What Do We Truly Want?
Underlying Assumptions
What do I most want? What gives life meaning for me?
In order to look into this, we first make a number of assumptions — the first being that we’re a human being largely consisting of body & brain — some will also allow for a mind that is not fully brain-based. Thus we begin.
Friends, what if we actually contain the body — rather than the reverse?
When we’re so identified with the physical aspects of life, we miss out on an amazing vastness that’s also available. It’s stunning, when first we begin to explore, to discover who & what we actually are — & what we’re not.
We’ve been making assumptions — approaching everything from that base — that are not necessarily (or even remotely) accurate. In this manner we’ve created a little world by carving out but a slice of our actual identity, then calling it the whole.
When we approach everything from the mental aspect, we get a mental result. We come up with a world based upon the mind, how it works, results it generates, how it reacts to everything.
We’ve been playing it small, taking our physicality for the fullness of who we are, when it is but the slowest-frequency aspect of the whole.
This mindset is no simple challenge to approach, being all-consuming as it is. If we spend no time outside of this belief system, then we have nothing with which to compare it — we simply don’t know. Nor can we, with the tools we use to approach every issue — body & mind. You can’t use them to go beyond them —that just won’t work.
The writing in these journals is different. It can’t be read that way to grasp what’s really being shared. It requires participation, not just mental examination or reflection. It calls us to enter what amounts to our deeper Self, accessible via Heart. It’s worthless to the mind, even resented as mind takes offense at the idea that it can’t successfully work things out.
While I have no doubt that I’m not alone in this awakening journey, it often feels that way as I read the offerings of other bloggers. So much of human focus is success directed & from a solidly physical/mental perspective. How could it be otherwise, given the societal myth is that our physicality is literally all that we are?
This writing tends to peel that back, to beckon into the nowhere, the beyond, accessible only to those also anchored in the NowHere, the present moment. Mind is not good at that. Nor does it like being told it isn’t the only game in town. Thus, its tendency is to either fight the idea or ignore this other realm that it can’t enter, refusing to grant that it even exists.
We’re also challenged by our social nature. The desire to connect with others isn’t a negative thing — however, in our current Matrixed environment it becomes largely negative, forever reinforcing the whole Matrix perspective. The mind does far too much comparison of self to other which is not the least bit helpful to us. We want to go along, to get along, easily forsaking our self in the process, albeit unaware.
We have people — many of them — who totally believe in logic & mental reasoning to resolve simply everything. Many of these are challenged to find that everyone doesn’t view life this way. From their perspective no other way makes sense, or even legitimately exists.
Much of this is helped by recognizing a flexible perspective as a valuable Life tool. We’re narrow & small to the extent that we think we have it right, & those who disagree are simply wrong — or not sufficiently educated or enlightened intellectually, philosophically, politically, etc. To them, an excellent mind is the highest goal, the most precious resource.
Absent any flexibility in both attitude & perspective, they’re basically stuck, seeking all answers within the confines of the mind.
There is more. Even just getting people to admit to this possibility can be a challenge. They’re reasonably content with their smaller worldview. Fine. Free will rocks in any case & I’d never argue against it. No one gets to choose for you but you.
Yet, I must tell you that I live in an entirely different world. Though I walk the same earth, eat its food, & remain physically visible, able to share & communicate with everyone else, my world hardly compares with that one. Since this smaller world was once also the extent of my reality, I know what that’s like.
An experience of life so completely other is widely available to one & all. The biggest challenges are found in coming out of the old beliefs, discovering the huge extent to which they manipulate & manufacture our experience of reality. We’ve been filled to the brim with severely limiting beliefs — which we’ve accepted — taking them to be real & truthful, the best understandings currently available.
This is precisely how we manipulate the self, carving out our own limited view of all that exists.
I don’t really have any suggestions to offer to help anyone else out of the Matrix box, my hands being too full of doing this for myself. I can say that realizing that my total realm of control doesn’t extend beyond me has been seriously helpful. When we look around we can see endless examples of people controlling or seeking to control others, being displeased when the others resist, clearly expressing that displeasure.
Maybe there are a few useful suggestions, here, as it’s also more than helpful to realize that each one of us also contains all that I discover, within. Each one is equally empowered, to the extent they choose to view it that way. Knowing that there’s no one in need of saving or rescue provides a great deal of relief. Fundamental equality is very much a part of my world.
It does get to me, at times, seeing people allow themselves to be limited by others, by society, while I realize that they have everything required to awaken from the mess, the awkward discomfort. The journey into another perspective is different for each one, into seeing that we, not anyone or anything else, are the ones doing all of the limiting, so there’s no useful advice.
Until our Belief Systems are seen through, seen for the actual BS they are, we go on believing, acting as before in the midst of our self-imposed limits.
We’re taught to search externally for solutions to whatever we have going on, few realizing that any & all answers are within. Our society is almost completely materialistic, making it that much more challenging to break out, to go our own way.
So much gets resolved along the awakening trek, but when people are convinced the body-mind road is the best one, even the only route, that must remain but a potential, one to be accessed when suitable readiness is achieved.
Until then, people seek outside for the blessings fully available, within.
We’re so much more, friends — so very much more that only awaits our readiness, our commitment to find it. Meanwhile, I’ll sing my song which requires at least some participation from my readers, knowing there’s precious little here accessible to the mind. It goes beyond, where you also exist, just likely unaware of the extent of your depths.
Sure, the awakening trek rocks your whole world — the one I, too, once though was so solid, so stable, so very real. Things change as we adventure deeper within, not just internally, but reflected externally, too. Some are afraid of that, of possibly standing in a different relationship to everyone they know, among other things.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how we choose to take our trek, there’s room for that. However, I doubt that truly deep fulfillment is available along the mind-body route. There is so much world pain & angst that you wish you could calm one brow, assuage someone’s pain — but you can’t.
It’s so very much a do-it-yourself journey, & our power only extends to the self. (Once we discover the vaster, broader Self, this takes on a whole new meaning.)
Finally, each one’s inner successes, inner discoveries claimed along the way also benefit the whole, helping lift humanity, itself. We all make a difference, we all count. We’re not the little things we take ourselves to be, which is great. So even the life of the hermit isn’t for naught, participating in all of humanity at deeper layers of being.
We are that which we seek.
May everyone discover this soon rather than late, & find the courage to take the walk, no matter where it leads.
3::18 pm, Wednesday 2017/11/01, 1st, Mayan day 12 Wisdom / Cib
PS My answer to my initial question — What do I want? — is this: to find & be Who I truly am to the fullest extent, gaining mastery in that realm, & to enjoy the NowHere of the trek. (A little more energy would also be welcome. 😉) Very little else holds meaning for me or generates any kind of desire, leaving me neutral to it all.