From Doing to Being — No More Waiting

8 min readMar 24, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Let’s look at consciousness, that creative aspect of being. From the time we wake up to the time we lay down to sleep, what are we doing? If you’ll observe yourself, you’ll find you’re waiting most of the time. Whether your day is bounded by a written to-do list or a mental one, the focus isn’t on what’s happening, Now, but on the future. Kinda odd, wouldn’t you say?

With the merest bit of self-observation, we can spot this at work, but what are its implications? How have we been so successfully herded out of our Now moment & its potential treasures? Where we’ve got to go, what we plan to eat, what we want to tell Susie… we’re so stuck in our heads, in the perpetual mental mode that we don’t spot this.

“Now” is a different animal to the head than it is to Heart.

The mental now is dualistic; not so in Heart’s view. Past, present, & future flow along in a rigid, clock-bounded way to our minds. Let’s leave that aside for a peek into the perpetual, infinite/eternal Now accessible via Heart.


So many things influence us that it’s tough to pick out one of them — time — as if it was separate from the rest. We have no idea of the power wielded by our many Belief Systems to control our experience, what’s brought to the fore, what’s suppressed.

Still, time is something we all experience; we think we know what it is, but do we, really? The past can be changed. What does that idea do to your beliefs around time? What about multiple timelines?

Motion & time are joined at the hip, the one influencing the other, time/space. The clock sent on the rocket ride at high speed reports a slightly different time (from earthbound clocks) upon its return. Science still takes the speed of light as a constant, but in this century we’ll realize our mistake, there. It’s a variable, like most everything else.


We live in a hologram, but that doesn’t make it unreal. It’s a real experience, at any rate. We, our higher-dimensional being, are projecting these experiences for our overall gain, for our expansion. As we begin to view it this way, we’ll quit ceding our power to circumstances, to things outside of ourselves — our Self.

The key point about time is that our Point of Power abides nowhere but Now — in our NowHere moment, something not experienceable by the mind with its many, stifling beliefs. Mind is so sure that it’s right, that it knows this & that. It has a pretty serious case of arrogance, yes? Heart isn’t like that.

By watching yourself for a few days, or even just a day, noting all the waiting you do, this clarifies. No mind is content to just sit, to be still, to just Be. That takes Heart, with its radically different perspective on simply everything; a perspective many people live their whole lives & never entertain.

The hows & the whys & the wherefores around this perpetually-waiting state are another thing, mental territory for sure, so let’s leave them aside to simply observe what is. If your beliefs intrude on your experience, that’s a good indication you’re not fully Heart-centered. Let the thoughts chase their tails around a while, unsupervised, ignored, while you go deeper within.


One sure sign you’re in Heart is the Peace, the blessed contentment you encounter. It asks literally, nothing of life, nothing of you — it just is. Regardless of whatever drama is outplaying, this internal repose is available. It has but one requirement — that we choose it. Our beliefs intrude, our mind wants to flitter about, forever in future & past. That’s what we must ignore.

It’s funny, really, how we can’t stop or control the mind.

Some get pretty good at finding a few precious moments of repose, but the self-discipline required to get there is intense. If we’re using the mind to try to control the mind — that doesn’t have much potential. Heart has all of this stuff mastered, already, so the route is other than what any mind could propose.

It’s also funny when we set out to simply ignore our thoughts. As we watch how our mind handles that, it can be hilarious. The mind reacts like a child who doesn’t want to be ignored, finding ever more creative ways to demand our attention. Laughter is a great accompaniment to that. 😆

So the mind wants to know, okay, how can we fix this? What can we do? Just laugh. 😆 We step out of doing & into being when we exit the head in favor of Heart presence.


This self that believes it’s the doer is another laugh if you like. Just try to seek it out, to pin it down, the supposed self. It doesn’t exist, it can’t be defined. That so frightens the mind that it looks the other way — any other way but at that.

We have this nonexistent self that identifies with the body & mind. As Einstein said, we don’t solve a problem by remaining on the same level with it. We go up to the next level, where we can look down with greater clarity on any issue. By going along with the waiting game that mind makes of our life, we remain on the same level with what we want to observe.

Enter Heart.

We got so many things wrong, folks. It’s all about how & what we were taught, how we were programmed in a myriad of ways. The trick, here, is that our minds are quite attached to their perspective on things. Anxiety & fear arise as we entertain any new, vastly divergent perspective.


The mind feels that its whole world could be destroyed by such perspectives, & guess what? The mind is right! No, the mind won’t be destroyed, just the game it’s been calling “reality.” At this point, focus shifts to the soul & its maturity. We can’t play this particular game unless we can step back from the hologram, the seeming reality we’ve been creating as 3D.

As soon as the reins of control are ceded to Heart, we’ve taken Einstein’s step up. We have what amounts to separate realities, flowing along seemingly independently — physical 3D vs Spirit or soul — Higher Self, if you like. Both are always present, but for most people, the hologram has their total focus, so they’re unaware of the vibrationally higher experience that’s theirs to claim.


The best way I’ve found to language claiming that “higher” reality is, “Move into Heart focus & stick with the NowHere experience.” While the mind hates this & will fight it tooth & claw, that actually helps. How? It draws our attention to the limited range of experience in which we’ve been living.

This stuff terrifies our mind, forcing us to notice that something’s off.

It’s entirely possible to remain Heart-focused & just watch the mind having its childish fits. You need not rescue it. That would be to rejoin it, you see. Mind sees all of life in terms of doing; what it’s doing, what others do, & how to deal with all of it. That isn’t Heart’s way, where simple Being reigns supreme. So we just observe.


Those who journal are more likely to spot this in action. Realize, please, that mind is not able to observe Heart experience. Sticking with your mental perspectives thus blinds you to the greater reality, the wider experience available to one & all. It’s a choice, one about which the bulk of humanity remain unaware throughout life. Strange, huh?

Wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, let’s set out to become more broadly aware. Let’s notice this perpetually waiting mind. Let’s bring Heart more & more into the mix, into our direct experience.


It will change us, yes, so be aware. If you’re not open to change, this isn’t for you at this time. Later, perhaps. No need to push yourself, for that’s yet another doing at the expense of your perpetually Peaceful Being. Just knowing this exists will bring change at the perfect pace for you, which has nothing to do with the pace perfect for anyone else.

Let’s stop comparing outselves, too. It’s perfect nonsense, but only Heart sees & knows this. I’m leaving in that misspelling — “outselves.” Everything speaks; every little thing. In the perpetual Divine Dance of Source that we are, everything is an internal interaction with & as Source. When we compare our self to other selves, we step out of the Self. Do you see?

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/03/20

“Even though you would like your government to orchestrate the laws or God to orchestrate the law or somebody to give everybody one set of rules, it’s not ever going to happen. Each one of you, individually, are seeking your own vibrational balance, and when you find it, then you will welcome all kinds of different beliefs, because you will never fear that the belief will take you someplace that you don’t want to be.” [Emphasis added]

Excerpted from Atlanta, GA on 9/13/97

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

This seeming minutiae of “every little thing” bothers & boggles the mind. The mind wants to be running the show, yet it has difficulty delving into such tiny details, wanting to swipe them aside as inconsequential, as unimportant, & move on.

This is the view from outside of the Self.

Take that in, if you will. When we leave the mind in control, we don’t access our fullness. We limit ourselves to the dualistic surface of life.

No one is doing this to us, friends, so let’s own it.


It’s also the case that no one can give this to us. It’s a choice only we can make — or not. Anytime you see an article offering a to-do list, be cautious: 7 Steps to Happiness, 10 Steps to a Successful fill-in-the-blank… They’re not bad or wrong, just be aware that they’re directed straight to the doer, our mind, bypassing the be-er, the limitless Being of Heart.

The greater You, as Source-in-form, is accessed via the NowHere of Heart, which remains but nowhere to any mind.

Nikko-Shinkyo —

Thus, this is a call to simply become more aware. That’s all the “doing” required. That’s also the bridge from doing to being — do you see? Those in Heart see Life, itself, as the only doer.

Life brings everything to us, no searching required. It’s delivered on the silver platter of Now-moment awareness — the awareness that we ignore to follow the dictates of mind.



11ish am, Monday 2018/03/24, 1st, Mayan day 12 Storm / Cauac




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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