We Get What We Believe
Reclaiming Power
Life is both the same & quite different as we take our Power back, now identifying more with Source-in-form, the Power of all powers, rather than the form. Let’s take smoking as an example. It’s been an off-and-on thing for me in this life, but yesterday, I decided to quit.
People do that everyday, so it’s not strange. What’s amazing, though, is how easy it was, how I felt like a victor over the habit. When the weak moments arose it was easy to remind myself Who I am, & that was that. (I’m vaping, so I haven’t totally quit smoking, but that will come.)
It’s easier, too, because I’m retired & under no heavy pressure, living in the quiet & peaceful woods. City life is more intense, more distracting. I actually enjoyed the calm sense of empowerment sustaining me, just knowing that I had this, somehow; very different than my prior quitting experiences.
Any sort of awakening requires our cooperation, even awakening from a bad habit. The few (4 or 5) moments of weakness that arose were familiar, but vanished immediately on shifting focus back into Heart. As we choose to align with Who we are nothing is too hard.
We’re not taking our current state of consciousness into awakening, we’re shifting into those higher frequencies as we align.
Do you see the both/and experience, there, the moments of weakness along with the victory of not once desiring a real cigarette? We’re always choosing which aspects of our being to align with, but doing so consciously is the victory we’re after, now.
We’re done with the “woe is me” stuff whenever we make that choice.
The only possibly tricky or sticky thing I see, here, is when we’re mind-centered & claim our victory from there. When we let mind determine our goals — well, it’s not a good idea. Though I’ve wanted to quit smoking for about a year, I’ve waited for it to feel right, in Heart — for that readiness which didn’t arise until yesterday.
Had I gone ahead with it, earlier, it wouldn’t have gone as well. Our mind isn’t like Heart, fully plugged-in to all aspects & elements of our being. It would like to think it is, but it has access to such a small portion of Who we are. Thus, the goals it chooses to tackle sometimes set us up to fail. Heart is a wiser guide.
Let’s face it, those who are awakening don’t look any different in a crowd.
To our physical senses they look like regular folks; we can’t pick them out. To our Inner Senses it’s different — we sense that they’re different, just by the way they feel to us. Again, this is not physical touch, but inner sensing — we pick-up on their energy.
It’s delightfully different, going by these Inner Senses, relaxing into them, finding contentment in the midst of not (mentally) knowing, of going with our hunches, instead. When these lead to small successes that begin to add up, we have the extra comfort that helps us let go of the old ways & put Heart in the lead.
One thing to be aware of is that we’re all telepathic & more. The observer of thought is in a better position to identify thoughts that aren’t theirs. When in Heart, we’re not just aware of the self, but also the Self & the greater One in which we all abide. Our Heart sensings arise from that greater Self, so it pays to be aware.
This could become relevant quickly, as many sleeple & sheeple continue to have faith in their set of beliefs — beliefs which are crumbling, now. At a certain point, after some particular revelation or another, there will be a massive shock to their entire Belief System, & we will feel it, as well. It’s a good time to consciously tune-in to this broader perspective we all have via Heart.
A blow to any of us is a blow to all.
We don’t generally feel it, we’re not generally conscious of it, but when it’s something huge that affects many, we will. If we stick with mind too much it could take us for a loop, not as strongly as those holding those beliefs, but strong enough to affect us, emotionally. Just be alert.
Friends, whatever is happening on the world scene, we’re doing that. No individual person can bring about the huge change that’s upon us, these massive shifts. Let’s not slip into looking up to anyone, including a President Trump or Hillary Clinton, a guru or sage, as the one in charge, the one getting things done.
Absent our support, our participation, none of this could happen.
We’ve conveniently forgotten our oneness — from the cabal’s perspective — but that doesn’t make us less one. As our frequencies rise, we’re connecting not just with Higher Self, but with our Divine Wholeness, with the One. This isn’t a linear move from a this to a that, but a whole new state of being we’re entering.
Those of us who pray, when you do so from a mental perspective your prayers work, of course — for even “Not now,” is an answer — yet, Heart-centric prayers are vastly more powerful. Our wings were clipped & we got used to it over the centuries. We’ll discover that the only way that could happen was with our participation. How? Allowing it, based on our beliefs.
What we will find — if we look — is that our wings were never clipped. The fully feathered ones were always there, yet our chosen beliefs placed them just out of view. To reclaim them, we ditch the relevant beliefs.
The game of powerlessness we were playing was never real — not for an instant. Yet, due to our innate Divine Power, our beliefs had a powerful effect, lending it a pseudo or relative reality.
Claiming our forgotten Power requires no push-ups, sit-ups, or weight-lifting, just a change in focus & in what we choose to believe. Believe you’re weak & you will be. What’s hard for some to grasp is that it’s by the great Love of Source for us that we get what we believe — even when it leads to pain. WE get to choose. Source always cooperates.
Something is always learned, so it’s never the total loss mind may perceive.
It’s a dizzying ride for a while, this shift into higher frequencies, from 3D to 4D & beyond. I can’t tell you it will ever settle down, since it hasn’t, for me. The secret of our success is to persist in reaching for the better-feeling thought. The more stubborn we are about finding ways to feel good, the better the outcome.
We somehow forgot that we deserve to feel good. Source-in-form deserves the best of the best, forever, do you see? Let’s cease identifying as these humans (game pieces) walking around on earth, as we reach for our forgotten divinity (the Game Player).
All religions will take a tumble, shortly, so be prepared. We don’t require them to return Home. Our human form is Source’s temple & place of worship, a worship which is more a celebration of all that’s wonderful, all that’s right with everything. Thus, we must lose the old human eyesight on which we relied for so long to make way for something entirely new.
Nothing is wrong, nothing is bad — only lost, only misled — yet few of us realize this. It’s a Heart thing, so every mind will protest & run away in fear, thinking this is nuts. Thought isn’t the way of our great Victory, friends. Let’s shift into Heart now, while it’s easier than it will be when heavier chaos hits.
Let’s be ready & anchored in Heart to better support those perceiving the upcoming Great Shift as traumatic. We can’t change that choice for them, but we can provide a supportive environment that will soften the perceived blows. If awakening happened at once for everyone it would be too much of a shock so it’s better this way.
Nothing, literally nothing is what it seems to be, what we’ve been taught it is. That’s huge. 😲
What’s also huge is how quickly we’re making this massive vibrational shift toward Truth. As we remember that we’re here to enjoy the ride, the expansive experience, we’ll have more fun as we go.
Our Belief Systems control not our life (externals), but our experience of life, both here & on the other side. We don’t have to wait for death to weed out false beliefs. It’s greatly advantageous to deal with them before we cross over. We’re empowered in every NowHere moment, so let’s reach out for & align with Truth as we release all the rest.
8:01 am, Monday 2018/01/22, 2nd, Mayan day 3 Flint / Etznab
PS Don’t spend time in thought about anything you’re trying to quit. That’s just another way to keep it going. 😉
PPS It’s 4 months of no cigarettes & things are still great! This may be a small thing, but it’s practical, & just an example of how different life can be as we take our Power back. 🌈