Trees Are People, Too
Being More of Who YOU Are
Being deeply moved by the story of White Feather, Brutal Murder of an American Redbud, I come to share my experience with trees. I’ll tell you up-front that I don’t understand it, but mental understanding is not required for the experience of Life.
Being, itself, has far more to offer than understanding ever dreamed of.
Have you ever considered that part of trees that we walk upon, their roots? There are far more trees on this planet than those standing above ground. Threes & tree roots sometimes even become petrified, continuing their life as stone, never leaving us. When you sit under a tree, you’re energetically embraced both from above & below in Nature’s hug.
Everything is energy, friends, including trees, including us. Though our forms come & go, morphing along the way, we are eternal — as consciousness. We are the trillions upon trillions of Eyes of Source, taking in the view from every possible angle, & then some.
We ARE all of That at our root, our core. Few may have discovered it, but it awaits every aspect of Its Being (you, me, the blade of grass & the trees, etc.), awakening to Its wholeness.
Okay, back to trees. Once I had a certain level of awareness of the Oneness of it all, I opened to a deeper experience of life which morphed into Life. On recognizing myself as a being of energy much more so than a physical form, I reached out to the trees one day in deep appreciation of their awesome beauty, their still-yet-mobile magnificence, the wonderful sounds of the wind tickling their canopies.
Did you know it is possible to identify some trees just by the sound of the wind in their branches? In this way the blind can tell what tree stands nearby.
As I reached out, I was taken, not into the tree that held my gaze, but into the roots, quickly expanding out into the worldwide network of roots. I realized that there were far more roots than standing trees, which was delightfully amazing, but there’s more. They communicate through those roots!
Trees are sentient creatures, as are all beings of nature, both plant & animal, not just humans. We do ourselves a sad disservice to put humans at the top of some false sort of hierarchy. We thus cut ourselves off from the rest of ourselves, from the One, going about in blithe disregard of our greater Being.
At any rate, I felt the Life flowing in, as, & through those roots, the tiny feeder ones as well as the larger ones. I felt their sense of wholeness, far greater than our own at this point. (We’re destined to enter that awareness, as well, or I couldn’t have experienced this.)
During this sacred time — I have no idea how long by the clock, but perhaps an hour or 2— I fell permanently in Love & into deep Respect for all trees across time, alive & supposedly dead. We have no idea what “dead” is or means in the deeper sense. Like everything else, it’s not what we take it to be.
The Joys of Death — White Feather
It felt rather strange to me, to have greeted the one tree & immediately be taken into the whole root network. Furthermore, that’s where I stayed; I wasn’t invited into the above-ground aspects of that or any tree at that time. For a period of some months, perhaps a year or more, whenever I’d reach out to a tree I’d be back in the below-ground root systems, which I accepted & enjoyed.
Please note the lack of understanding during this journey. I did not try to understand. It’s much easier for me to go into & through deeper things absent understanding these days, at least partly due to what the trees taught me. All of my old beliefs would have been squarely in the way of this very strange (to the mind) experience, likely blocking it.
Sometimes it’s the very best thing to NOT understand. 😲
Being very bhakti, or devotional, early on & during my first 50 years or so, I’d often pray or meditate. These were the best times for this deeper tree connection. It wouldn’t always be there, but I so deeply appreciated it when it was.
At some point, & I don’t recall the trigger, I found myself in the trunks of all trees. 😲
Wow — this was different; not sure I can give it any other words. 😶 Oh, & BTW, I can attest that my experience, at least, was of a globe, not a flat plane. Just as a cook might stud an onion with cloves when making a stew, I saw & felt the tree trunks sticking out all around the sphere of our earth.
For a time, this is where my Nature meditations would take me — both into the roots & now more so the trunks of all trees. I never experienced one of them as if it was separate; they are one & aware of the oneness.
I went along this way for a couple of years before finding myself in the canopy of the trees. You can’t “go there” like all of this & not share the experience from the tree’s perspective. They were welcoming me each step of the way, guiding me into that aspect of the process for which I was ready. Thus, it could happen much faster (or slower) for you. 😉
Just imagine yourself as a tree, my friend — perhaps a tree on the Big Island, watching the oncoming encroachment of Kilauea's lava. What would that feel like. Be sure to ditch your Belief Systems, first, as they’ll just mess it up.
You ARE that tree, as consciousness — do you see? It’s again a matter of shifting perspective, but it helps greatly to find your way into Heart for such things. Mind has a more limited experience from it’s perspective of separation, of duality.
How would you feel, as that tree, with the stars & the moon shining their light upon you, perhaps even the auroras, depending on your placement on the earth? You would feel your connection with them. I repeat, you would feel/sense your connection with & as them.
It’s a lot to take in, made that much easier as we ditch our old beliefs. This is not a thinking about these things, but a direct experience with & AS them. We are that in addition to being these body-mind thingies walking the earth.
LOL, we’re the earth, as well, but until we make room in our awareness for such possibilities, we keep ourselves trapped in the Matrix of BS (Belief Systems ;-).
The trees somehow invited me into this expansion, friends. When we find our way into Heart, we begin to hear/sense Nature “speak” to us, with us, & eventually as us. It’s the old, “These eyes through which I hoped to see God are the eyes through which God sees me,” thing; a mind-pretzel, for sure. 😆
Though we’ve been programmed against such understandings, such experiences, we’re still in charge of the self. We retain free will, even when hypnotized into the nonsense going by the name of custom & science, of education, today.
WE are in charge of ourselves, & have both the power & the right to make our own internal/consciousness choices.
The trees are majestic, sentient beings with their own energetic auras that can be sensed by the sensitive among us — & those in Heart. We’re ALL equipped for this awakening. Actually, what’s the only thing between us & awakening? Is it not time? Well, time is not at all what we take it to be, nor is space, i.e., the dimensions.
That being the case, from some perspective, in some very real sense we are already awakened. We can call out to our awakened Self to give us the sense of that, the experience. Time/space never kept anyone from anything that is real. They are just a realm into which we go for adventure & expansion, where we can PRETEND we are incomplete, cut-off, not whole, not one.
Pause to take some time to commune with the trees, friends, with the grass under your feet, the air entering your lungs — with everything. It’s available to you, the only one able to block it being yourself. No one is better (or worse) than anyone else across all of time & space.
As we’re ditching our sense of worthlessness, of being somehow less-than anyone or anything else, we can likewise ditch (or shorten) the spiritual-ego period that sometimes follows that. We are both the greatest & the least of All That Is, forever the both/and.
It’s up to us to ditch the either/or relative view for This.
12:44 pm, Sunday, 2018/05/27, 2nd— Mayan day 11 Night / Akbal