What Are We? Exposing the False self
Allowing Awakening
What are we? How great is the shock as we begin to discover that the “I” we took the self to be is a charade, nothing that’s actually real?! Our minds have been manipulated to mislead us, to program us into the useful nonsense that supports the once-ruling cabal.
Awakening progresses as we discover that pretty much nothing we were taught is true.
“Truth” is often a misnomer, a stand-in for “This is what I believe. This is what works for me.” In the 3D realm of relativity, we find no absolute Truths, just relative ones. It’s good to know. Real Truth is of a much higher frequency or vibration. It’s something we also contain, yet something we've been programmed to not see.
Waking-up time is finally here!
One part of waking up is the anger on discovering the way humanity has long been abused. Held in jails with no visible walls or bars, we were taught in the USA that we’re free — a terrible misstatement. Potentially, yes, we’re free, but absent our seeing that, then aligning with it, we don’t experience it.
During this phase of our infinite-eternity, our most precious attribute may be free will — the right to make our own choices. Though we’re programmed to follow the leader, to obediently move with the social herd, that whole shtick is collapsing wherever people are awakening.
No one can awaken anyone else. It doesn't work that way.
We’re each in charge of the self, so it takes our willingness, our cooperation, to awaken. The rescuer we seek is within.
Some people aren't ready. They deserve to be left alone, free to choose their own trek. Come on, we aren't in a position to know their life plan, their soul’s purpose(s) for the incarnation. When we’re all Source-in-form, we can trust to That both within us & in everyone/everything else.
One & all, we have many false beliefs in our (awakening) way. It’s up to each one when & how we handle them. Most awakening ones will agree that we’re just watching old beliefs fall away.
It’s not that we, locked into the mind, are going in & evaluating all of our beliefs, deciding which ones are keepers & which are not. That’s stuff & nonsense, as any truly awakening one already knows. [1]
It is NOT our mind that awakens. Sure, the mind, the body, the emotions — so many aspects of our Being are affected, are in process of change, but the ego that thinks it is somehow doing all of that is dying. We know better. Source is the Divine Dancer, & we are being danced. We are not the partner of Source, we are the Dance.
How could we be “partners” of Source, anyway? Source is One, period. There is no two, no separation at all within Source. Are the rays of the sun separate or are they the one shining? We have this seeming separation, individual bodies, minds, homes, cars, jobs, etc., to facilitate the Dance.
Einstein told us decades ago that matter doesn't even exist. Niels Bohr finds other ways of saying the same thing.
Were we listening to them — or are our beliefs in the way?
When locked in mind, we cannot hear Truth. I’m not saying Einstein’s words are an absolute Truth — they are not — yet they come much closer to it than most other words. Heart tells us when we encounter such words, denoting them as special. It’s a sensing, not a mental process at all.
We all have access to a much greater, a much deeper knowing in Heart that I call Knowing. No one can explain this to anyone else, but so many of us have already encountered it that the word is definitely out & available.
Let’s let the normies be, friends. Everyone awakens when & as they are ready, & we’re not in charge of anyone else. It helps to remind the self that the others are Source-in-form, too; that that can be trusted so we can relax & lead our own life & quit trying to force our vision on anyone.
Nothing is what we take it to be.
Who’s with me on this? Who already knows or has at least encountered some of it? It’s too big to swallow that the only time in existence is Now, the only place is Here, so we don’t get that right away — how everything is vibrationally layered in.
When we can just accept it as a possibility, it speeds us along. Many already realize that what we resist will only persist.
A LOT more allowing is called for, these days. This doesn’t mean we align with whatever shows up. We get to choose not to align with darkness & corruption. The big challenge, here, is to quit listening to the mind’s evaluation of everything, to find our way into Heart awareness. About the higher things, the mind can’t know, anyway — but until we dethrone it in our life we won’t realize that.
It will be such fun to later realize how very powerful each One of us is; how, by allowing, by ceasing to always judge & evaluate everything/everyone, we’re aligning with our internal powerhouse. Most of us forgot how to simply observe, absent evaluation, but we’re being reminded if we’re even moderately alert.
All of Life is the Love song of Source, & we are that Source, or so we discover as our ego is stripped away, going up in divine flames of transmutation. As we rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes, we Know we’re not at all who we took ourselves to be. One day oh, how we’ll laugh at what we once believed (or now believe) so fervently.
We take ourselves too seriously, by far.
Awakening is largely a lightening up, allowing the old ways to fade into disuse. Our trust was misplaced, given to those either unable to help us or those totally undeserving of any trust — so we were programmed into a false reality.
How could that happen? Well, are we not extensions of Source? What can Source do? Who is ready to allow their (Higher) Self to lead the way, to run the show that is our 3D life? We actually have to get out of the way to awaken. This false persona we took to be real then dissolves to reveal the Greater Reality.
That’s not quite correct, either, for everything that is True, that is Real, is right under our noses & has always been there. Are you old enough to have noticed how, when you learn something new, something that feels big to you, you see how it was always present — just not seen?
It’s what we think we know that’s blocking our view, our experience of the Greater Reality!
Every belief comes with its own blinders that block all other perspectives. We were intentionally programmed that way to keep believing the cabal narrative, to remain under their dominance for a time.
It’s all being exposed at all times. We see clearly to the extent the dross of old programming, old bad habits, old beliefs is purged. We are quite literally the only one, the only thing in our way. No one else can hold us back as we make the best use of free will.
All I can say is that it gets easier & lighter as we go. All of what is causing our distress, our suffering, is based on false beliefs & premises. These are revealed as we go, but only to the extent we allow it. Pain comes with every life — it’s a growth factor — but suffering remains completely optional. A word to the wise, to those in Heart.
[1] Beliefs are programmed into the subconscious & the unconscious mind, so they’re not easily accessible, anyway. We discover many of them by watching ourselves react to what Life brings our way. We also contain beliefs that clash with our other beliefs, sowing seeds of discomfort & difficulty. It’s just good to be aware; it sets us up to let them go.
Thursday, 2018/09/06 — Mayan day 9 Serpent / Chicchan