Weakness Is a Trap & a Lie
Perspective as the Fulcrum
We have been out-mastered, outgunned by some darn tricky beings over vast swaths of time. Craftily, carefully, they have woven their nets to both entrap us in lower-frequency living & make us forget Who we are at our core, Source-in-form.
There is intelligence, then there is integrity; the two don’t necessarily pal around together. Then there is what we often call spirituality, but we’ve got most of that twisted, thanks to the Matrix mess. Finally, there’s physical form. These 3 can be viewed vibrationally as layers of frequency, not much of it visible to us. What is visible is the merest bit of what’s there.
We all know that the physical frequency is lower than mental or spiritual energy, which are beyond unaided sight. Yet, let’s extract our understanding of low & high from duality before going on. Higher musical notes are not better than the lower ones. Mountains are not better than valleys — they’re complementary. High is just other than low, neither better nor worse, one in the both/and of Triality.
If you’ll sit with that for a moment it will send you to Heart, for this isn’t mind stuff, this Triality of the both/and transcending the dualistic either/or.
Body, mind, spirit (or essence) — vibrationally, these 3 paint the picture of our layered Being. The mind is not somehow better than the body, just other than — do you see? Spirit or essence is not better than the body or mind, either, as it contains them — just other. They are aspects of the one life, yet, not fully experienced in duality.
Triality presents them as a package deal.
The theme song, here, is that we get to choose where to place our predominant focus, what to emphasize in our life. Now that we have these 3 on equal footing, let’s look at their relative vibrational ranges, high to low.
Our spiritual essence as Source-in-form encompasses them all but also contains the highest frequencies. Next comes the mind’s frequential arena, sandwiched between the body & spiritual essence. Finally, comes the 3D form, the body which vibrates slowest of them all, thus enabling us to use the 5 senses to explore, to touch it, etc.
Again, all 3 remain aspects of the one Being.
This might be an awesome arrangement if allowed to operate freely, unhindered by the darkness controlling us through the cabal. Don’t restrict yourself to believing all cabal operatives are here in physical form, either. Those are but the minions, the foot soldiers of the off-worlders who conquered our ancestors long ago, via our ancestors’ unwitting cooperation.
Due to their somewhat higher-frequencies (mostly 4D) & their advanced technology it was as child’s play to craft the structures to hem us in. They cut us off from the full-frequency experience of our unlimited Being, blocking even our memories of that. Yet, we cooperated by allowing ourselves to be controlled.
Let’s not cop out & refuse to take responsibility. It’s OUR world.
Over great swaths of time we forgot Who we are, Who we once were. We grew accustomed to operating in duality’s restricted range. Their almost total control of all writing, all texts & communication modes, let them block our remembrance of the Truth. When they live thousands of years to our hundred it’s easy to do. [1]
We’re regaining it all as we awaken.
They didn’t realize how walking their chosen path would cut them off from their essence, their spiritual Heart. They no longer know who they are, either. These care not a whit for aught but themselves, thus the callousness with which we’re handled. Nor can we get through to them because they are so lost, themselves. Best to not try.
This makes their despicable behavior a bit easier to comprehend. It may even be their warped way of calling for help, for a rescue of some sort, who knows? Only Source.
Let’s leave their path to the side, for we’re in the midst of a Cosmic sorting-out of the wheat from the chaff, the useful from the useless. Perspective controls the narrative, here. We have no idea what their dark-aligned perspective is, so we can’t speak to that, only to how it manifests in our experience.
Perspective is the fulcrum, the key, the point from which we can pivot.
We are always choosing our perspective. We were previously unaware of these inner workings, but things clarify with our rising frequency. The dark ones have done their level best to keep us in the lowest possible range, but we’re slipping from their every net as we awaken (i.e., rise in frequency/consciousness).
Our frequency options abide within. The physical form, from its perspective, wants certain things to be a certain way. The mind also has its particular desires, its unique perspectives on life. Often enough the mind’s desires are not seen as important to the body, the reverse also being the case.
The lower frequencies don’t offer the full picture, so we don’t understand why things go haywire, why we get unwanted results. Triality offers the Clarity in which it makes beautiful sense, but we first have to go there.
These various perspectives cannot be sorted into piles of good & bad, though the mind tries. In Triality we’re beyond what duality offers, but we must rise into higher frequencies to access it. Triality is not accessible via our mental or physical apparatus so these cannot perceive, much less comprehend it.
We find physical form, whatever its guise, at the lower end of the vibrational scale. Rising a bit we encounter the mental realm, wider than that of the body. Finally, at the highest frequencies, we find our spiritual essence, vast beyond belief. It’s funny, how all 3 of these realms co-exist right where we are, in the NowHere that subsumes all. Not so funny that we’re not fully aware of it.
We recognize ourselves as free beings, always choosing our own course.
Those in mind will object, saying, “Hey, I chose to be rich, I chose to be happy, & it’s not happening!” They’re still choosing to cede their power as they play the victim game, not accessing the fulcrum of a perspective shift. When we believe we are weak, we are. We are always the one holding ourselves down.
Our Power works, whether we understand it or not.
Due to our programming, most of us have no idea how we make vibrational choices. We can say we want something, but when other aspects of our being either fear or resist that, we work both for & against the desired outcome. We shoot ourselves in the foot, garnering mixed results or (perceived) failures.
Until we own the vast range of available perspectives (frequencies) & accept our power of choice, we seem to be in a solutionless maze. We look for someone or some teaching to help us, first going in this direction, then that one; some for their entire lives. We thus let our programming control our experience.
We remain unaware that WE’RE the ones calling the shots.
We have been trained to seek external solutions from the lowest vibrational levels. As long as we keep the Matrix blinders on we play the maze game, unable to see the way out. We won’t escape without a perspective shift. The exit is invisible to our physical & mental aspects.
Our programming forever sings negative stories about how bad things are & how they’re going down the tubes. A meteor may strike the earth, vaporizing us all, or the cabal may attain total world dominance, or perhaps they already have… 😲 It’s endless, this negativity working to keep us in the lower-vibrational range — until we make other choices. 😉
What we forget in the midst of such tales is our power to choose. Stuck in our seemingly powerless state, we let it all get to us or bring us down, not yet recognizing self at the helm, making those choices. Do you see how we’re pointing fingers of blame, meanwhile? Woe is me, poor me, that I’m in this or that state…
We’ll laugh about it later, but right now we feel bereft, no joke.
Is clarity starting to arise, right there where you are? It is for most of us as we initially stumble into higher-frequency states. Real Clarity is a property of Who we are, yet our first encounters are with mental clarity. It’s a distinct improvement over where we’ve been & a gateway to that deeper Clarity.
As we pull our mind back from its fearful imaginings, we’ll be pleasantly surprised to feel the tension fall away. Our Inner Being is always there for us, but until we both recognize it & place our focus, there, we remain blithely unaware of our amazing possibilities.
Let us not condamn (wow — interesting ‘typo’) our brethren for anything, friends.
In most cases, they believe they’re doing their best, yes? You don’t condemn the student for not knowing what she hasn’t been taught. The sad & bewildered ones don’t know, are unable in their present state & frequency range, to see how they’re playing the victim.
We judge a tree by its fruits, yes? As we consciously move into higher frequencies & the vaster awareness that brings, we’re taking our power back. We still haven’t a clue about the immense Power we wield as Source-in-form, but we do what we can with what we have. As our steps yield more beautiful fruits it becomes easier to navigate.
Any helpless or powerless stance is also a choice.
At some level our Being wanted us to have this experience — we wanted it! There’s something important in it for us, & no one can tell us what that is, for it’s unique not just to each one, but to each experience. We have some work to do!
Waking up is all about perspectives shifting in surprising ways. Our first step is to stand back & see our own perspectives at work, crafting the life we now lead. Some are angry, ready to strike out or even kill the one(s) who “did me wrong.” Can you see how they’ve boxed themselves into the lower frequencies? Does the light bulb go to war with the darkness to vanquish it? 😆
No one at any time has ever done anyone else wrong.
This is an awakening shock. Neither the body nor the mind can see things this way, but You can. You can at least explore the possibility that what you consider broken is anything but. From another perspective it’s all actually perfect.
Sure, there are more & less desirable options & outcomes, things we want to change. Do you see how these rely on the fulcrum of perspective? We’re constantly choosing. No one else has the power to create in your world — unless you give it to them.
We need a mirror to observe the self/Self. The world is that mirror. We’re always being reflected back to the self, but who sees it? These are just a few ways we’ve ceded our power to all things external, refusing to own our Divine Power, to recognize the magnitude of our Being.
The power to change abides in every Now moment — to expand or contract, to play whatever role we like as we broaden our view. It’s all good, friends, & I encourage one & all to begin looking at themselves & their choices this way. Heart in a NowHere focus takes us where we’re going.
Let’s play a more conscious part in the drama that is embodiment on our beautiful earth.
12:35 pm, Saturday 2018/01/20, 1st, Mayan day 1 Wisdom / Cib
[1] Old scriptures record humanity living many centuries per lifetime.