We All Know, Not Just the Few

Part 3, Hiding from Ourselves

5 min readNov 29, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

As we go deep within, encountering Heart in the Now moment (which mysteriously contains eternity), we know vastly more than the mind knows (or thinks it does). When people speak a resonant truth, that’s our inner knowledge speaking up, not with words but through our deep sensing.


Because this whole inner realm is unavailable to anyone’s mind, & because we’re trained to live in the mental sphere, many refuse to believe or even consider what arises from (through) someone in Heart. It seems too strange to them, & it is strange — to their mind. Thus arises the tendency to denigrate the speaker or the message — or both —arising from unacknowledged fear.

Even within the mental realm, it’s bad form to cast ad hominem aspersions rather than grapple with underlying principles. It’s reminiscent of how Antifa protesters will do almost anything (while shouting slogans) to avoid stating their case. What they’re for & against remains a mystery.

Slogans are empty nothings, reeled off by rote without a creative thought behind them. It seems they have no case to state, just vitriol & denigration to spew to cover their inability to engage with those holding other ideas & values.

Back to Heart, to this underlying knowing we have.


We sense what resonates & what does not, not mentally but within our depths. What impedes our clarity is our endless mental preoccupation. We don’t sense these deeper gleanings because our minds have no access to them. They arise, but we’re distracted, otherwise occupied, so we don’t notice them.

What if you recognized your awareness of far more than your mind can access? Would you seek it? Many do. Sometimes they find, sometimes they don’t go that deep, but these at least display a desire to expand beyond the societal boundaries of mental captives in a materialistic world.

We’re on the right track when we enter our depths, open to whatever we may discover.

We know so very much, friends, & by choosing to enter this profound layer of being we enter the awakening trek. Nobody can guarantee success, which is no surprise since it’s not guaranteed anywhere. It’s so flipping strange how people persist in believing their mind becomes enlightened when the biggest part it plays is to run interference, to effectively detour us from Heart.


Current science won’t prove any of this because it excises the whole inner or spiritual realm from its paradigm. Many of us continue to believe consciousness, itself, is a function of the brain, poor dears. Everyone’s mind wants things in neat, orderly rows, understandable in mechanistic terms.

When relying on materialistic answers, people discount the immense creative power of consciousness. They’re not playing with a full deck of cards as they blithely pursue their scientific solutions. Deeper answers are unavailable in the limiting box of such beliefs.

Thoughts Create — In5d.com

But what about you & me? Why should we hamstring ourselves by relying on them? You’re aware of these deeper things. Does that make you uncomfortable? What if your inner knowledge flies in the face of all that science proclaims? What then? Cognitive dissonance. Too many people are afraid to exit the materialist casket, grasping at the Confirmation Bias straws that support their views.

We can fool ourselves endlessly if we like.

Humanity is that powerful! We’ve been doing it for a long while. This inner realm awaits our pleasure to pursue it with the patience of Job, displaying Cosmic respect for free will. Followers don’t make great discoveries, leaders do — those charting a new course, setting current knowledge aside to follow their inner guidance.


Let’s find our way into the realm where we’re more than just equal — we’re empty, with no separate self. No two exists in the One, the All That Is. When we view the external world as the realm of effects, not causes, we cross a critical threshold.

We don’t find, absent our emptiness, our willingness to set our knowledge aside. Our fullness gets in the way; only the empty vessel is useful.

Do we want something more? I suggest we become suspicious of every belief, especially the dearly held ones. More than anything else, it’s our Belief Systems that block our awakening. Ah, what a joy to realize!


We’re programmed away from our Inner Being, from what we know at our core. It’s made to appear as fairy tales, as conspiracy theories. Let’s view the hidden programming & the programmers at work. Once our personal research is complete, we’re ready to dive in, able to recognize our supposed knowledge for what it is — highly questionable programming.

We, as consciousness, are immensely powerful, friends, only not on the mental level, which rides on the surface of That which we are, as Source-in-form. We create reality; we create matter, via consciousness. Once we change our stances on the old beliefs, we’ll be sufficiently open to explore That.


Meanwhile, let’s treat one another with the same kindness, the same compassion we want to receive. Why not?!

Once we’re aware that substance originates in consciousness we’ll be more caring, less willing to beat others into submission. We’ll know every thought counts, that we’re creators in every Now. Let’s be what we want to see in the world. We’ll take part in a revival of morals, ethics, & values aligned with Heart.

Love will be the result, for Love subsumes all.

Our core divinity empowers us to do this, requiring no one’s permission or blessing as we exit the Matrix in favor of the “heaven” accessible via Heart. We craft the world we envision, so let’s look to the self, crafting our chosen vision rather than accepting the one foisted upon society in its tattered state. WE are the makers of change. The quicker we come to this realization, the quicker things change as we make this massive shift beyond 3D.

We’re only as limited as we believe we are.



3:01 am, Tuesday 2017/11/28, 1st, Mayan day 13 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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