Transcending the Pain —Finding Joy

Deeper into Both-And-Land, Leaving Either-Or-Ville Behind

7 min readJun 27, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

We are so very blessed, beloved ones. Who can see it? Better said, who chooses to see it (for we must apply our free will)? Even in the midst of this seeming chaos & clashing, we are infinitely blessed. Those who choose to see it this way are hugely empowered to help usher in The Great Awakening.

Americans seem to have gone more than a little bit crazy, it’s true. They’ve been divided & pitted against one another intensely, so intensely that this, alone, is helping many to awaken, to question the narrative — which is great! It’s all we can ask for, actually, for each one is just as much Source-in-form as we are.

None are better, none worse than any others.

Oh, how the brain screeches to hear such a thing — that we’re all equal, no matter the good or not-so-good behavior on full display. Okay, so the mind has great resistance to this perspective. Fine. And so what? Are you the mind? Is it in charge of you?

For many of us, our minds are become as wayward, angry children, lashing out at what they can’t seem to change, to make go their chosen way. Okay. Again, so what? “We have a mind” doesn’t mean “we are the mind.” We have a choice. We stand at a crossroad of maturity.

To the extent that we’re identified with & as our mind, & to the extent our mind is in full rebellion, we’re stuck. We’re the ones who stuck ourselves in this boat, but most don’t see it that way just yet. They will. Given time, that 20/20 hindsight tends to kick in.

Meanwhile, I’d like to suggest that the ride is a much finer, more enjoyable one once we rein in the mind, subjecting it to the leadership of our Inner Being, of Heart. We are not just the mind or the body-mind, we are awareness, itself — so much more. It’s on us to rein in our wayward thoughts, our rebellious mind.

We can choose to angrily suffer through the next few years with POTUS Trump, of course. Perhaps during that time, we’ll finally realize that we’re the ones punishing ourselves, creating our own pain while contributing to the pain of others. That would be nice — not necessary, not mandated, surely, but nice.

Once we Know that Source/God sends only angels, only blessings, Life is a finer, more in-joy-able experience, by far. The burdens seem to just fall away, amazingly; we know not how. We just feel the lightness when they’re gone. We also don’t realize we’re creating that for ourselves.

We’re so well trained to point the finger of blame, of condemnation anywhere but at the self that we don’t do a good job of taking responsibility, not even for our own lives, much less much anything else. This is built right into the divide-and-conquer thing, but of course. Can’t be taking responsibility, or we’ll be taking our native Power back, & we can’t have that!

Life is so much better than we allow it to be.

Our Great Awakening begins to lift the covers on that so we can see & experience things differently. Many a heart is in celebration right now. Why? No particular reason. Just because. It’s awesome not to require a reason for Joy!

Buddha on False & True —

We’re going Home, friends. As they say, Home is where the Heart is, so we don’t have to travel to be Home. We thereby empower ourselves to the more quickly awaken, & it’s such fun — well, most of the time, LOL. It gets awkward at times, too.

If we knew it all, perhaps it wouldn’t need to get awkward like that — but then, what would be the point of living on earth? What would be the point or use of the eternity/infinity that’s our native realm? Knowing it all at all times, being Whole & Complete — well, might it not get boring at times? Do we sit on clouds & sing hymns, LOL?

We’re both Whole & Complete as well as incomplete & expanding — we’re in Both-And-Land, once again, & the weather is fine.

What’s called for is a disengaging of the mind, of it being in charge of us. We allowed the mind, full of its many Belief Systems, to master us — take control. There’s not anything external we must master to gain the Peace & comfort we so desire; it’s only the self.

We’re setting out to have Self master the self.

We’re both, of course, so we’ve certainly got skin in the game. Our minds are so accustomed to Either-Or-Ville that they don’t know how to function within Both-And-Land, where both are equally the case. Our job during the transition some are calling The Storm is to step back & just observe.

We’re shifting into Heart gear, a decidedly different mode than we’re used to & one that no mind can understand — or innerstand. We’re discovering the so-much-more that we are, that we’ve unknowingly been, all along. It’s mighty strange & disconcerting, but not so painful once we recognize a few basic things.

First, we’re not in charge — not as the one we take ourselves to be. That one is turning out to be a real phony, a temporary stand-in for Who we really are. It’s time to let that one fade into the background, then into the dust.

Second, We ARE in charge — if that is our free-will choice. As Source-in-form, we’re more than able to handle whatever it is with panache & aplomb, with actual Wisdom & Divine Love — but we can’t use our mind to find our way into That. It takes a huge, a complete sort of letting go to enable it.

So the aspect of us that we can put in charge of the show is our Source-in-form Self — but no one can tell us how, except to say to keep letting go.

Third, we’re not here to leave, to strive to go anywhere else. We’re here to be NowHere, just that, & nothing more; something no mind likes to hear since it just doesn’t make mental sense. Oh well, poor mind. It will just have to deal. NowHere contains it all, All That Is & even more, that more being the great Emptiness of The Void.

There we go again with that Both-And stuff, being the all & the nothing & at the same time, in the same space. Strange, to be sure, but kinda cool, too, once we learn to just let it Be what it is; once we recognize it doesn’t have to make mind sense.

Nothing has to make sense to the mind, here, & that’s strange.

As more of us get into the letting-go part, OMG, how things will shift. We’ll no longer indulge all of the anger, the violence, the resistance to What Is. We’ll have the Clarity to see through the divide-and-conquer BS. We won’t let ourselves be played like that, anymore — well, less often, at least. 😉

So the fourth aspect must be that letting go, the releasing of the old Belief Systems that are working to tear us apart & keep us that way, where never the twain shall meet for any sort of real conversation, oh no! We can’t have any reasonable, respectful discussions! That would ruin the globalist cabal’s party, for sure. Then we might begin to shift our focus to them. 😲

Thus, by taking those four rather simple suggestions, the huge bulk of our pain is eased, even erased, we know not how nor why. We just notice that it’s gone. It’s a relatively simple Matrix exit route, so it seems to me. It’s not all that hard. The trickiest bit is firmly, stubbornly informing the mind it is no longer running the show. That & the letting-go part can be a challenge now & then.

It’s do-able, friends, especially as we continually recall that we are Source-in-form.

When in the mind, that doesn’t seem the least bit real, but that’s normal. Remember, it isn’t the mind that’s awakening, it’s our Source-in-form Self coming to the fore. It’s Heart that’s waking up to a whole new Reality, one far more desirable than the old one ever dreamed of being, & even it was pretty nice, now & again.

Better said, we’re waking up to Heart, awakening in Heart.

We’re welcoming ourselves, ourSelves, Home, don’t you know. This is at least one way that taking our Power back happens. I’d love to hear other experiences, as well, as I don’t pretend to be anything more special than anyone else. Hey, humility is the cherry on the awakening sundae, making Life so much more pleasant than before, back when the mind was in charge.



1:42 a.m., Thursday, 2019/06/27 — Mayan day 4 Storm / Cauac




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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