Babel, & boom — now they can no longer plan anything together, but have to separate out into smaller groups.
The Anunaki have shown they will do basically anything to maintain strict control of the humanities they conquer. That was before many benevolent races — others who’d been raided by the Anunaki — came together to free themselves & the others under Anunaki control. [3]
Keep in mind that, in any solar system, there are multiple dimensions, which exist much like Russian dolls, together in the same space, but not seen by one another. Thus, in the Andromeda system there are 3D, 4D, & 5D planets & races — perhaps higher dimensions, as well. It’s the same, everywhere. (I’m not sure about multiple dimensions sharing the same planet — just posing it as one possibility.)
Were it not for the higher dimensional folks joining together, the 3D races would be quite powerless to free themselves, unaided. So everything comes together in our favor, friends. We’ve got the needed support, & freedom — real freedom, not the joke we’ve come to call freedom today — is on the horizon, within sight.
Anyone who is not aware of the rising frequencies, the awakening that’s accelerating, is still locked down & focused in mind. It’s perceptible to those entering Heart, & many more will be joining us, shortly — all who desire to awaken. We’ll also be seeing our ET friends, soon, both interplanetary & higher dimensional.
All we’ve got to “do” is to awaken — I know, so easy to say, right? Still, the rising frequencies will carry us along if we just cooperate by getting out of our own way. Like a cork, we rise to the top when not being held down. It’s essentially no more complex than that. Both our memories & our abilities are in process of being restored, along with our DNA. It’s all of a piece.
Remember, it’s not us, but Source who is the Dancer, & we are the dance, once we learn how to flow. Mind doesn’t flow — that would be soul or Spirit, our real identity, via Heart. It’s much easier than any mind will allow it to be. No doing required, just Being — enabling ourselves to be danced. Look out, 5D, here we come!
[1] Misuse of something being evil — A) It’s not money, but the love of money that’s called the root of evil; B) It’s not guns, but the people who wield them doing the killing…
[2] I’m not endorsing all that’s shared in this video. I’ve found no one, anywhere, who has the full truth about the Anunaki, going by Heart resonance. Gerald Clark has done excellent research & has much to offer. My challenge with him is his deep belief in it. Best to be cautious about that — also with me ;) Follow your Heart, no one else’s.
[3] According the contactee Alex Collier, the Andromedans report that there were once 22 civilizations, including earth, under Anunaki control. There remain only 3 — including earth — the rest having won back their freedom, thanks to this coalition of benevolent ET races.
12:09 am, Sunday 2017/08/13, 1st, Mayan day 10 Wisdom / Cib