Undoing the ET Takeover

Awakening to ET Perversions

7 min readAug 15, 2018
“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

How many of us believe in our own underlying equality with everyone else? As the number grows, we’ll find ourselves exiting the old Matrix BS all the sooner — not that time is real, LOL, but to our 3D personna, it is relevant. As consciousness we are all one, whereas to our bodies both separation & time seem so very real (based on our beliefs).

As rays of Light emanating from the Divine Sun, we are both unified & seemingly separate at times. It is on owning, then aligning with our Source-in-form core that we awaken, discovering Source at/as our core. That One is no created being, though more advanced ET races have come & played the part, different ones humanity called gods across the ages.

Source/God is not an individual being of any sort. All beings are created, so who would be the creator of Source? LOL. It is Source in & as consciousness doing all of the creating, here & everywhere in Cosmos. Shock — Source creates through us! 😲

While our programming has taught us otherwise, that changes when we quit choosing to believe the BS. Lies never outlast Truth, though they may seem to do so in the short run.

At its core, the cabal is an off-planet operation. Those cabal names & faces we see are no one at the top. They don’t show themselves, most of them looking too hugely different from humanity.

If an off-planet sting was perpetrated, then perpetuated, how would that operate?

First, the benevolent ET beings, our soul families, don’t go around taking over developing civilizations. The malevolent, hugely selfish ETs could take over due to both their advanced tech & long experience doing such things. Yet, who is left to run the show, to keep things in order as their home planet moves on in its orbit of our (binary) sun?

Human hybrids were created for that purpose, those we call the blue bloods.

When we look at such common cabal behavior as pedophilia, as cannibalizing body fluids & parts, this would not be how humanity treats one another — except when totally lost in the Matrix fog. We do have the corollary in how we kill & consume meat in many forms, treating the animals as arrogantly as we’re treated by the cabal, so let’s not play holier-than-thou. Yes, there are even those who enjoy “raping” animals.

So it is both of us & not of us, these beings performing such heinous acts. Most of us have to be introduced to the possibility that people do such things — we wouldn’t naturally even imagine it. The takeover job was very thorough & is ancient, at this point. We were locked down, Matrix style, one tiny step at a time.

Eventually, when we’re analyzing this decades & centuries into the future, we’ll see just how hugely pervasive it & other “inhuman” behaviors had become, i.e., are now on planet earth. For instance, the Bible records how humanity once lived for many centuries, some over 900 years.

Our currently short lifetimes are insufficient to mature, to see & grow beyond their enforced perversions, so craftily hidden from view. Over such large swaths of time we gain in wisdom — or increase in cunning — depending on our use of free will.

Long Life of the Genesis Patriarchs — A4theroad.blogspot.com

The takeover used their DNA-engineering prowess, millennia beyond ours, to shorten our lifespan & thus make us more manageable, taking us from 12 strands down to two. When their lifespans are typically thousands of years, what’s a century or two to get something important done? Nothing, of course. They typically work from 100-year plans — as do the benevolent ET races, & eventually us.

We’ll find that the takeover was so thorough that there will be nothing we can point to that wasn’t in some way influenced or controlled by them — most of it done in secret, of course, so we didn’t know. We didn’t inquire deeply enough into any of it — not even the massive child disappearances across the country & the world — to track it back to its cabal core.

We’ve got to get our heads out of the sand, away from our endless focus on technology & media, in order to deal with & roll back the takeover. That’s happening, already, but the more of us that join in consciousness with The Great Awakening, the smoother, the more quickly it operates, eliminating the scourge of the invaders with the backing of our ET soul families.

They got to our politicians. I hope that’s no surprise to any of us, at this point. Trickery & bribery led many an elected official into compliance with them. They installed their perfect control system, the monetary system, as another huge manipulation. We’re played like puppets as we use that system. Thus, they took over all that is run by money, including countries. They’re good at this nasty stuff!

While I could do 10 or 20 journals just on such things, it isn’t necessary; it wouldn’t help. Our creations are better when we’re focused on what we want rather than what we don’t want.

If you’re in Heart, you get the sense of what’s being offered. You make your own decisions around it. What I’m seeing & sharing here is how vital is our recognition of our Source origins, our participation with & as That.

Only then, can we stand tall & firm in the face of whatever would attempt to control us.

It’s time & past time to remember that we are consciousness, that all creation is done by consciousness, & that we are all one & thus totally equal. You are neither lesser nor greater than anyone else — it doesn’t work that way. The dark ones may put death off, but we all answer for our actions when we cross over.

This is behind the cabal’s fascination with AI & all sorts of automation, working even to add it to the human physiology. NOT a good idea. For those who haven’t yet noticed, there is no form of tech that cannot eventually be hacked. Do we really want to give over our bodies to this?! Hell, no!!

I don’t suggest we beat up on those who choose that route, however. All sorts of learning is possible, & we may go down some very dark holes before we awaken to certain things. Judgment & condemnation of people, of beings, is not appropriate. Condemn & punish the hurtful actions, yes, just not those doing them, as anyone can change in any Now experience.

The law doesn’t judge people, ever — it judges actions. Thus, the blindfold on Lady Liberty.

Besides, sometimes the “good guys” come into 3D to take “bad” parts, their intention to help us awaken to how we’re being duped & used. Yes, even we, as souls, as consciousness, go undercover when it’s appropriate, & why not? Agreed, the challenging part is remembering that, lol. For a time, we’re even undercover to the self. 😆

The deal about us being consciousness, creative consciousness is such a big one, as that is how we turn this thing around. If we’re identified only with the body-mind, we’re severely limiting the Self by actually ignoring it. Until we make the head-to-Heart move, we don’t perceive the messages from our Source core.

We continue to see ourselves as less-than, sometimes as greater-than, neither of which are truth.

The differences in our bodies are as nothing to Who we truly are — mere small details that we chose prior to entry into the form. Each one has their own Source-in-form reasons for appearing as they do, interacting with who they do. There is a great Wisdom in operation, here, that the mind is unable to spot — but Heart can & does.

When we identify with the form, we can be manipulated into making a very big deal about our differences. It makes it easy for the cabal to pit us against one another while they continue their truly sick behind-the-scenes machinations. They don’t want us seeing that.

Follow your own Heart, your own inner guidance.

Let’s withdraw all trust in the Matrix, in the externals. Most of us already see that the top echelons of whatever portion of society have been infiltrated or even totally co-opted. Naturally, any invading force would seek to corrupt & control those positions. If we weren’t so trusting, we’d have long ago seen this.

As we come finally to trust & respect our inner Source core, giving our life over to That One more & more, we’ll be danced. Hey, it’s a great honor to be the Dance of Source. Source doesn’t do a great job of informing our minds, but the mind isn’t the route into awakening; it’s not a relative, linear thing.

The mind is designed to help us get around in relativity, be it 3D or 5D or whatever. On the highest dimensions there is no relativity, but we aren’t at a point where discussion of them is useful. We’re not yet equipped to inner/understand what life is like, there.

Let our great curiosity be of Heart, not a thing of the far more limited head. The mind is useful, but so elevated by our societies that it’s almost worshipped. That has to stop in order to empower the broader, fuller awakening. Heart’s Wisdom far outstrips the mind’s. They abide in distinctly different realms, Heart’s being the All That Is & Isn’t, the mind’s being relativity.

“Where from here?” is a decision belonging rightfully to each one. We get to choose, thanks to free will. It is not our job to make decisions for others. If their actions bring harm, they need to be addressed. Otherwise, let’s let them just be. It’s what we want for ourselves, after all. The Golden Rule works.

Thus are our overall choices made as The Family of Humanity.



Tuesday afternoon, 2018/08/14 — Mayan day 12 Wind / Ik

PS For those who want to know:

Sunday Night’s Matt Doran goes undercover with Operation Underground Railroad to bring down Haiti child sex ring




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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