A New Look at Our Troubles B4 They Vanish
Are They Also Gifts?
What are the troubles, the challenges you face? What aspects of your life feel like they’re working against you, whether internal or external? What do you feel you can’t quite overcome? What do you wish would just go away?
Are you ready — & willing — to make a major perspective shift? Absent readiness it can’t happen. Source/God forces nothing on anyone.
It might be helpful to jot those things down, those problems, those challenges, before you watch them morph &/or disappear. Seriously, from your new perspective, you won’t see them, you won’t be able to see them as you once did when you were thus giving your power away.
In the presence of readiness, you’ll be able to see this: The only one in your way is yourself. The only one blocking you is you.
Yes, yes, there are external people & things that seem to be blocking you, & from your old perspective, that’s the case; but what if that old perspective is the result of manipulation, of programming? What if it’s like that only because you allowed it to get that way?
What if a different perspective could paint an entirely different reality?
We’ve been declawed, defanged, & disempowered as The Family of Humanity for quite a long time, but no more. In this time of The Great Awakening, we now have the choice to stay locked down & corraled or to wake up & go free. Our initial challenge is to realize that awakening is an internal, not an external process.
What we do “out there” doesn’t really count absent our readiness & internal alignment.
That means we must give up what amounts to our addiction to trusting our worldview, our mind’s take on “reality;” quite a tall order, initially. We’ve been tricked & trapped into identifying with both body & mind at the expense of Who we really are as awareness.
Both body & mind are magnificent in their own right, in their own ways, but we’ve gone too far down those rabbit holes. It’s time to pop our heads up for some fresh air, to re-member our dismembered selves. If you’ve ever been consciously outside of your body, you’ve got this, already. You just know, perhaps you even Know.
Who knows the difference between regular knowing & Knowing? Who has had that experience of Knowing that is so far beyond any mental reckoning that it’s in another reality? There really are different realms, more substantially real realms accessible to us once we get outside of the body-mind limitations; once . we . free . ourselves.
For those awaiting a savior of any sort, I don’t know what to say. Something like that may come into your reality; who am I to say? You’re the only one in charge of you & your reality. I’d like to suggest, however, that there’s no need to wait.
As long as we believe we’re somehow “less than,” we’re setting ourselves up to be mastered by whatever we take to be “greater than,” whatever we bow down to. Since it’s a legitimate use of our free will, Source/God respects that, delivering whatever is best, is perfect in every NowHere moment. It’s up to us to see it that way, to choose that perspective; to make a different use of free will.
Externally yes, we are in many ways “less than.” Internally, at our core abides a Reality that is wholly other; one we won’t taste until we’re ready for it. So what is in the way of our readiness? In what ways are we being stubborn, even arrogant in what we believe? It can be on any topic whatsoever, that doesn’t matter. We’re not talking religious beliefs, here.
You can be stubbornly determined that the earth is flat; it’s a legitimate choice. You can be sure that your favorite would make the best possible President or bank manager or boss at work. We’re stubbornly arrogant in so many ways, friends, but if we never look inward, we don’t see it — though others do. They even tell us, but absent our readiness we fight them; we don’t hear.
A bit of humility would go a long way for present-day humanity. Not the wussy sort of humility that buckles under the least opposition; that’s a mental perspective on “humility.” This sort of humility takes us beyond brave into unquestionably amazing, into completely unlimited — but I get ahead of myself.
For those who still think that awakening occurs in the brain or mind, please reconsider. Both body & mind are controllable, are manipulable by outside forces. Just as anything electronic can eventually be hacked, so it is with the body-mind. Thus we have sick programs like MK Ultra, FF shootings by multiple people but always blamed on one poor sucker. They play with us, but only until we wake up & see through it.
Their kind of woke is not under discussion, here. This I summarize as the shifting of our focal point out of the head & into Heart, but say it however you will, it’s a move from external to internal. Some say it’s from physical to spiritual, but that doesn’t quite work since the “spiritual” is what manifests the physical; it interpenetrates all.
Consciousness creates.
It’s a fact, but absent your acceptance of that fact, it doesn’t seem functional for you. That’s because you’re sandbagging, not acknowledging nor accepting the full extent of the Power that flows in & through you. You’re working both for & against yourself, unaware.
It’s back to that tricky free-will thing, again since you’ve got the right to make whatever choices you like.
We’ve got to get out of our own way, dear brethren. We’ve been endlessly tricked into being our own worst enemy — & we fell for it. Until we can see & admit that, we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. When you finally know that consciousness creates, only then can you begin to examine & take apart the less desirable parts of your own creation — the ones blocking your view, for instance.
They’re all called beliefs & we have them about any subject you’d care to name. Let’s get over thinking all beliefs must be religious. We believe the sidewalk won’t disappear out from under our feet, thus we keep walking. Beliefs structure our entire experience — not the whole world, mind you, but our experience of that. We’re amazingly powerful.
The head cannot & will not get this stuff, so it’s on us to keep making the focal move into Heart or Heart space. With a central-chest focus, looking at the same bit of info brings a different experience.
At first, it’s rather subtle, but that’s largely because we’re still attached (& notice how “attached” & “attacked” are but one letter off) to our old ways. Remember, the conscious mind is but the icing on the whole, a fourfold thing: conscious, subconscious, unconscious, & superconscious.
Friends, we are SO much more than we take ourselves to be, so far beyond anything we’ve been told or taught. We have a LOT to ditch, & we can do it, before coming into our own, before truly remembering Who we are as Source/God-in-form. Those are just words, but they point to the Great Beyond that’s accessible to us all as consciousness.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2019/08/18
You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there; the goal is the fun you have along the way on your way to over there.
Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/1/97
Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
Bon voyage.
10:29 a.m., Sunday, 2019/08/18 — Mayan day 4 Monkay / Chuen