We are not the bodies with which we tend to identify, but the awareness, the soul/spirit/being having an embodied experience with them. What are dreams, but journeys out of the body? NDEs & OBEs are also direct experiences of this.
While we don't only incarnate as humans on this earth, we spend vast stretches of time here. So why is it so strange that planets, moons, & suns may have such experiences?
Okay, I know I've put myself out there with this comment, so I may as well continue. I have memories from some other human incarnations, but one stands out: as a mountain range.
Yes, I'm serious. The whole sense of time was vastly different. The life that lived both on & within me was interesting. It took a long time, but I eventually grew quite interested in the human species & what they were doing.
Consciousness - ALL of it - is all one. Every element present in 3D, from atom to rock, tree, bug, or plants, to water - simply EVERYthing - is aware, is alive (if we define life as sentient awareness). Whether we can currently communicate with them or not is another story, but the lack, there, is likely in us, not them.
The best analogy for me, thus far, is that we're all atoms in the "body" of All That Is, call it Cosmos or whatever - separate, distinct, different, yet PART OF THE SAME FUNCTIONING WHOLE, the One.
Once we see things that way, it opens the door to greater communication/communion with our other aspects. Thanks so much for sharing that about the experiences of the astronauts. It's a real, direct experience available to us all.