Vital, Amazing ECETI Newsletter
From 2021/05/21 — Critical Info to Take Down the DS
Excerpts from Saturday show which can be seen on Rumble, Bitchute, telegram and the website under As You Wish Talk Radio,
Before we start I just want to mention ECETI in now open and last night’s skywatch was phenomenal. Multiple ships appeared, there were powerups, extreme flashes of light right over our heads with a great group of people. Our annual Science Spirit and World Transformation conference is scheduled for July 15ththrough the 18thand we have a great lineup. We are also looking for volunteers so go to our website and fill out an application. Now for the news
Fox News with Tucker Carlson just nailed Fauci and Gates to the wall. Their own head of research at Wuhan Labs admitted creating the Cov-19 which is not natural. The head researchers at Wuhan Lab in China publicly thanked Fauci for funding the gain of function research. This is not just a bombshell it is a nuke. You cannot patent a natural virus. It was created in the lab by combining variants from bats, fish, humans etc. Much like the recent swine flu.
This is called gain of function research, it was fully funded by Fauci and Gates, both known and admitted eugenicists who have been very vocal about the need for population control. I also might add Fauci was very involved with the NIH research on AIDs and the various concoctions of which some journalists referred to as genocide.
Why would you give a gay person a different injection than a straight person? Why was the military giving different shots to black soldiers than white soldiers? Are you starting to get the big picture? This is lock step with the Cabal or global elites plans for as much as 80% population reduction. In Bill Gates’ own words, the vaccines will be the means to reduce the population. See his Ted Talks interviews.
In India they are seeking damages for the polio vaccine distributed by the Gates foundation that resulted in genocide of their citizens that received the tainted vaccines. 12 cases of polio turned into 45,000 after the vaccine and rising, leaving a trail of dead bodies and crippled men, women and children not from polio but from the vaccines. After the Covid 19 vaccines men are becoming sterile, women are having miscarriages, ejecting their uterus, some are becoming paralyzed shaking violently, others are dropping dead on the spot or within a couple weeks after the injection.
Doctors are now dying who publicly rebuked the anti-vaxers. This is going largely unreported as in the extreme election fraud. Doctors of integrity are now refusing to treat those who got the jab due to protecting their own staff from shedding. In other words, the vaccine now is making super spreaders out of those who in ignorance participated in the experiment.
The Texas Senate, after hearing testimony of how the animal testing was stopped because they all died, has come to the conclusion that humans are now the guinea pigs in what according to testimony can have crippling or deadly consequences. They passed a law stating the jab is not mandatory. Dead ferrets don’t lie.
Rand Paul has also called out Fauci and Gates for funding the Wuhan labs where again their top researchers stated clearly Fauci was directly responsible for funding the gain of function research. Turning Covid into a bio weapon was funded by Fauci, Gates subsidiaries and the NIH. Other agencies went along with the program.
The directors at Wuhan Lab and NIH have been questioned and they are singing like canaries. Their servers have also been confiscated by the military. It either got away from them or the evidence is mounting it was intentionally released resulting in global economic disaster, the destruction of small businesses, serious illness and death, holding the people hostage in draconian lock downs all of which fits into the plan of the Global elite. Let me read you that plan.
Cabal, Global Elite, Deep State Agenda
In their own words
In the future it will be a question of how to reduce the population. We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old and the elderly; it does not matter, the weak and the ignorant will succumb.
The stupid will believe and will ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself; they will go to the slaughter house alone.
In other words they will self-righteously march themselves, their families and shame others into following them to the slaughterhouse. This includes the virtue signaling and shaming for not wearing masks.
Concerning the issue of masks, Stanford research has found that masks are useless to protect against a virus, it actually is written on the box, *Will not protect against Corona Virus”. In fact, the loss of oxygen high carbon dioxide levels create organ and brain damage. They reinfect the body with pathogens discarded by the body that are re-inhaled, not to mention other carcinogens and nanotech worms found on the masks .
Fauci himself wrote a paper on how most people died from secondary pneumonia during the Spanish flu from wearing masks. Masks fit right into their depopulation agenda. These same folks own the patent on Cov19 and the test kits which show a 95% false positive. This insures the sales of their experimental. sometimes deadly or crippling gene therapy they call vaccines, upon which they are making billions. These vaccines, again which in truth are experimental gene altering therapies, are not sanctioned by the FDA. If you die from the “vaccines” your life insurance is no good because you willingly participated in an experimental gene therapy. This is not a myth; our lawyers researched it.
A jab does not make you immune, It makes you more susceptible to other virus and will most likely create a deadly cytokine storm the next time you get infected. You still have to social distance and wear a mask. So what is the benefit? All for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate, does not affect children, many of which have tested positive, most likely a false positive are asymptomatic.
1500 people who tested positive for the Cov and recently those certified to have died from Cov were tested by 5 major universities. Not one had Covid they all had influenza A or B. Massive law suits by researchers, scientists, international doctors are now in play against the CDC and the WHO, both of which cannot produce an isolate. All they have to do is produce an isolate, so far they have come up empty? Reason this, how can you make a vaccine without an isolate, and with all those fictitious dead bodies reportedly stacked up behind hospitals and in refrigerator trucks how come they can’t find an isolate? If they cannot find an isolate of Covid 19 then how can there be a new variant?
For the critical thinking and research impaired let us spell this out. You are lining up in droves to be a human guinea pig for an experimental gene therapy, an operating system with nano technology that can be controlled by outside frequencies. Congratulations you’re a programable transhuman robot. It is not approved by the FDA. Once injected into your body, side effects worldwide are being reported from sterilization, miscarriages, paralysis and death. All out of fear of a virus that may or may not exist, has already run its course if it ever existed, that in most cases is less than a mild cold with a 99.9% survival rate despite all the hype and deceptions from main stream media.
The real epidemic is fear spread by deceitful politicians and lame stream media, all with their hands in the Chinese fortune cookie jar. It is a pysop, a cyber and bio warfare attack on America and anyone involved needs to be held accountable . The second epidemic is the ignorance of the critical thinking and research impaired, “the chaff,” and it very well may end in your demise. Some parents are signing up innocent children which to me is a total fail in parenthood. You might as well join the Morlocks.
We are the children's guardians, it is our job to protect them. According to statistics, Covid doesn’t even affect the children. According to all legitimate research, the masks and the jabs do more physical and psychological damage than the disease. Forcing your children to wear masks is detrimental, another fail in parenting.
All with the promise of getting back to normal, going to that ball game or social gathering which has priority over life itself. Just recently they are saying you can go maskless into some places if you have had both jabs. The problem now is the shedding of spike proteins by those who got the jab making those that didn’t sick. Maybe they should be the ones wearing the masks, isolated, locked down so as not to infect the ones who want to live naturally.
This is not conspiracy, this is hitting mainstream news, the few courageous reporters with integrity that still have a conscience are covering this. They are not talking heads for the global elite and the CCP, Chinese Communist Party. These courageous reporters have had the courage to cover the real science and agenda playing out for all to see. They are finally catching up with the Citizen journalists.
The global elite and the CCP own the majority of the lamestream media and our politicians, Biden and family included. We would be remiss if we did not also cover social media, which has done everything to censor top international scientists, physicists, and doctors warning us of the crippling and deadly effects of the jab as well as the masks. Social media is pushing these deadly jabs through fear and deceptive fact checking on the global population. They are complicit in these depopulation programs and crimes against humanity.
Yes, this means you the twitterfacetubegoogly eyed social media monsters. Your fact checkers are a constant reminder facts, real science and truth do not meet your community guide lines. Guidelines lockstep with the globalist agenda to play God as socialist genocidal dictators. This included the facts concerning election fraud which are coming out despite your efforts. No mater how many files they erase, how many fake ballots they claim are real, the evidence is already in; it has been secured by the military. Trump won.
You might want to look up the words complicit, sedition and treason. I would also advise picking up a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Article 1 is a quick read. You will have plenty of time to read soon in your next vacation to a warm and sunny place though space is limited that rhymes with Gitmo.
This very well may be our last show on social media — spread it far and wide — we refuse to stand by and ignore the pain and suffering inflicted by these heart- and soul-challenged people. Especially concerning the children. This is another topic that will end your citizen journalist career. Yes Satanic/Luciferian child sacrificing is real, along with child sex-trafficking and organ harvesting without agreement. Research Adrenochrome. These activities are replete throughout Hollywood, the music industry and used to bribe and blackmail politicians.
Your integrity-challenged social media platforms are on their way out. To the masses, don’t worry, something better will take their place, very soon I might add. When they delete your channel for telling the truth, they deleted what-ever was left of their soul and it will have consequences. Especially those close to and working on behalf of Creator where karma comes swiftly. Watch what comes next. We will enjoy their light review when they stand before a council of light and have to explain themselves.
They may have control over technology but they don’t have control over the soul and souls everywhere are being activated. People globally are rising up, realizing who they really are, along with the how and what the censors and enslavers have done. Massive protests are happening around the world. It is the Great Awakening. One has to ask why this is not being televised. Why is the corporate-owned mainstream media keeping this from us? How do you tell when they are lying? Their lips are moving.
To avoid being thrown into the category of fear porn and misinformation, everything we have said is backed by legitimate science, the best of the best researchers, scientists, physicists and doctors. In every crime, follow the money to see who is the perpetrator. Who created the virus, who owns the patent on the virus, who owns the patent on the test kits, the gene modifying, operating system jabs which hack your RNA causing irreparable damage. Again these are not vaccines.
The good news is there is a way out and those who are not critically and research impaired can find it. Doctors of integrity are finding ways to reverse the damage, boost your immune system and are putting their careers and lives in jeopardy by bringing this information out. We cannot give medical advice therefore we will advise you to do your own research.
Wow we are surrounded by pine trees, isn’t that where Sumarin comes from. Did someone say nano soma, what about high doses of vitamin D and C. This is definitely not medical advice just asking for a friend.
It is time to swallow the bitter pill, many doctors are not healers, they are drug pushers trained by big pharma. They promote harmful drugs, the jabs breaking their Hippocratic oath doing severe harm to their patients. They are integrity-challenged businessmen. Find a doctor of impeccable integrity that honors their oath which will research the highest and best treatment for any given situation. All those involved in these crimes against humanity will be held accountable. The Federal protection does not include secondary administrators. Anyone that makes the jab mandatory is liable.
As in the past, karma works and there are forces at play now beyond their imagination The hammer is coming down. This includes the Global Elite, the CCP, Politicians, Businessmen, The talking heads in mainstream media, all who have been involved in these crimes against humanity. Once the military is done with their arrests and investigations, there will be a whole new system of government. The White House will be no more. Many politicians will disappear. Much of what you are seeing is now theater to educate the masses, many of which just could not handle the truth. Many have already been arrested, tried and executed.
What you are seeing is doubles, masks, CGI. Do you really think that is Biden you are watching? Why did his hands go through the microphones? How did they broadcast Biden’s inauguration hours before the event in other countries? Why is Trump still riding on Air Force 1 and Marine 1? Why do the military have the football access codes to the nukes? Why were they not passed on? Why does Biden not have access to the pentagon? Why were his top Generals arrested and removed? Clintons gone, Gates gone, The Queen she went back to her reptilian origins. Pope is gone, just a few left but their time is short. The white hats and military have it all and control it all and the one they salute is Trump. Corrupt agencies will be transformed or done away with altogether. It will be as if God/Creator/Great Spirit has said enough, It is finished, followed by a great unraveling or transformation.
We all have to do our part. No rock shall be left unturned and all the iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. This is all driven from an incomprehensible force the tyrants underestimated. Once done we will join the rest of the multidimensional Universe in Peace. Reunite with the Greater Family of Man/Woman and technologies will surface to heal humanity and restore the Earth. Technologies many can only dream of. They are flying in your skies as we speak. God’s army is vast, it is multidimensional and fully equipped to take out seen and unseen negative influences. The order on high has been given. Time to buckle up.
30 Yrs Ago, Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide
Click here to watch
ECETI Newsletter by James Gilliland, 2021/05/21