Very well said & shared, Goat777. I feel you.
Wouldn’t you just love to see all of the forcing stop; not just of our little ones, but everywhere. Ah, we can dream… A gentle presentation of the great Wisdom of the ages, a great grounding in the Inner Self, not just the wee bit that’s the conscious ego-mind awareness would be awesome for them!
Then, as you say, let them choose. We can’t learn their lessons for them, anyway; foolish to try. :D
Meanwhile, it all begins with & in the self/Self, doesn’t it? The Master Key is there, within. Absent true Love & Respect for the self/Self — or by the Self — we just don’t have it to give, & it’s like that with simply everything.
As you say, we go from thinking we know — & the mind can know — to that Knowing that’s a direct experience. From knowing about whatever it is to experiencing that — worlds apart. We read the same books, only to find them saying completely different things, oh my. 😲
We’re only just beginning to uncover the native Power of our Source-in-form Self or Being. All along, we’ve been much more in charge than we had even a clue about. Only now do we begin to see how we were managed & manipulated — not necessarily intentionally, for those who went before us were likewise mastered by the ages-old trickery.
So very glad to be walking planet earth during The Great Awakening, when we can choose to come back to ourSelf, to find that Balance that is the ideal in the midst of the Light/Dark, yin/yang of Life.