#Heart #Head #Awakening

Leaving “Problems” Behind

7 min readNov 30, 2018

Flipside of the “Negative” coin

These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Who, along with me, is sick of the current political, educational, & economic insanity? It’s easy enough to see the downside in it all, but who is looking to the upside? It’s always there, but when we’re programmed to wallow in negativity, in our “problems,” we don’t see it; we can’t.

What could be the upside of this worldwide chaos? How about celebrating it as the globalist cabal in the throes of going down the drain, of becoming irrelevant? It can be seen this way, but more likely through Heart than the mind.

There are always those who refuse to see the good in anything. Let’s let them be. They have the right to choose their own perspective, but nothing says we have to wallow in their misery.

Just turn away. Your frequency will automatically rise when you allow it. Humanity’s native core frequency — accessible via Heart — is ever so much higher than anything here in 3D.

We’re not native to this planet, nor to any planet, any galaxy. We’re awareness, itself, as star beings, here on the one hand, to get a job done (planetary awakening), & on the other hand to enjoy our perpetual NowHere-ness.

Yin-Yang diving — Orig12.deviantart.net

While to the mind, it may sound insane to actually find anything uplifting or beneficial cloaked within this chaos, Heart has another take on just about everything; well, on everything.

Let us return to the simple recognition of Who & what we are, as consciousness, not just the 3D, body-mind form. Those who identify with the form forsake their native eternity — the sense of that — to identify with what is transient, what is low-frequency. It’s little wonder we feel lost at times.

We contain the form — it doesn’t contain us. The more we identify with & as awareness, the eternal-infinity of that, the closer we draw to our core. We may even begin to re-member, to reconnect with other aspects of our Being, forgotten on incarnating here.

We don’t have to delve so deep into materiality that we cut ourselves off from the rest, the Inner or Higher Self.

It really helps to step back from the fray & just watch.

As we observe, but without any sort of judgment or engagement, we‘re shown things; intuitions arise. Why? Because we’re getting out of the way. We, the self, are the ONLY one in our way, the only one blocking our personal awakening.

I know, that’s hard to swallow, but only to the mind, not to Who you truly are, for That One already knows all of this (& so much more). Oh, how we’ll laugh one day to realize what we chose to forget.

It seems unimaginable — again, to the mind — that we could forget something so important, forget our very identity, but there you go. It just is what it is, & acceptance of that is more than helpful, it’s a move to get out of our way.

These two realms, the one of Heart, the other of the head, are drastically distinct. Many may believe that it’s the mind that awakens, but it’s not. Or perhaps the awakening mind is a very tiny arena, contained within the All In All, the Greater Self, the unbounded One in whom Heart awakens.

We awaken to Heart. It’s not at all what we were taught to expect.

What to do? How to take the next step? Heck, how to see what the next step is?! That’s all arising in the mind — do you sense that? Have you stepped back sufficiently to witness it that way? We see & hear so many clamoring for proof of our experience, of what we share, but that, too, is purely mind-based. Things native to much higher frequencies do not fit into 3D “proofs” since they are not of 3D.

Those who have spent any time within Heart realize that Heart’s realm cannot be compressed into words, into the relativity of linear language. Yet words are not required. When two or more gather in Heart (or have had the Heart experience), they read the energy, understanding/innerstanding on a much deeper level than anything accessible to the mind.

I say these things unapologetically, just sharing my experience of them. I recognize how easy it is to be misunderstood in 3D. What has freed me from concern over that is to recognize Source-in-form in each of us, to know we ALL have access to That.

All that awaits for those still feeling lost is a certain readiness that comes with a willingness to expand into the greater Reality, from self to Self.

Each is in charge of the self/Self to a far greater extent than we’ve known. It’s not our job to awaken others, just to see to the self/Self. An awakening one allows Source to lead the way, to speak through us, to act through us in ways unimaginable to anyone’s mind. Source can do a far better job of whatever it is than any ego/mind.

It’s a bit scary to turn the reins over to Heart, I’ll admit. You never know what’s coming next, what you’ll say, do, or understand/innerstand. It helps you cut ties with all attachments to give Source free reign right there, where you are — or rather, where you’re focused, for you’re also everywhere & everywhen.

These are indeed different realms, that of the head & that of Heart. The only thing they have in common is you, is your awareness present in them. Observation without evaluation is not something most of us have even imagined, much less practiced; nonetheless, it’s there & available.

We don’t know what we’ll be shown.

You don’t have to be good at everything — Katermonran.files.wordpress.com

We eventually have a great, ah-ha! moment on realizing that we actually don’t know anything. Oh, the mind is convinced it knows many things, but those are minuscule next to the Knowing of Heart. Heart Knowing is so very real, so deep & amazing that it puts everything of 3D in the dreamland category.

This sort of realization is common to the NDE, to many OBEs, but it’s becoming more common in everyday embodied life, too. It’s on recognizing our Source-in-form core that so many expansive experiences arise. What’s available to Source vs what’s available to the body-mind makes a sliver of a Venn Diagram where the two intersect.

A-B Venn Diagram — TheAmericanGenius.com

There’s an old saying that strongly hints of what’s available to us all: “Let go & let God.” In place of any doing, what’s called for, now, is being, is finding our way into the NowHere & anchoring there, in the knowingness/unknowingness of that.

It’s our ego that’s on its way out; perhaps you noticed? It’s the imaginary self we take ourselves to be that’s in process of exposure & expulsion; vanishing, actually. We participate when the readiness arises within, & we can’t know what triggers that for the self, much less for others.

Let go, let go, let go — great instructions to program the frightened mind.

It’s welcome-Home time, only it’s nothing like we expected. It was the ego-mind doing the expecting, as we now begin to see — the ego-mind that’s being dethroned in the ready ones, prepping them for ever greater awakening. Home, humanity’s Home, is a NowHere reality that requires our Heart focus. (Being in the mind blocks that experience.)

It’s up to each one to discover all of this & so much more for themselves. Awakening can’t be handed to us by any guru or Master for it requires that readiness which none can bestow.

As we let go, let go, let go, that’s not to say we won’t observe ourselves taking an ever more active part in this or that. We just don’t know what Source has in store, so awakening is more akin to riding a saddle-free, bridleless horse while blindfolded than it is something we “do.” The ego-mind plays no part in this.

Our Power is something of Source, something that Source must wield, lest we destroy the world in egoic arrogance.

We’re far, far more powerful than we currently know, & it’s good that we don’t know because, in our current overall state, we’re in no condition to handle it well. The mind will never get this stuff, so we have to find our way into Heart to enable the powerful One at our core to act in our stead.



Thursday, 2018/11/29 — Mayan day 2 Offering / Muluc




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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