Transcending Cataclysm & Disaster Eyes

Heart-Vision Heals

5 min readOct 16, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Is humanity headed for some horrible disaster, for some end-times prophecy conclusion to all life on earth — or can we rise above & get beyond such things, coming into a real sense of Peace?

What if it’s an individual question with unique answers for each one?

Furthermore, to what extent are we in charge of the show?

It’s a new concept for those who feel that 3D life is solid & real, that the body-mind is the extent of us, but I doubt many with that belief system are reading this. We are so very much more, far beyond what we were taught, yet, discovering that is an individual trek, not something anyone can gift to us.

We weren’t taught to take anything approaching full responsibility for our 3D life. Instead, we were taught that others, competent others are in charge, those we elect. Most of us already see through the foolishness of that, as we watch politician’s accounts soar into the millions & billions, ultimately drained from the rest of us. Our best interests are clearly not their motivation.

Where do we go from here, right?

We hear various answers, few of which resonate with us. What if turning our back on most of this is the best answer for the awakening ones? We haven’t prospered as followers, as believers, so what about taking the reins back, taking control of our lives? What might that deliver?

What if — come on, what if we’re truly Source-in-form, dancing around in all of these bodies? What sort of power does Source wield? Is any of that accessible to us?

That sounds like the mind trying to figure things out, doesn’t it? That’s the old way of viewing things, at least for me. These days, I put Heart in the lead, doing far less evaluating & judging of what’s going on. The “problem” turns out to be an internal, not an external one.

When you discover what’s in your way is precisely all of those things you presumed to know, it knocks you for a loop. Your whole definition of you takes some major hits, but that would be the mind reeling from that — do you see? — not Who you truly are.

This doomsday stuff is dangerous, friends, just not in ways we expected. As we realize the power of consciousness to create, it’s wise to step back from these cataclysmic beliefs at least far enough to own how our belief in them helps to bring them about.

This is taking responsibility in a whole new way, owning our significant Power.

The good news is that we’re actually moving beyond the need (or usefulness) of holding beliefs of any kind. Do let that sink in; beliefs are not only not necessary, they are dangerous, dangerous tools we let others instill in us right from our youth — or they can be.

Belief Enhanced —

Humanity is not used to owning our power, nor even being aware of the depths of it. So what? Shall we let that hold us back?

What if Source/God is not a created being of any kind, but something more like a principle; more like consciousness, itself? What if the core of awareness IS Source/God? What if humanity is that, with the addition of free will to create whatever we like?

What if WE are the creators of it all, including what we call “evil” in the world, not just the “good?” What if most of the darkness occurs due to the Matrix, the takeover of the mind enabling us to be largely controlled — for a time. 😉

We’re clearly busting out of that old control system right, left, & center.

It can no longer rein/reign us in, for once something is seen it cannot be unseen. Sure, we may rebel against what we’ve seen for a while — for long enough to recognize & assimilate the truth of it — but then we go free.

Big Brother doesn’t like us to be free — perhaps you’ve noticed? The poor dears are all but falling apart as we rebel, since we were the power they rode in on to take control. Had we been more awake it wouldn’t have happened like that, but that’s okay. We’re fine.

Do you get that — that we’re fine?

Once we even begin to own Who we truly are, the problems & issues that were so negative, so frightening & terrible, are castrated & tamed, put in their rightful places. What are those “rightful places?” That’s up to us to discover, individually & as a whole.

They are no longer seen as problems, as fearful things.

After all, what has Source (or Source-in-form) to fear? We begin to see these things as our own (ignorant) creations. As we expand in awareness, we witness how the power of creation takes place through us, taking our power back to create what we want rather than what we fear.

It all sounds crazy to the mind, but we’re okay with that, too. The mind plays more a supporting role than the lead in our lives, now. We laugh — a lot — mostly at ourselves. Everything we once viewed as a problem either drops away or morphs into something helpful, something useful, delivered via the hand of Love.

Welcome to awakening, friends, & lest someone tell you they know what it is, don’t be fooled. No mind can know such things, so let’s just let it be whatever it is & meanwhile enjoy the show, the adventure. It gets better every step of the way — not because it has changed, but because we have, we are.



I think I’ll quit dating these, since many of them are written over time.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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