We’re All Americans — Beyond Politics

Empty as Ready

5 min readAug 13, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

The world’s gone freaking crazy. We’re Americans, friends; we don’t have to join the insanity. We can, instead, choose to remember our awesome roots, our precious founding & come back together.

Right now, that would be a pretty creative move, one sure to unseat the dark hats, so attached to their divide-and-conquer strategy.

Okay, yes, it’s politics, but it’s so much more, too. We’re being strategically, intentionally torn apart, ripped to shreds; well, that’s their desire, but it’s not working out so well. They overplayed their hand — hugely. They’re too obvious, by far, as is evidenced by basically no one believing their tale about the alleged death of Jeffrey Epstein, poor dears.

Now they can feel uncomfortable for a while. Turn about’s fair play, after all. They deserve a good deal of discomfort — & then some. All of this lying, this outright deception merits nothing less. While we can’t legislate morality, we don’t really need to, as what goes around always comes around one day & we’re seeing that day.

Where this will all lead is anyone’s guess, but we’re much more in charge of that than we know. It would be so great to have more & more of us realize our native Power — as Source-in-form. Consciousness creates, & that’s a fact, make of it what you will.

“Life happens for you, not to you.”

— Byron Katie

Those should be famous words; perhaps one day they will be. Every seeming mistake or negative occurrence is as much a gift as it is anything else; yet, its effect has ever so much to do with how we receive it. What we reject comes back on us ten-fold. Why? Because we didn’t get the message, so it amps up.

Why? To help us get the message, well duh. 😆 It’s NOT punishment.

When will we learn to quit fighting life? It’s here for us, blessing us every step of the way, but we’re blind to that until we’re ready to see it. Then, it’s an OMG amazing, deLightFull experience, that powerful shift in perspective. It shifts our energy, the flow of energies through us, lifting us.

Have you noticed how, when you get a new understanding, a new revelation of whatever kind, that as you look back on it, you realize it was always there, just waiting to be discovered? “There’s nothing new under the sun” may be a literal truth. Evidence for that is how hindsight is always 20/20.

It was always there, we just didn’t see it.

Choose Wisely — Briantissot.files.wordpress.com

So what’s this great Power we have? In large part, it’s our ability to choose our perspective; it all flows from that. We’re not totally in charge of this, not in the way our mind would like to think. Why not? Because we’re not who we take ourselves to be. We’ve been taught to identify with our clothing, our 3D costume, the body-mind. That’s terribly limiting.

We’ll be changing far more than just our mental perspective on this journey into higher consciousness, into awakening. We’ll be shifting our whole awareness, our identity, expanding far beyond the strictures of the body-mind.

No one can tell anyone else how to do this. That’s a mind game & it’s also arrogant. That’s why there’s no bible, no rule book, no list of A to Z steps into awakening. How could there be when we’re each unique? There is no “one way” in existence. It just doesn’t work like that.

It’s more accurate to say that awakening does us; we don’t do it.

What’s clear from the higher-consciousness perspective is clear as mud to the mind. That’s inescapable. When our arrogance masters us, we resist this, refusing to accept it or even allow the possibility. Well, we have that right.

We each have the right to make our own choices. What others do is none of our business, since they have the same rights. The biggest part of the mess humanity is currently making comes from putting their noses into the business of others, trying to take charge there. We can’t even understand or master our own life, but we think to control others? It’s just dumb.

Readiness is the thing.

Mind Full or Mindful? — AbbyHasIssues.files.wordpress.com

We don’t see a thing, don’t see through a thing until we’re ready; and we’ve got no idea what brings that readiness on. We’re not in charge of that, not directly, but indirectly we are. It’s by our openness, our emptiness, that we make way, we make room for the beautiful changes meant to be part of our experience, here.

Here’s the hardest message for many: we’re not in charge of anyone else’s readiness, either. We play no part in that. We can tell them what we believe to be true until the cows come home & it won’t do a lick of good, absent their readiness. They cannot hear us, but in our fullness, our arrogance, we don’t get that. We don’t see it. We’re not yet ready?

As we make the shift to tend to our own garden, our own readiness, our own trek, things will sort themselves out with alacrity. The mind cannot be put in charge of understanding any of this, either. It’s not capable. It’s far more limited than we take it to be. OR, we’re far, far more expansive than we take ourSelves to be. Take your pick.

There’s our business, others’ business, & God’s business, some say. Works for me. By narrowing our focus to our business, we’ll have a much better trek; and so will everyone else. 😆



11:41 p.m., Monday, 2019/08/12 — Mayan day 11 Serpent / Chicchan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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