Victim to Creator — Making the Shift
Since consciousness creates in this world of 3D, our work to change either ourselves or the world is internal. We’ve got to get over any belief that cause arises in the external world. It’s a huge jump, but once made, it’s not a big deal — just a different perspective which will edge out the old beliefs.
How do we eliminate those old beliefs that have us playing the victim?
By replacing them with new ones. There’s no need for deep self-examination, here, as most beliefs are inaccessible in the subconscious mind. Beliefs that need to go present themselves, front & center, in our Now experience. We can tell by how they feel that we’ve moved on.
Once we recognize that consciousness is our creative playground, it becomes clear that how we feel, that what we’re sensing at any time counts. Our upbringing focused us almost entirely on the outside world, on the realm of effects, so it was backward, unable to lead us to the truth.
In this new space we’re critically important, so we go through whatever adjustments we need to finally own that. We’ve all got a false sense of humility going, manifesting as self-minimizing habits, making others the important ones in our life.
It’s time to learn to say no.
Many of us find a time of relative isolation is required to fully step into this new perspective. A lot of alone time contributes to the shift — not alone time spent with our electronic gadgets, either. Those are just ways to take on more of the old programming which needs to go.
This shift is a demanding bugger, one that will turn our old life upside-down. We may get negative feedback from others who don’t get what we’re doing, have no idea where we’re headed. We’ll find ways to be okay with that — mostly by not engaging with them right now. We don’t understand what we’re going through to any great extent, either, so we get where they’re coming from.
Creation is a person by person, now by now, deal.
Those who are ready to take responsibility for their creations, for their current state of affairs, are the ones making this shift. We’re ditching the victim response to anything. We’re all over the map with this, but that’s fine since we’re only responsible for who we are, not for anyone else or their journey.
If we’ve set ourself up as a teacher or guide, I’d suggest taking a break of perhaps a month from such work — long enough to get really deep into our own, personal reality. Be aware that you won’t be the same on the other side of this break. When we dive deep into this new perspective, we wake-up in what amounts to another world.
As we discipline ourselves to stay in our NowHere experience, we shift more quickly, for our Now always contains precisely what’s required. The challenge is that most of us haven’t paid adequate attention to it. When we’re in thought, we’re parsing our Now, polluting it with future & past concerns not relevant to this shift.
What if we were the only human on the planet? How would we handle that? What would be important to us, then? In a way, since we’re the creator of our own reality, this is the case. We don’t require anyone else. We’re in charge of us, of our personal, internal reality.
Yes, of course, we co-create with others, & that’s great. Right now, though, it’s time to dive deep into self/Self, to get really basic with that, & anything external is just white noise. Our business with any of that is what it brings to the surface in us. We are the whole point of this move.
We are important, friends, much more so than we were ever taught. As we approach all of this with Love & Compassion for the self, we’ve got what it takes. No one is perfect, nor are we meant to be humanly perfect. There’s no such thing!
We’ve got both the Light & the dark playing out within us, creating what we see on the world stage. Anything that needs to be addressed can be addressed right where we stand. Any changes coming to our world, our experience, all begin here, within. We create them.
Let’s love ourselves through this whole seeming mess.
Just as the cabal has already lost, we’ve already won; it’s just a matter of time in the flow of Now. Source-in-form is no wuss. As we take steps to own this, our deepest identity, we lighten up — seriously lighten up, letting go of our old thoughts, habits, & beliefs. We get to watch our burdens fall away, too. We laugh a lot more.
We don’t let ourselves get away with doing the victim dance; we laugh at that, seeing right through it.
The world is born afresh each time we look at it. What’s in our consciousness at any time is key, is critical, is creative. Above all, let’s shift in our attitude toward ourselves. So what if we’ve had it backward all this time, we’re getting it right, Now!
As a for-instance, I’ve been challenged repeatedly & often by YT videos stopping & starting. It may take 15 minutes to get through a 5-minute video, at times. What is my response? It’s funny, but it’s an emptiness, a thoughtless space as I watch myself center, reclaiming ease in my NowHere. No negativity arises. 😲 Strange to my mind, but not to me.
It’s a grand journey. Let’s enjoy every step of the way. We have the power to make this shift from victim to creator, to re-frame all experiences from a Heart perspective. No one can stop us — no one but the self. People won’t understand us, but we don’t need their understanding as we stand firm in Heart.
We’ve got what it takes — that much, at least, we can own Now, as the next steps reveal themselves to us, no effort needed. All we require is delivered-up on the silver platter of Now.
Just don’t forget to have fun, as that changes & charges up what you create, lifting its vibration. 🎆 No one can make a victim of you but yourself. 😉
11:50 am, Saturday 2017/12/15, 2nd, Mayan day 5 Crocodile / Imix