We’re in Charge, No One Else
Finding & Honoring Self, First — Taking Charge
We make of our life what we will. We do not need to wait for others to craft our reality for us. WE are ever & always in charge. That means whether in prison or the presidency, we run the show. (Clearly, “the show,” i.e., our experience of Life, is internal.)
Do we run it for others? Of course not. That’s their job, as is obvious when we’re in Heart. It’s only our head, our mind that’s manipulated, never Heart. It’s always there for us; are we there for/with it?
Where is our locus of focus, that which determines our reality experience?
No one forces us to spend all of our time being mind-centric. Sure, we’re trained & taught that’s the way, the only way, but nothing can force us to stay stuck in the mind, the ego-mind, for that’s what it becomes when we don’t know we’re also divine.
We get stuck thinking the ego-mind is all there is, that it’s the route to all that we want.
So what? Let’s unstick ourselves. It’s not much of a challenge, actually, being rather easy to accomplish by opening our rather closed minds. The more beliefs they contain, the more closed they are, oh, so convinced they know what is what — & they do — they just don’t know they’re creating that by their choices.
Opportunity or obstacle, yes — from one perspective. From another perspective, it all just is what it is. It is strictly how we view it that determines its use for us.
Attitude reigns.
Source-in-form could also be said as Creator-in-form, yes? Source/God is the creative force within & behind All That Is, yet this Source/God is not an individual being of any sort, but rather of all sorts. The one anchored in Heart finds Source in a stone, in a breath, not just in animate beings.
Everything lives, we just need the inner vision to see it; Heart vision.
There are literally, no coincidences. Try that one on for size during some quiet time. There’s never been even one “accident” or coincidence. It puts a whole new Light on things if you truly let it in, doesn’t it?
Now, combine it with Walsch’s The Little Soul, the conclusions of that one.
No coincidences & Source/God sending only angels, only blessings, & your whole world is changed. Yet, nothing external changed; not one bit. All that change goes on within, where we truly live. Nothing external is what we take it to be, but the mind-centric ones don’t see that. They’re convinced they know things.
Those in Heart may realize that the mind-centric among us don’t see the whole picture, but they’re wise enough to realize that they don’t see it, either; just a bit more than the others. We’ve created whole civilizations based on certain ways of viewing things. It’s a rather big deal, one that can seem so very small (like The Little Soul, lol).
Furthermore, the mind-centric ones are also crafting their experience of reality, drawing to themselves precisely the best possible blessings to help them take the next step. We don’t know what their next step is any more than they know ours.
Perhaps you’ve noticed that many among humanity are choking on huge doses of arrogance, lately? They’re so sure they know what is “right” that they’re willing to bludgeon the rest of us into line with their beliefs & often enough with their fists & sticks.
It’s truly time to wake up, as so many of us are doing.
It’s tricky, though, since we’re not all waking up to the same thing.
It’s time to “come out from among them” in whatever way that makes sense to us. We’d be so much better off to allow others to wake up in their own way; or to stay asleep, if that’s their choice. Once the bulk of us realize that awakening is a very personal experience & once we’re willing to respect our built-in differences, we’ll find a much greater measure of real Peace, the nurturing kind.
We all have our own inner genius. Let’s realize that we must first acknowledge our own before we can see it in others.
We’re projecting all over the place. Just because it’s becoming in-your-face-obvious that some are projecting doesn’t mean we’re not all doing it to some extent. We are. That’s what beliefs make us do.
The most dangerous human may be the one who believes himself/herself right.
That’s a truly blinding belief. The best we can say is that, in certain conditions, this will produce a better outcome than that. This “right” thing, the whole concept, is a myth.
Let’s get together on what outcomes we desire, then work toward that.
Right now, we’re like many horses in harness all tangled up, pulling against one another, each one going in a different direction. We’re not respecting one another enough to listen, so we don’t see the tangles in the harnesses while pulling so hard in our desired direction.
Love & Respect; these will take us a long way toward where we’re going. What’s needed right now is to recognize that we must first Love & Respect the self/Self. We can’t give what we don’t have. We can’t denigrate the self while honoring & following others & get very far.
Humanity is shockingly Powerful.
We don’t take that into account in much of anything, do we? We are actually the ones creating the current mess. Yes, of course, we’ve been heavily manipulated into it, but so what? What is that to Creator-in-form?!
12:34 pm, Thursday, 2019/05/01 — Mayan day 13 Night / Akbal [13 is a day of Ascension energy]