What Do We Want?

Head vs. Heart — Time to Choose

5 min readApr 25, 2020
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

One can’t help but notice that we’re living in a crazy time. It’s one thing for events to be crazy, but another thing, entirely, when many people join in the craziness, believing that some are their enemies rather than their brethren. We’re all in this together but some don’t yet recognize that.

What to do? How to navigate?

That depends on our desired outcome. What kind of a world are we, personally, desiring & working to bring about? Even our thoughts count toward this, btw; no kidding. Thought creates.

Being Alone

If we view any part of life with hate, then we desire a dark outcome for them, destruction or punishment — or both. Our thoughts, words, & deeds work to that end, with or without our conscious awareness. Our subconscious & unconscious aspects cover truly vast territories.

Those who view all aspects of Life — even those that are currently lost &/or misguided — with Love, these marshal their energies into the creation of The Great Awakening & the beautiful new world it’s ushering in. That “new” world is actually ancient, old beyond old, as it’s approaching our truly natural state, Oneness in Source, in Source Love & abundance.

It’s been a long head-vs-Heart journey here on earth, with allegiance long ago given to the head, to the mental aspect of being. Inch by inch & over the millennia, we were guided out of Heart-centric awareness, out of looking at everything through eyes of Love, into mind-centric awareness, a far more limited view.

We Do NOT See Things As They Are

That’s where we find ourselves, now, & that’s what is behind people allowing themselves to be turned against one another, against what is best for them & for the planet. Oh, it’s put in the loveliest language, the direction they desire to herd us into, but it’s darker, always a bit darker outcome for us when we succumb to their lures.

None of this could have been done to the 12-stranded DNA beings we were, originally, so that had to be cut back, first, of course. There is no dark avenue the Black Hats, their bosses & their minions, would not direct us to take. Paint a pretty face on it, convince us it was “for our own good,” & there we went — once upon a time, but no more!

Most of us have already done a great deal of waking up to the dark ones among us, to their dark doings. We’re ready to move on, to move back closer, much closer to our divine origin as Source-in-form. We want a world that aligns with our Heart, with what Heart desires. We’re ready to rock the boat.

That being the case, once word gets out & saturates the populace that the road Home is via Heart, the next great step will have been taken.

In Heart, we become the observers of both ourselves & the whole drama unfolding. We’re less invested in it all, being grounded in an unspeakable, undefinable Love. We no longer respond to darkness in the same ways.

Remember, the head only knows about things. It cannot know the things in themselves, cannot identify with & as them. Thus, all the head believes it knows is now highly suspect. Who taught it & who paid them to teach it? What is the true origin of the head’s beliefs?

Heart doesn’t know about things because that requires the two, the one knowing & the thing being known. No twoness of any kind is present in or via Heart where Oneness is supreme. Heart Knows things from within the One that all is, that we all are.

Heart abides in Reality while the mind is content to abide in reality, a much smaller domain.

The mind isn’t taking us into awakening (though it will follow along). Heart must inform the mind, not the other way around. Those who stubbornly stick to their mind-centric ways of being & doing won’t be coming along with us this time. Maybe later, once they work through their “stuff.”

It’s a great time to let everything go, to be attached to nothing. Heart provides suitable, even perfect guidance every step of the way — once we’re committed to Heart. It likely provides that guidance always, but the mind-centric don’t hear it, that’s all, their focus being elsewhere.

Letting Go of Who We Are

We are far richer, far, far more powerful, & even divine — all unbeknownst to us, quite absent from the upbringing, education, & socialization we’ve all received; well, perhaps with the exception of some native tribes. That wealth, power, & divinity must be ALLOWED to manifest, ALLOWED to take the helm of our lives.

We, the ego, the self we’ve long taken ourSelf to be, must step aside, must hush in reverent, inner silence to allow our greatest victory to manifest. Who, with me, is game for this? Who is ready to let go & keep letting go of thinking we know so very much?! We don’t & we just make fools of ourselves to believe we’re so knowledgeable.

We’ll laugh long & hard over this in days to come. Our greatest, most enjoyable source of laughter? The self, of course, & its shenanigans, its utter nonsense, its egoic utterances, all delivered with such seriousness, such arrogance. Oh, we are quite a crew, better suited to a comedy show, here lately.

Who would have believed, or even conceived even a short 10 years ago, that we could be in the midst of such craziness, today?

Let’s let that sink in as we realize how truly anything IS possible. We don’t have to limit ourselves to what we can conceive or to what we now believe. We are much freer than that & far more powerful that we yet have a clue about.

What is our desired outcome, friends? On what do we place our focus most of the time? We don’t have to focus on what we want all the time, but if we would choose to do it at least 51% of the time, the tide would turn. It would have to turn! We may not know it, but we ARE in charge.

What say you?



3:57 p.m., Saturday, 2020/04/25




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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