Transhumanist Push —
Why Should You Care?
We’re waking-up to so many strange things, these days, many of which center around some form of transhumanism — combining man with machine. Whether we’re being “upgraded” internally (willing or unwilling nanobots, smart dust, & chipping) or externally through new electronic gear, humanity is technologically besieged. That being the case, it’s well to be aware, not just of the intrusive, invasive technology, but also how it affects us — things like the new 5G WiFi grid.
This journal won’t delve into the nitty-gritty of the tech stuff, preferring to look at how we respond to it & what we can do to both feel & be safe. Few of us will line-up to be chipped, though some will if they believe they’ll gain significant advantage. I’m not talking to them, but to those of us who want to remain both fully human & safe from unwelcome intrusion of every kind.
We all know that technology can be hacked. Much of it can also be activated from a distance. It’s amazing that people getting willingly chipped don’t seem to consider this. Far too much trust, there. ;)
We used to be concerned about the inorganic contents of chemtrails, yet we’re waking-up to realize that various sorts of nanobots & chips, even viruses, smart dust, & DNA, may be dispersed via the chemical mist. What a crazy time to be alive!
It’s also possible that some tech may be inert on entering our bodies & lie dormant for a time —only to be activated later by long-distance signals. There is not just one chemtrail concoction being released, either. Different recipes are dispersed based on many variables, one being geographic. Certain countries or areas are targeted for different purposes, seeking different results.
Have you noticed the push to move us from the countryside into the cities? Have you considered that a major motive for this could be control? Being so close together, more are affected by localized spraying or weather manipulation, smart-metering, WiFi towers…
People, especially in large cities, are easier to control, are more subject to zoning issues, to transportation or utility outages, etc. City police can present a more united front than can county sheriffs & small town police spread across larger areas.
A New York City or Paris outage has far greater impact than outages in the countryside, where people tend to be more self-sufficient. Many have their own gardens, water wells, & septic systems — independence being more a way of life.
Nor do country folk tend to use buses, trains, planes & subways, where outages can cause havoc. Country folk may lack many conveniences like 24-hour shopping, health-food stores, entertainment & such — yet they also lack the general malaise of stress & tension so woven into big-city life.
The “elite,” the cabal, has been with us for millennia. We see them at work back in the days of Mel Gibson’s Braveheart — 1200 to 1300ish AD. The rulers, the kings & so-called nobles of that day, used the same dirty tactics, sought the same basic outcomes we see at work in our world.
Now that we’re more alert to their dark doings — thanks to whistle-blowers like Wikileaks — we’ll likely get more out of watching the movie again. Why they seek such total control is something else.
What & who is behind the scenes is another matter, entirely. For now, my focus is to have the clarity to spot them at work, to steer clear of their many tricks, traps & nets, & to awaken — a daunting enough task.
Down through the ages, the overall cabal goal remains constant — take control of the masses by any means necessary — same old song, new tactics & technology, today. It’s on us to be smarter, to be wiser as we move through life. The only one who can help you with this is yourself — it’s certainly not taught at home, in school, or on the job — evidence of the cabal’s network of control.
In earlier times we were more easily led. We’ve been groomed into sheeplehood & sleeplehood all along. Thank goodness we’re finally spotting it, yes, but that’s only the start.
There are ways to insulate & protect ourselves,* but many of these call for some rough decisions — choices that few seem willing to make — not until things get bad enough. (Thus, the hidden benefit in today’s rampant chaos. ;-)
The farther we’re able to step back from “things as they are” by entering Heart — going within — the easier we spot the control mechanisms at work. Upon gaining some distance from the whole Matrix thing we begin to see & see through it. Until then, try as we might, we can’t see the forest for the trees.
Those still largely asleep are quite unwilling to dispense with their gadgets — to recognize their ulterior uses, the cabal’s nasty motives behind promoting the high-tech way of life — or their addiction to it. Don’t kid yourself that it’s only the profit they’re after. Go much deeper — do the research. It’s not being designed & promoted for your benefit.
Yet before you delve into the necessary research, let’s back away from the nitty-gritty details to get a bigger picture. This gives us the vision to spot their slimy intrusion into our lives.
Many are waking-up to realize that our freedoms are in danger. A water-shed moment was the passing of The Patriot Act — notice how they slip the loss of so many freedoms into bills with innocuous, benevolent-sounding names.
Famous people of yesteryear warn of the danger of trading liberties for so-called security. That’s clearly at work in today’s world. That’s what the sheeple do, & hiding darkness under lovely words has proved a successful cabal tactic over time. Thus have many of our freedoms have already been eliminated or severely curtailed. It’s time to read the whole bill before voting it in.
As we keep stepping back from things to gain that broader view, it’s clear we’ve been far too trusting. It’s in our nature as Light Beings, as Source-in-form, to both be trustworthy & honorable, & to expect the same from others.
Before we can truly awaken, we’re forced to face & realize the major darkness at work in our world. Time to come out of our ivory towers. Who can admit that many just don’t want to see the dark underbelly of the beast? We prefer our peaceful delusions to honest fact-checking, to digging deeper, considering new, perhaps radically new, possibilities.
So the trick is that we’ve got to be willing to see whatever is there — it’s the first step in awakening. It’s such a challenge, too, to find reputable sources, trickery & dishonesty having become a way of life in The Matrix. Never fear, Heart will guide you — & you’re not alone.
While manipulation & control are the major cabal strategies, they use many tactics to to that end. One of the more obvious ones is disguising their evil works in fine-sounding language, a la “The Patriot Act” — which was anything but patriotic or in our best interests. Instead, we gave up liberties as they drew the noose of control tighter than ever. We didn’t read the fine print.
If you want to see the (cabal) control system at work, step back. Stop trusting so much. Gaining trust is a necessary tactic of the dark cabal, everywhere present in (& behind) the rulers & governments of the world — right down to Big Pharma & the corporatocracy in its many guises.
Absent our trust & willing consent, they can neither manipulate nor control us. Trust gets us to swallow the lies they purvey, hidden midst the necessary bits of truth. Why would they offer any truth? That’s simple — you can’t attract Light Beings without including at least some truth. The divine in us resonates with truth.
In most cases where someone is defrauded or harmed, trust was involved. Too much trust blinds us — have you noticed? Look around — read any headline — look for the misplaced trust. Have you been beaten, raped, or defrauded? Look for the misplaced trust.
Darkness likes to hide behind a pleasant exterior — serves its purpose well. Your typical con-artist is dapper, well dressed, often well spoken — consider the banksters. Need I say more? Absent trust, we’re not so easily fooled.
What will it take for humanity to withdraw all or most of its trust? Political, conservationist, & spiritual groups are infiltrated by those who put on a good front — with the hidden intent to both gain intelligence for the cabal, & to look for exploitable weakness. Getting your trust is their first & necessary objective. Let’s stop being easy pickings for these creeps, no matter their fine-seeming exterior!
Side note: Every general knows you don’t win wars without spies. Witness the undercover work of Veritas. Whistle-blowers must often lay low to uncover & expose hidden infamy.
Withdrawing trust is not an invitation to live in fear — anything but! Violent people want you to fear them — it makes you far easier to control. Instilling fear is yet another cabal tactic whose ultimate goal is weakening humanity in furtherance of their world-dominance goal.
The cabal seems addicted to a pathological need to dominate everyone — even their own, whom they treat with disdain. They give respect only when it serves their nefarious ends — which always boils down to control, enabling them to further their dark plans.
Please center within for this journey. Only when centered in Heart do we find peace in the midst of any storm. Who you truly are — Source-in-form — has no fear, no ulterior motives. We are pure Love at our core. Let us settle down into That.
You are not subject to fear — unless you allow yourself to be led there. The fear that moves your body away from an oncoming car is quite healthy, considering the alternative. The constant anxiety & tension in which so many are mired is sad. At its core, it is fear. (The core of all “negative” emotions is fear.)
Fear is a necessary tool of the cabal, useful to keep us under their thumb. It took great fear to get The Patriot Act passed — do you remember? Why else would we be willing to give up any of our freedoms — such as privacy — for security? Fear is a useful weapon in their arsenal — even if it’s only anxiety, tension, or depression. Yes, under any negative emotion/state lurks fear.
Yet when we stand back from the drama, the endless parade of news & activities, clarity can arise. We don’t have to work through all of the/our issues to discover this clarity. It’s ever present within — in what I call Heart. Both clarity & Peace are found there. Yet it takes a a bit of work & time to enter there, depending on how enmeshed we are in our concerns.
Coming to center is a lot like fasting — it takes a bit of time & persistence to rid both body & mind of constantly recycling negativity — be it unhealthy substances or worrisome thoughts. What we aren’t taught is that thought creates. Just as every great invention or project begins with a single thought, so does the web of tensions/anxiety/fear in which so many are immersed.
If calmness, freedom, & strength are worthy goals, it’s time to develop new habits — based on positive, uplifting intentions. Intentions guide thought. Our kingdom, our domain in life doesn’t extend beyond the self — self is the only thing we rightfully control. Yet until we do this work to extricate ourselves from The Matrix, we don’t even reign over self.
Why is that? Over the decades, the years, we’ve given our power away — slowly, but surely. That’s how we entered The Matrix false reality in the first place. We’ve got to give the cabal their due — they are masters of what David Icke calls the Totalitarian Tip-toe.
They actually make 100-year plans, laying their goals out long in advance. Knowing that humanity would never agree to their dastardly designs if openly presented, one of their major tactics is to proceed in steps so small that we aren’t moved to challenge them. If we do, they make us feel like cry babies or conspiracy kooks. Masters of deception they are, too.
Bills like The Patriot Act take many decades to bring about, one tip-toe step at a time. Never in our wildest imagination, back in the last century, would we have dreamed of the level of surveillance we now endure. Never would we have accepted it — unless manipulated into anxiety, confusion, & fear — & unless we trusted them, at least to a degree.
For those who are ready, it’s time to face some truly dark facts. The cabal’s control of everything is far more massive, far more deviously dark than we’ve been willing (or able) to see. We trusted at least in our basic overall safety. They had to erode much of that to bring us to the tipping-point of fear necessary to make us surrender our freedoms, our privacy — our control over our own lives (which they convinced us we didn’t have, anyway).
There really is a game of Light & dark being played out, here. Nor do you need any religion or belief in an external God to see it thus. Though many don’t yet realize it, all of the religions are actually control mechanisms in disguise — just like the monetary system.
This does NOT mean that all of those who practice religions are evil or dark — of course they are not! What it means is that, behind the design (& at the top echelons) of each religion the hand of the dark ones is found.
Some may come to awakening via their religious or spiritual practices, & that’s great. As long as they harm none, it’s vital to grant everyone the freedom to take the walk of their choice — to give that which we want to receive, the same freedom.
There’s no benefit in everyone being alike. Who wants an acre/hectare garden full of white daisies or red roses? (Only the cabal money system inspires that.) Diversity is the spice of life. Our differences truly make us stronger — when we allow that — when we ditch the fear.
We gain & grow by our exposure to those differences. Let us celebrate our differences without losing our determination to make our own way. As long as we harm none, neither others nor our dear planet, all is well — is beautiful, actually.
This push toward sameness, to being socially & politically correct is pure nonsense — it doesn’t lead anywhere we truly want to go. Many are experiencing that in Europe, today. If we could just find our way into Heart, that inner connection to Higher Self — which we already are — we could all live harmoniously amidst amazing diversity.
There’s really no need to bash anyone for anything as long as they don’t harm others or Nature. Let each one find their own way, which they’re not likely to find when you seek to change or control them. (That takes them out of touch with Heart, their sacred core.)
Furthermore, we can’t actually help anyone until we help the self. If we’re not in peace, then it’s futile trying to bring peace to others. We simply don’t have it to give. You can’t calm someone else when you’re upset. This is so basic, but few seem to see it — being enmeshed in the false reality parading as normal.
There’s nothing more vital, more important than tending to self/Self. By doing so, you find yourself helpful to others in ways you couldn’t have envisioned. There’s a divine plan for everything, for everyone — for every Now moment. Yet when stuck in the false reality we fail to see it — though it’s as near as our next breath.
Just as it would be foolish to take marriage advice from one who is married to their 6th spouse, we need to clean-up our own act, first & always. As we touch bases, more & more frequently, with that inner kingdom, that steadying Peace, we begin to uncover the illusion in what we once took for reality.
When seen from Heart perspective, everything in today’s world seems upside-down, inside-out, & backwards — at a minimum. The whole world seems truly topsy-turvy. As we delve more deeply into it, we come to realize that we can’t share our new views with many others — they’re just not ready, not yet open enough. They’re still blind to this. The big picture is too dark for them to be willing to even consider. Let them be.
Via intuition & just following Heart, we’re led into perfect situations where that sharing works. There’s a magic about Heart living — there truly is. It seems almost divine. Everything seems to fall perfectly in place. We’re not led to view the darkness, unsupported. We’re bathed in Light & have a strange, unaccountable Peace. Quite strange.
Before I paint any more of the depth of the darkness & how it’s at work, it’s vital to recognize that the only kingdom we truly rule is the self — & that from within. Trying to manipulate anything — perhaps you can see how that’s the way of the cabal? Trying to force circumstances to serve us just doesn’t work, anyway.
The way out of The Matrix, out of all of today’s craziness, is found by going within & by letting go of old beliefs. Unless we’re willing to do this, the rest does’t fall into place. It’s time to surrender, friends — to Higher Self. Not to The Matrix or any of its minions — not to anything dark. Yet it’s time to let go of the false reality into which we’ve all been led, programmed to accept as somehow normal. It is not!
Rather, it is the height of an insanity that, in future decades, will be seen clearly & rejected. Right now most are too close to the forest to see the trees. They’re right in front of us, just not seen due to the programming we took on, the BS belief systems we adopted — the lenses through which we view the world.
It’s wise to realize how very little we actually know. If you want to believe we have the best of science, the best of education & technology, etc., then perhaps you’re not ready for this trek. ALL of our old belief systems need to go — but they won’t as long as we maintain our strangle-hold on them. Let us face our inner fears — but from the perspective of Heart, where inner guidance abounds.
We CAN find our way out of this mess, out of this maze where nothing ever seems to lead where we want to go, or where we thought it would lead. There is simply no way to bring the BS belief system’s baggage along on this journey, though. They are precisely what’s holding us back. Until we release them it’s impossible to see that. Our beliefs are the blinders we wear.
Nor will I paint beautiful pictures of the truly transcendent view that’s ahead for you. This letting-go is done in the midst of not knowing what’s ahead. Can’t explain the why or how of that, just that it’s the case. Any truly awakening one will spend time in what is called The Dark Night of the Soul, too— a deeply empty space of feeling amazingly lost & bereft.
In the midst of the inner darkness — which is but a very real seeming — the true Light eventually shines. It’s not a step we can skip, “unfortunately.” It’s actually not at all unfortunate, but that’s surely how it seems at the time. It’s on being willing to release all we thought we knew & understood, that we’re stripped of what’s been holding us back, all along — unseen, unacknowledged.
You see far more than you think you do. It’s what you think you know that’s in the way. Yes, I know, it’s strange. All of humanity is actually psychic & telepathic, yet due to the way we’ve so far chosen to go, we’re largely unaware of it. Sometimes ideas of quantum physics help — such as realizing that we’re all quantum-entangled. We’re actually one — even though not yet realized by most.
In this new inner realm — which is quite old — things are not known, they are realized — experienced. There is no list of ’10 Steps to Enlightenment’ — that’s actually now seen as ridiculous. That whole concept is the effect of being centered in mind — thus locked into duality, making lists, right/wrong, yes/no, good/bad, false/true, etc. Stuff & nonsense :)
There’s a whole nother realm awaiting your realization. Yet even when you realize things, that doesn’t mean you can explain or understand them, mentally. It just doesn’t work like that on this level, in this domain — & this you already know, deep within. Perhaps you’ve always sensed it — yet been unsure about taking those inward steps.
One thing I will share is that a whole new Life awaits you — one filled with Peace so solid that you simply know that all that exists is either good, better, best — or simply beyond-words awesome. Yet you have to find your own way in. While others have gone there before us, they cannot say what our way will be. It’s endlessly unique, unlike the path trod by anyone, before.
You’ll be able to look at the world with new eyes — able to see how this or that terribly negative-seeming thing was actually a gift. Everything is! Find your way in so that you may relax & enjoy the trek.
- “ways to insulate & protect ourselves” One major way will be presented in an upcoming journal about distilled-waters therapy. Water, itself, is amazing beyond current understanding.
8:15 pm, Thursday 2017/06/29, Mayan day 4 Monkey / Chuen