Universal Telepathy — All is Within — Part 1

11 min readFeb 23, 2017


I’m really glad that we’re moving into a time of universal telepathy and out of this time ruled by those awkward things called words, letters, numbers & such. Words just don’t have the capacity to record happenings in this time of change. Even the recording of so called external events is hugely inadequate to convey more than their most superficial aspects.

As we come to realize that everything is actually internal — well, how can words cover that territory? Many begin to see that all “external” reality, aside from being holographic, is but a reflection of that endlessly vast internal landscape. Everything — all that is — is internal to the being. In exploring the external, we but explore the self/Self.


Humanity has long been limited to perhaps 1% of who/what we truly are. Taking that for the whole, we’ve lived in a Matrix of such intricate, overall malevolent structure that many will become unbalanced as the beautiful inner world reveals itself, aghast at the contrast between what they took for reality and what they discover during this shift. It’s that shocking — to mind — destabilizing to those grounded there.

Our bodies have their challenges, as well. This is not just a mental awakening, a change in perspective. It’s so much more — far beyond words’ ability to convey. We’ll discover, as well, that words only worked because we’re all telepathic. We just didn’t realize that it was our inner connection that made the words work, that helped us make sense of them.

Yes, this was well hidden, damped down as much as possible. Yet due to who/what we are, we could not be eternally held down, prevented from uncovering our true nature, the reality that we are Source, temporarily taking on form — the actual creators of that, of 3D “substance.” Right now the world is created through us, not so much by us, but that changes as we shift. It wasn’t designed to be that way, for we are Creator in form.


Beyond Physical OBEs and Religion | from “The Path: Beyond the Physical” — 3:47

This recognition that our reality was hijacked will be too much for some, who will take their exit from the 3D stage. The deaths will seem natural, the dying ones, themselves, unaware of the deeper level on which they made that choice. (Remember, death isn’t real — we never die. It’s more like the end of a chapter in an endless novel ;-)

It won’t be a sad thing, either, for in our true nature we know that all is & can only be well — always — no matter the surface appearance. We’ll recognize the game-like nature of incarnation, how it pales next to our eternal existence. Never was a time when we were not, never will a time be when we are not — come & go though the incarnations flow.


The chasm we’re bridging is so very vast — almost incomprehensible — between who we thought we were & who we truly are. It’s bizarre. We begin to see how the Matrix had to be laid down, bit by small bit, gradually so as not to draw notice. It took not just centuries, but millennia to lay this trap we’ve been calling reality. Absent the drastic alteration of our (likely) 12-strand DNA down to just 2 strands, it could not have happened.

Nor could humanity have broken out, unaided. One has to give the dark ones their due — the reptilians & their compadres. Technologically & mentally, we compare (in our present state) to them as an ant next to a D-Wave computer. How we allowed ourselves to be led into this situation will bear pondering, for this is no story of good guys & bad ones — much though it may seem to be.


We — Who/What we truly are — are all powerful. We are Source, Source-in-form, but Source all the same. We allowed this to happen. We’ll get over the whole blame-game thing as we make our way through the shift. It bears no resemblance to Reality, where right-wrong polarities are the merest illusion. Heart/Higher Self abides in triality, leaving duality in the dust.

Perhaps the biggest “cancer” we took on in our dumbed-down 21st century state was forsaking any sense of responsibility for ourselves, much less for the status quo. We were well schooled in pinning blame on things external, never even conceiving that we could be responsible. That goes along with believing we were powerless, of course. We were well schooled in the victim consciousness, cradle to grave, as were previous generations.


It becomes obvious, viewing this “reality” — such a phenomenally thorough Matrix crafted around us, through us (& ultimately by us) — that those behind it were well experienced in their craft of vampirizing younger, less developed races. There is no way they came here & wove this around us as their first such venture. They had long eons of practice, victimizing races on other planets. They are masters of their dastardly crafts, skilled in high technology & deception.

Absent the participation, the cooperation of so many of our benevolent star brethren, we would still be locked down tight, unable to break free of the control structures once so firmly in place, yet now falling apart simply everywhere. Much will be realized after the Shift — once fully back into higher dimensions — studying the dark ones’ ways, how they managed to so masterfully contain earth’s humanity for so long — how we allowed that to happen.

We’ll discover that it was not only only earth in their trap, but tens of planets or more. Many civilizations have been dominated by these cowards, these seemingly soulless beings absent empathy, absent compassion , absent love. Some of this was AI gone awry, so we’ll study that, as well.


Our focus will be internal, though — on what’s within each of us. It will be a warm welcome Home, to that internal reality that had been so very well fenced off, beyond our reach for a time. The contrast is shockingly vast between our captive state (which was never Real) & our native state . You know how the sun feels after a week of rain — how “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” We will revel in our newly regained sense of Self, and it will be truly divine.

Our long dark-night-of-the-soul is almost over. Let us not waste time on recriminations, nor on self-condemnation. Rather than looking for who to blame, let us recognize & take the higher path, the one of Heart. Heart knows all is well , that it’s all good.

Do what you can to ignore mind shouting that down. Mind doesn’t have the keys to the Kingdom that is Heart. Mind must be laid aside, at least in importance, to enter in to that Kingdom where You truly reign.


Who we truly are is so vastly different than the character we’re playing — the one we refer to as “I.” Unfortunately for them, there are those who will not make the shift (in this lifetime) from the character-in-a-play into their vastness. Let us not pity them, friends, nor somehow think them less than, for in their fullness they are us — we are them. There is never two, within — only one, only the One that is Source.

Source is not to be pitied, no matter the role It chooses to play. Would we but step back, into a yet broader perspective, we would see the great value they bring, how the part they play is vital — no less important than ours. Is that shocking? Only to mind, friends — only to mind.

It’s been such a long journey of sharing without being understood on deep levels — not just for me, but for so many awakening ones. I celebrate this deeper understanding we now experience — feeling what is being said, not just relying on the words. By their very nature, words must remain on the surface, unable to delve into the depths of Being. We now come into sensing their underlying message — finally!


Yes, many of us have been here for some time in this transition — years, or decades, even. Many of those have gone into periods of silence, rather than be misunderstood or not fully comprehended. I am one of those, coming out to experience my new wings — wings of Heart, mind you — never to rely on the 3D body/mind as “reality,” again.

As we reach for the stars, let us maintain awareness that those, too, are within. Nothing can be external to the Being we truly are — no thing, in any universe, in all of Cosmos, is outside of us — outside of That which is Source — in Whom we have our Being. Let us turn around from what was — the false world we constructed while imprisoned in the Matrix — and keep our focus ever on what is. No more chasing our tails in ever narrowing circles that gain us nothing but dizziness.


Who among your brethren — i.e., all of humanity — can you not forgive? Stop and take a deeper look at that. Recognize that one as your very Self. Recognize the lack of self-forgiveness for what it is — you, spending time/energy in the Matrix. Let it go. If you cannot yet forgive, then choose to table the motion, setting it aside for a look on another day when you are farther along on the return journey into Self.

This is not about some sort of philosophy. Philosophy is a thing of mind. It’s time to stop trusting mind & its conclusions. Can you see this? Are you ready for this major leg of the journey? If fear arises, you can choose to sit quietly with it — just observing.

There’s no need to run from this sort of fear. It has no power over you. It comes with a message, one only you can decode. That decoding takes place only in stillness. While you can’t hush your mind, you can certainly choose to ignore it, more & more.

Who/what will you discover, within? It’s nothing at all that mind can imagine. At some point we’ll all know that. It brings a lovely sense of comfort, just knowing that mind holds no important keys to our Inner Being. It cannot show us the way. You cannot read enough books or attend enough seminars to discover your way, either. But then, perhaps you’ve already realized that.

In Heart there is actually no forgiveness. If that’s surprising, be still with it for a moment. Feel into it. Do what you can to keep mind out of it. There is no forgiveness there because there is no wrong-doing. These concepts are absent from Heart’s wholeness. There can be no separation, no duality there — no two nor two million, just One. The One does not act to harm ItSelf.


Yes, one has to back so far away from mind perspectives that this view is not available early on the journey. It takes more & ever more letting go — endless releasing of all that we once held dear, & all that we did not. In the stillness, eventually everything goes… & we enter the void. Not saying I’m there, yet — hey, I’m on this journey with all of you. Just saying I’ve sensed it, touched down into it.

No one has ever done anything wrong. Sit with that for a moment… There’s a slap in the face for mind, who in no way can comprehend this. Yes, there can be harm, but harm is not “wrong.” In duality — the Matrix — if we have a wrong, there must be a right — and who is to be the arbiter of that? Who among us is so superior to his/her fellows that s/he can be trusted to make such decisions? And when that one crosses over (dies), who takes their place? Anything that smacks of hierarchy has no place in Truth, in the One.


Wrong only exists in the realm of duality, of polarity — you know, that realm we’re leaving behind. If we over-protect our children they never learn to fend for themselves. Who among us never made a mistake as a child? Were those mistakes “wrong” — or were they helpful, even necessary to our maturation? We already know this, or we wouldn’t say “Hindsight is always 20/20,” i.e., perfect sight.

It takes the unfolding of events over time to put these supposed mistakes or “wrongs” into perspective. In the end, that break-up that so devastated you at the time made you a better man, a better woman — one of greatly increased depth. Things here take time to ripen, to mature — from trees to wisdom.


Let’s be careful to distinguish internal from external wisdom — being wise in the ways of the world. Not only our DNA, but our minds have been booby-trapped. Let us be ever alert for the wiliness of the mind, friends. Maturation/growth never ends. There is ever something more wonderful, more amazing just up ahead — built-in by divine design.

Go slowly midst the perceived trials & troubles all around you. Be not over-quick to trust anything mind has to say, be it in you or coming from another — another you, another aspect of the one Self in which all participate.

There is nothing you need that you don’t have. How could it be otherwise in the One that is All? Mastering mind is our current business, so let us be about it, recognizing the worthy adversary that it’s been crafted to be in the Matrix.


Right now the state for most of us is that mind is our master. We’ve somehow consented to that, so be sure to strike down thoughts of blame or guilt immediately — or to at least spot them. They have no possibility of being true.

Yes, they can be superficially accurate — which has no bearing on Truth. In the stillness we learn to distinguish — we remember, for in truth, we already know. We just forgot, crazy & hilarious though that seems.

In the midst of all of this, let us not neglect laughter. There is a Cosmic humor that we’re discovering — recovering. In the midst of our seemingly endless letting-go, we find a deep sense of humor.

This is after we get over ourselves, get over taking the self so darn seriously. Lighten up! You’ll be so glad you did, friends. In releasing so much of the old self, we discover the nature of Reality — of beautiful, awesome, magnificent Reality that is only Love, waiting to reveal ItSelf in every Now moment.


We only think we know what love is, here on earth, and that’s a mistake. It comes from too much trust in the thought process — too much taking the self seriously. Both Love & Truth are of Heart, of Higher Self — not native to 3D.

Perhaps you’ve noted how arrogant the dark ones are? The role of self we’ve been playing can easily be seen as a joke —albeit a beautiful one. We are ridiculous, friends. When will we get around to admitting that, to finally seeing it from this vaster perspective? In discovering that, it’s actually injoyable — even hilarious as we lighten-up to just Be.

Nothing whatsoever is in our way but the self. As Source, we are ultimately powerful. We actually laid all of these traps for the self. We can trust that the Self knew what it was doing. Again, this all takes supreme letting go — but then, so many of us already recognize this. We’ve been in process of doffing that self, donning the true Self for some time.

Only now is it finally catching on in enough of humanity to begin spreading like wildfire. We are unconquerable, folks — yet we won’t know this until we’ve walked a fair way on the road of letting go, releasing simply everything.

Yes, there are lessons coming out of this, and we’ll have the eons of eternity to explore them. We’re not there, yet, though, and it’s well to recognize this, lest we spend more time trapped in mind’s clutches, i.e., the Matrix. Welcome Home — it’s been a l-o-n-g time.


Deeper into Telepathy — Part 2

10:12 am, Wednesday 2017/02/21, Mayan day 6 Akbal/Night




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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